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That being said what is your excuse
the 3d cursor mindbroke me for years. Just recently have I come to grips with it.
>>1006070 (OP)
>Custom code to generate the water
>4 million dollars to produce it
>Exclusively in certain states
>Two people
It tells us that some rich people made it, not indie
>>1006070 (OP)
Visual art has never been my forte.
I'm just happy to have some simple stuff to test my code on.
That being said, blender is a lot of fun.
I might not be much of an artist but it makes for a good hobby.
Didn't they use a plugin for the water, I think you can get on blender market
Entertainment sources say it’s custom made, so Blender itself could not achieve it and many other techniques like textures mapping were used.
>It tells us that some rich people made it, not indie
since when indies were made by NOT rich people?
4million is a tad higher than average indie budget: https://nofilmschool.com/realist-breakdown-for-indie-film-budget
>other techniques like textures mapping
https://youtube.com/watch?v=eXvBOzFIA1o [Embed]

Learn blender noob.
four people

the plugin was created for the film and only released publicly recently
No one has 4 million dollars, I’m sure people who tried to raised 4 million with only 4 people aren’t getting 4 million.

>How many? 4 and you’re going to use a free 3D software that doesn’t work with your vision but you’re going to try anyway. - investors

It just unrealistic
Cope the thread.
I'm just happy a small team achieved to make it happen. Not a movie for me but that is just because i'm a sucker for old school cinema. Good job, good for them, I wish I could have the discipline to make something of this scale instead of many smaller projects.
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If you think that someone can't change the story of cinema in his free time please watch this documentary.

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