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How much money would I need to realistically pay someone to make a resin printable 3d model of this character in this pose?
A "blender sucks" thread died for your sins. Consider asking your garbage question in the garbage question thread next time, or even on /diy/ which is the correct board for garbage printing
>>1007369 (OP)
I could have sworn I saw this thread last year, maybe I am going senile
The pose and outfits are simple so I'd charge around 200 buckaroos for the model (cut and presupported)
Price may vary depending on the sculptor's level of experience, keep in mind you're paying for their time and only student work for below minimum wage
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>I could have sworn I saw this thread last year, maybe I am going senile
You're not senile, anon just gave up.
>>1007369 (OP)
Give me 200 bucks upfront and 300 on delivery I'll give you an stl, a raw file, a video of the making of. I may be a son of a bitch in this board but I delivar.
You guys should come to /m/ if you want to see this thread every other month rather than every other year. Oldrinschizo is a common sight around there.
Imagine getting pissy over an anime character.
it's a shame that it's a schizo, I wouldn't have minded doing it if it was a genuine fan who was going to actually print and paint it
I hate making models that don't get used
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I was gonna do an attempt but then I realized I suck and have zero idea on how to make it printable, so I stopped.
Looking nice, if a bit meatier than the ref. Love it!
Not bad but not good either, especially the eyes
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not too bad, you should try sculpting the hair next time for a more natural look

>have zero idea on how to make it printable
it's not always your role as the sculptor to orient the model and support them in the slicer software, some end users know how to do that (but you should do it if you're selling the model for money)

that's how I would cut up this model to make it easier to print and paint, it depends on a lot of factors but I'm assuming garage kit type of painting and not western miniature
You ruined her
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Worked on it some more then. I still don't like it though. At this point I should merge the geometry and sculpt stuff like folds, but I've never went that far actually because I hate working on dense geometry as the filesizes bloat like mad and my hard drive is full. I dunno if I feel like doing it for this one either.

Changed the eyes, the ear placement and the back part of the jaw. It's still bad because I'm still not good at this, but thanks for the tip.

Hey, thanks for the tips. I've been meaning to learn how to cut effectively but realized I don't wanna pursue printing due to not having one myself and high local outsorcing costs, so I've been putting it off. When I experimented with cutting parts off merged sculpts the silliest way I've come up with is duplicating the mesh for every part and shrinkwrapping to the bounds of a convex helper mesh denoting the bounds of the part, then just remeshing to "collapse"/cut away the shrunken geometry at the bounds. Maybe I should just be using booleans.

Let me ruin her some more.
You either made the chest too big (+boobs) or made the legs and hips too small
Oldrinfan here.

It's cute that you even attempted this, but please stop now. You made her look like one of those weird deviantart renders made by people who have no artistic sense. Look at her fucking eyes, they look weird as fuck. Stop trying to ruin her image...
Btw, is it possible to delete a thread this old? I'm unironically disgusted by what this arrogant idiot made.
You should give her bigger breasts and hips, to see how far you can push it
Just hide the thread you weenie
Fuck you
a potbelly too
Samefag fuck off
Not him, but you should be grateful that someone genuinely attempted to grant your wish. Fuck off.
Stfu samefag
Since Cris died I'm trying to fill that hole in my soul with big anime tities, thanks anon for making me forget the pain at least for a few minutes
digusting kys

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