Why are there no sculpting brushes?
why there is no copy paste option?anyone know how to script a copy text paste text option in the right click menu?
>>1006381They're in the sculpting mode up the top>>1006391To copy the cube? Shift D or right click on it in the top right window
>>1006381because they fired the sculpting module dev.Why you ask? because they actually got shit done and made the other devs look badthreadly reminder that Pablo's retopology app sold like hotcakes while Sergei cant STILL write a fucking multires modifier, after 10 fucking yearsneedless to say but get yourself a proper sculpting program
>>1006391>why there is no copy paste option?something something optimizationsomething something the shitty object type we use would make the program crashyou have to enter object mode to add stuff and THEN join them (Ctrl+J)
>>1006470>Sergei cant STILL write a fucking multires modifier, after 10 fucking yearsLet's be positive, this year is the year, we might get color attributes with multires modifiersOr someone might blow his kneecaps off, in minecraft
>>1006428>>1006471i'm talking about coping values in the fields.every software you select right click a field you will have, you expect a menu with a copy/paste option.literally only blender doesn't.
>>1006476you fool, you absolute buffoonyou have to do this using geometry nodes in the latest versions of Blender, by making a geometry tool
>>1006381Bro just use bforartists if the UI is tripping you up this bad