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Which VR device has the most accurate/precise controller tracking for modeling in VR?
They're all about the same level of tracking accuracy. That depends on your hardware.
Of the apps that I have tried, I like Gravity Sketch the most for modeling stuff.
Nothing else I found was very usable for making good 3D models to export.
*hides thread*
have you tried shapelab? I think its pretty good
Sculptr works good for me. The exports are pretty low poly but its easy enough to throw a subdivide on and use it for retopo
Alzheimer is not a joke boys.
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what the fuck is this?
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any of em


I like how he was exposed as a fraud when it came out the pen wasn't even a product so now he changed the bot to vr
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is this the same scribble schizo from /ic/ ?
glad you're back fren
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I haven't come to this shithole in 2 years and this schizo is still doing his retardation here goddamn.
Appreciate the hustle.
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cant believe this shit is still going on
never leave us anon...

Speaking of VR sculpting I can't honestly recommend it for long periods of time. The amount of arm strain that builds up while you work really surprised me.

I'd much rather sculpt with a tablet, but use a VR headset to view the model, since it's great for a sense of depth and scale.
I don't know of any programs that do this though, blender's VR inspection doesn't have much functionality other than looking around a scene.

Anyone know of any programs or blender addons that let you view the UI or even just the sculpt brush while in VR?
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Guys do you know how to adapt a 360 video to a cube format so you could put it in a real life room?
Is there a free plug in to do it in either after effects or premier?
Thanks in advance
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What happens when he gets tired of this meme?
Log posts on /b/.
anything that uses lighthouse tracking is the most accurate. if you aren't price sensitive avoid the quest etc. and get the knuckles controllers
brother, I have to give you some lore behind this thread. It's not real. It's a guy shitposting a bot. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of these barely sculpted spheres. It was for a fictional product at first but that has since changed.
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not sorry
kek he's still at it, feels good to be home
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Kino sovl as always king
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Is this the thread?
schizo anon what do think about the upcoming Apple Vision Pro? you should consider getting one. imagine sculpting without using a controller with just your fingers.
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Would you be interested in sculpting with your eyes through the eye tracking tech combined with gestures you make with your fingers?
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>holy fuck schizo sculpt anon actually answers.
ye, i think vision pro is pretty neat. they should have an app where you can poke, smudge and pull models with just your fingers. using controllers like vive wouldnt feel as natural
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Is this guy is trying to model his own brain for almost a year?
It's not his fault. He's mentally ill. The jannies are responsible for not cleaning up this place.
Fuck jannies.
I love this one, can we have a render?
Fuck jannies.
why are you fucking doing this
What you should be asking instead is why the jannies of this board let Cris do this.
i think you got the wrong pers
And? Which one is the best?
You are the best Cris, obviously. The jannies are also the best.
No, you are the best!
That would be impossible because you're already the best, Cris.
No, you are the bestest
No, Cris. The bestest are the jannies.
No, you are the only person who is the best
This is the best one
This is the second best one
darth vader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! basedfacing rn
Moth :D
Steganographically encoded data is being transmitted in this thread
because he got caught asking about a pen product that didn't exist so he doubled down
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