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At what points do blendshapes go from le funny qurky thing, to I am going to automate corrective blend shapes to every animation and camera angle using drivers autismo and animate breathing and stretch and squatch with blendshapes?
If they get in the way of achieve the result you want, it's too much. If they don't, it's not.
Really just assess the needs of the project. If we're seeing the character consistently from 10-30 feet away from a high up 3rd person camera then blends for muscle expansion and nose flaring are probably unnecessary.

On the other hand, an autistic omni-rig for all occasions is a very good portfolio piece.
unless youre making your own film or working for a studio, blendshapes are pretty much pointless
same anon

working on blendshapes is like working on a TRUE muscle system for a human character and an animal, which is what REAL rigging is all about

muscle rigging is complicated as fuck and is best left alone to the experts who have YEARS of experience

and if youre learning how to rig, stop

you aint gonna get hired over someone who already worked on 10 projects
to get hired these days, you have to be a 3d generalist, meaning you have to know everything from building a character, texturing that character, rigging it, hair and cloth, and animation

once you know ALL of that, and if a studio likes your work, then theyll appoint you to a department, whether be modeling or rigging
>you aint gonna get hired over someone who already worked on 10 projects
You don't know the OP's or anyone else's age, meaning someone might be young enough and getting demotivated from your post, when they could be capable of replacing the retiring riggers some day. Everyone retires, there's a constant flow of professionals. (It is a tight club though.)

>>1007293 (OP)
As others have said, you can add as many blendshapes as you want, but try to only spend time on things that'll actually be used. Maximize the efficiency of your precious man hours.
>You don't know the OP's or anyone else's age
everyone knows how old cris is
my precious what now?
you calling me gay??
Some day you will die and never be born again, ever.
The human male ejaculation releases from 5 million to 30 million sperm, you were one of those. You and everyone else alive is a lottery winner.
You have about 90 years of life.
Your 'hours of being a man' in this world are precious.
>>1007293 (OP)
These animals are aggressive motherfuckers worse than rhinoceros.
Cute my ass they're stupid and violent as fuck. I heard they're among the most aggressive species in Africa.
Was checking news about blendshape and i found out 52blendshape no longer is the peak for facial tracking, some mfs using 140 blendshape including some for tongue

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