>yhou'll never get a job woth b;lender
>must be indian
>>1006009>the industry is shiftingYeah no wonder every game looks like shit and every movie cgi is the most lazily done poor quality slop
>>1006009It’s written by AI, you won’t know because you never had a job or search for one. Recruitment team won’t accept low level applicants because you think Blender is good enough vs someone who graduated with Maya MEL knowledge. The obvious choice is clear.
Industry vfx today, visually : worse than its been in about 25 years and a lot less coming out as well
>>1006009I don't want to do it professionally, I just think it's neat.
>>1006011i read op as the industry is shitting and i thought your reply was a joke about that. i may be retarded bros
>>1006015>>1006018>>1006033You're not mature enough to realize, but this is your fault. Your inaction with regards to emerging tools and their users has led to this. As the custodians of the industry and its standards, it was your responsibility to carry it into the future, and this you did not do. Now the future is void of your contributions. Blender was inevitable, but the loss of your knowledge wasn't. You did this.
>>1006063people dont want long form content, period. They dont want 2.5 hour movies, they don't want to watch full sports games on tv, they dont want to play long video games. They dont want to put headsets on their heads or even ar glasses. All people want to do now is scrooolllll
>>1006064Untrue bullshit and also totally irrelevant to the thread and board and website.
>>1006065not only is it true, but its relevant. Hollywood declined again by over 20% last year and is in complete shambles. They cant sell fucking anything because people are just not interested anymore. Its over.
>>1006066Nah. Normies just can't afford shit anymore.
>>1006063Blender is old, it should have died with the other useless 3D software from the 90s and 00s. It has no purpose in the future and it’s keeping kids from learning 3D the correct way.
>>1006081>the correct way.The Autodesk way?
>>1006079Wrong, in times of economic strife sales of entertainment actually increase because people distract from their shitty lives.
>>1006085Think about this : hollywood gets like 3 big releases every year that makes anything. Back in the day they had classics coming out like every month. They are reeling because not only has going to physical movie theaters ended, but there is nothing to rent besides subscribing to a subscription service (only netflix is succeeding, prime is for live sports). Additionally blu ray sales are over. The industry has painted itself into one of the worst possible corners imaginable.
>>10060823D art is that 3D art. An artist takes years to create art, 3D is no different. Blender dumbest artist don’t do it for art, they’re doing it for money and frame. It’s no better than people who copy art (any version of it). You can say Blender never cause the artist to become worthless in 3D but history has taught us that the more scam artist there are the more likely the original meaning of art is lost. No one in Blender can replicate Maya’s success because tool, the real reason is because all Blender users lack 3D art concepts and perceives, they’re not artists themselves but rather a copy artist with better handling of Blender.
I already have a job with blonder
>>1006120>Doesn’t knowThis is why blender is a laughing stock in the art community.
>Tfw using Zbrush and Blender as main 3D dev progz for nearly 20 years>Industry finally accepts how effective it is Vindication.
>>1006018>The obvious choice is clearyeah it's not the guy who decided that MEL was worth learning lmao
>>1006153MEL is actually harder to learn than Javascript because it’s not just code but actually requires real knowledge about the Maya’s software. This means hiring the guy who knows MEL means a 24/7 process of creating a character is cut to 1 minute per character. They can create projects and automate it, something AI has yet to achieve.
>>1006009>>1006009Work in an industry that works directly or indirectly with the AI industry and not the other way around. This is why stemfags and tradies will always be needed.
>>1006155imagine actually believing thisyou should have learned Python instead of wasting your time with MEL
>>1006009read the next line, retard>extensive knowledge in Zbrush or Mudboxyou're going nowhere with just Blender
>>1006179Python doesn’t interact with Blender or Maya. What corporate wants is MEL so that the project gets done. Blender can never be automated, that’s the biggest problem, it always requires someone in a certain step of the project to make decisions. Blender will never catch on to the AI demands of corporate overlords or the automated system that Autodesk uses.
>>1006183nice try
>>1006184Python is a programming language noob. MEL is user based interaction, two completely different things. You just can’t beat Maya’s ability to fast track MEL.
>>1006191>You just can’t beat Maya’s ability to fast track MELyou can by simply using Python, but you don't know enough about either Maya or Blender to know that
>>1006193the true power of maya is bifrost.BIFROST!
>>1006193Python is a language programming tool and not a product for automation. It can not help create models or add functional features. It exists only has a second layer.What kind of blender nonsense have those noobs been telling you.
>Blender sculpt tools are so shit they want you to know zbrush or even fucking MudboxZchads stay winning
>>1006197Tell that to the plugins I'm writing to automate shit both in Maya and in Blender, retard>It can not help create models or add functional featuresYOU can not create models or add functional features, that's the difference
>>1006208Huh!?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XI1yt_2kIeoOnly Blender refuses to be automated. Kid whatever stupid thing they tell you about Python being automated for 3D workflow is absolutely an idiot.
>>1006210>Huh?!?!?!?!https://help.autodesk.com/cloudhelp/ENU/MayaCRE-Tech-Docs/CommandsPython/playblast.htmlANYTHING written in MEL can be written in Python.
>>1006213but there are maya commands that only exist in the mel module
>>1006215The only MEL commands not having a Python counterpart are commands that are already integrated in Python, like math functions or string functions.
>>1006216but thats just not true. In my personal script if I search for cases where I need to run mel.eval(x) i get over 100 hits in vs codefor example>mel.eval('openAEWindow;')>mel.eval('raiseChannelsLayers;')>mel.eval('raiseChannelBox;')>mel.eval('ArtPaintBlendShapeWeightsTool;toolPropertyWindow; toolPropertyShow;')>mel.eval('BlendShapeEditor;')once you really get into heavy, industry scripting you have to do all sorts of commands with setting the viewport state as well. There are lots of other examples
>>1006220thats not a python counterpart. It only exists in the mel language and there is no python equivalent, just like with the Maya Python API 2.0 for creating nodes there is sometimes no equivalent for functions from the Maya Python API 1.0
>>1006205that could change this year, depending on how they implement sculpting layers and if they fix the multires modifierblender's sculpting workflow is close-ish to zbrush if you have the quadremesher addon (zremesher)well, they'll always require zbrush in production anyway because it has more premade brushes and assets