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How do you go about rigging this type of dress.
How do you place the bones etc.

Not exactly the dress in the pic, but that type of dress with the long "loin cloth", not sure what the name is. Tabard dress? Qipao?

The character that will use it "fully modeled'. As in, the clothing can be taken off, or replaced with other clothes. Do you make a separate armature for the cloth or is it part of the characters armature?

I made some attempts, but making it behave nicely, especially when the character is sitting is a struggle.
Another example
make the clothing a soft body and solve it with a physics solver (vellum)
The skeleton of the character is ofc insufficient to drive it so you'll need to extra bones or other custom systems like a clothsim to drive it.
bone chain along the front and back
Do you guys make the cloth bones part of the characters armature, or as a separate one
I thought of physics as well, it can just get a bit slow at times on my machine, even with proxy cages or whatever you call them.
I typed out like 4 different use cases to justify doing or not doing that and in all of them it was just as easy to as to not. It comes down to personal preference.
In my use case I have characters who swap clothing in a RT environment. Some of the clothes will have fancy flowy things with joint chains. Some of them wont. Those that do will all be different from each other. It doesn't make sense to me to put every single possible bone all of the different clothes might need onto the character. I would rather the clothing object carries the clothing's joints along with the mesh. Then I will just constrain the root joints as necessary. That being said, if I did put the joints on the character hierarchy, it would be very easy to swap meshes in and out for different outfits. I'd also always know the physics will work if they work once.
So personal preference

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