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What projects have you been working on lately?

Unreal Engine 5.1 new features video:

Building Unreal Engine from source:

Learn Unreal Engine:


>Why Unreal Engine over Unity?
While Unity has it's place with some great cross-platform support and an easy user interface, Unreal Engine is much more powerful and pushing the boundaries of real time graphics further. Unreal Engine also has a better license for independent developers; it's 100% free to use until your project generates more than $1 million in revenue, whereas with Unity you must pay to remove the splash screen in your game.

>Blueprints or C++?
Both. When creating a new object, consider creating a C++ class, then a blueprint that derives from it to get the best of both worlds.
C++ is much better for performance and memory management. Certain types of code can be much easier to create and manage compared to blueprints. The downside of C++ is that it can be verbose and difficult to understand, particularly with Unreal Engine's archaic macros.
Blueprints are easier to learn initially and compile much quicker, but as they grow bigger, they can get very messy and difficult to manage. Operations involving real time loops, structs and casts in blueprints can cause performance issues.

For more information:

Previous: >>927882
Has anybody had any experience making VR content with Unreal?
I've had a bit but that was in 4, haven't tried in 5 yet but you may have resparked my interest in it.
i hear that vr is hard to develop for and most of the time it is a gimmick
It’s not you’re just retarded, and so are most vr devs because they don’t know how to code in C++ so they suck ass implementing any kind of engine required modification because at most they can copy paste from someone else who actually knows what the fuck he’s doing. In order to be competent with ue vr you must either know C++ or use no exposed inputs and outputs from C++. Alongside that you can get huge performance from engine file modifications. vr in ue is a lot like 2d in ue; it’s actually better than Unity and it’s only not used because Unity dominates the mobile market with a more competent engine for mobile purposes. But ue has better 2d, “devs” just don’t understand or even know about half the features because the documentation doesn’t support or cover it. Like both, the real reason to use ue is in engine files.
This is really bad bait
I can understand that it’s still not a technology that has built a positive reputation with most consumers yet, but it’s starting to show potential in terms of accessible yet powerful hardware. It just has the PS3 problem right now, no games. If more people make independent projects in VR, that means more chance of worthwhile VR experiences for people to play.
>It just has the PS3 problem right now, no games.
that not true though.
>But ue has better 2d
#1 retarded take of the month, congrats
Yes I know you don’t understand 2D in UE. That’s why I called you a “dev” and not a ‘dev’.
Everyone here can tell you're a retard. Count the unique posters.
“Everyone” else here is mentally handicapped, so if you think by trying to point out group consensus will change reality then you truly are oblivious.

UE2D > Unity. Stay mad.
Most people here get their info from youtubers lol
Has anyobe made a plugin for control rig to automate everything?
Like creating the controllers with a default mesh/icon and you just have to swap them out to your liking.
FK/IK switch for limbs etc.

I have to rig several characters with like 300 bones. Would save a ton of time.
Sorry, let me clarify: not many good games, and nothing worth buying a VR headset for most people.
what sort of real-time rig has 300 bones?
I'm using UE for cinematics, animating and everything inside of it. So 300 or so bones is normal.
100-150 bones for the base body including fingers, toes, twists, and additional bones like breasts, genitals separate butt bones (if thats a detail required for your project ;)
50-100 bone for the face depending on wheter you are using a bone rig instead of a shapes based rig
100-150 corrective bones for better deformation on the body, again depending on whether your character pipeline is using a detailed bone rig over a shape based body deformation corrective system

So yes, a professional character rig can easily reach 300+ bones if its detailed enough, cinematic rigs are generally like that but you see ingame rigs reach that level of bone count more often too these days.

Now to talk about the original topic in this chain, if you have a rig structured similarly to the one we are working with in our studio, you can probably re-create corrective bone and twist behaviour in the engine using some procedural system. Ive worked with the coders here to develop C++ tools in UE5 that mimc the twist and correctve bone behavior of our Maya rigs and its working fairly well. We also made a system that can create UE5 control rigs at runtime for our characters, they however are quite basic compared to the Maya systems but do the trick for what we need to do with them in the engine.

But these systems are highly specialized for our proprietary rigs and will not work on different setups and thats generally how studios will develop these tools. So I think you shouldnt expect anyone here to have a plugin that can magically automate "everything". But many things can be re-used anyway if the rigs are all created with the same standard for hierarchy and naming.
I've come across the really easy way to swap meshes for the control rig since I asked, and that will have to do for my needs.
We do use similar structures between our models so it'll work.
It's impressive how you can lego things together with control rig, it's a bright future.
>UE5 control rigs at runtime for our characters, they however are quite basic compared to the Maya systems
hasn't that been made obsolete by the new ML deformer system?
no, thats something else
How do you guys manage hair in UE5? How do you make good looking hair that doesn't butcher your performance and doesn't look like a fucking helmet?
I need help to do something simple but I can't find the solution online.
I have this scene with two CineActorCameras. I have a BlackMagicCard that's outputing the capture of my scene of theset wo cameras and I can correctly see the ouptut with an SDI cable plugged to another monitor.
Now I want to add to that capture some texts like you'd see on TV news (where they put anything, the host/guests names or whatever)

How do I do that? I will need later to dynamically change the content of these.
Wrong screenshot, my bad. I'll profit of this double post to say that I my initial try was to make use of a UserWidget and try to connect it in a way to my output but I don't think it's possible.
Related question but I am following a guide to learn good rigging and he's including all sorts of intermediary, mechanism, and controller bones. Is this normal or is he making a rig more complex than game characters should really have?
You'll never be able to make an animation without these controlling bones. I mean it's possible but just try it and see for yourself.
I did. It was what convinced me to download a course.
Some tuts go way further than what an indie might need. But the more complex are your controls, the easier it'll get to animate so in the end it'll make you save time.
Also there are some nice automatic rigging addons if you only need to animate. Learn their controls and you're set to go.
Rigify for Blender, Advanced Skeletong for Maya are some example.
There is a vita distinction to make:
Animation rig vs ingame rig.
An animation rig for a software like Maya or Blender can have many additional bones for "intermediary or mechanic or control" purposes.
Most of these bones shouldnt be included in the ingame rig as their sole purpose is to control the final bind bones - the bones that are actually part of the character models skin cluster.

So you can animate the complex rig full of additional bones, but when you want to export the animation as fbx for use in the engine. You bake it to a dedicated skeleton with a root hierarchy and that only contains bones relevant to the skincluster.
I just want to make a 3rd person tacticool shooter with twerking. Should I use UE 5.3?
kek never change 4chan
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I want to make my own animation pack in Maya for Unreal mannequins/rigs?
How do I need to attack that with a minimum of rigging from my part (or none at all would be even better)?
Cut out the middleman and rig + animate your shit directly in Unreal. Unreal mannequins come rigged anyway.
What are some go-to/QoL plugins for ue5?
Export SK_mannequin from the 3rd person template into your DCC app of choice.
Yeah. I've also been looking into cascaduer which seems to throw a lot of what i have learned out the window anyway.
Isn't that skeleton a mess to actually animate?
Know of any good videos on getting into animation with Unreal and those crazy Metahuman things? That stuff looks hella fun but I'm a full blendtard so switching to Unreal feels like coming home from vacation and somebody has moved all your furniture a foot to the right.
yeah it would work.

Anybody gotten copereative creationion working with random people online? I would want to try working on some 3d world doodles with you but I could never get it figured out. When I used it, I had to make sure to usea very specific vpn software but that was a pain int he ass. It would be fun to shoot the shit in a shared project where we could all build houses and a pool. We could just use the 3rd person template or first person template with multiplayer. I think the 3d shooter included in the content library includes multiplyer like this but Im too stupid to set it up for hwat I just say.
why not just add 3d text in to the world? Might need to disable shadow casting in actor propertyies
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What the fuck are render targets and how do you them (I need some usecases) for non-gaming projects? It's driving me fucking crazy how some concepts are used by so many assets but when you want to find some docs on it, there's pretty much none to be found.
Jesus christ, trying to figure out how to have a characters spine use both fk and ik as well as a full body ik, switches for it all.
Documentation and guides for this stuff is nonexistant.
Found some hyperautist einstein channel, but none of it seems usable for rigging a character, merely a showcase of his brilliance.
So I was reading a japanese blogger that writes guides, and apparently Epic Games is going to roll out an update that will remove problematic words like "Master". When is this going to be enforced? I think this is gonna break a lot of code.
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Looks like they're "actively working" to refactor their code so that niggers and blue haired freaks don't chimp out when they read "Slave.SlaveRenderThread" in the stack trace. Wouldn't want to trigger ptsd over a thing neither of them have ever experienced nor ever will.
Good luck convincing git and a decade-worth of offshoot branches referencing it to change the master branch name to anything else.

Next time some faggot asks you to define woke show them this.
>Let's overturn decades of technical terminology conventions for the sake of not offending niggers
These freaks really believe tech pioneers held a klan meeting and collectively decided to use "master" and "slave" for the explicit purpose of referencing slavery. I can't even

>Meanwhile, my simulation parameters little utility thingy
Unironically helpful too since I don't have to remember whether this time I called it "render_control" or "simulation_control" or some other flavor whenever I reference it.
they are the niggers
Motion Bros
We can finally ditch After Effects soon
what is the qrd on next years pricing? i've seen several yt videos mention it in their titles but i am not watching a video about it.
will it be free for people who don't use it commercially?
no, it wont be free. Epic is losing a LOT of money ever since the fortnite money dried up and video gaming was banned in china
How do you make unreal games that don't look like they were made in unreal? That weird realistic bloomy look that even the games that aren't realistic still seem to have
the thing about unreal is it has ocio, something inferior engines (unity, godot) lack
Can you explain?
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Is there no simple 'event interact with object'?

If I wanted a motion detector, I'd use a simple collision box and the door moves on player collision.
But if I want to press E or LeftMouse on the door to move the door, I need to create an entire interaction system aka https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAem3gztZ7g ?
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I had some dumb idea to just require key input while in a collision box to open the door, but I don't know where I'd go from here.
I know I can change the active transform widget with the Q, W, E, & R keys. But:
- is there an 'activate' button so I don't have to move my mouse to the widget, I can just 'dive in' to whatever transform I want?
- while I'm transforming something, is there a hotkey to turn snapping on/off?
- is there a hotkey to swap between local and world space?
- again, is there a hotkey to lock-to-axis while I'm transforming?

For example, in Blender I can tap 'g' once and then any mouse movement translates the object in the view plane. If I tap 'x' then it locks to the global x axis. I can tap x again to toggle to local axis (and again to get back to global). If I want snapping, I hold down 'ctrl'. Then I confirm everything with 'Enter'.

I've literally never used widgets for transformations because I grew up just using hotkey modals. Surely there's something like this in Unreal, where I don't have to constantly click around, right?
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ended up finding the greens to throw on top of the collisionBox for a shitty interactable door, though now a slight issue is that the button has to be held *before* entering the collision box for anything to happen
>making a game with nodes
this is why unreal engine is losing money : no one can get an actual game out of this garbage. I fucking told you again and again
it's okay, I'm just an artist doing basic shit
I might need to start learning UnReal for Real. Unity was all the rage back then in college, my senior developed VR project for it or something.
you're not going to get anywhere with unreal. You're going to be using spaghetti mess nodes just like >>964118
idk those are fairly straight forward nodes
I'm learning blueprints and made this webm for you /unreal/

Are there resources on how to light interiors without natural light? I can't find shit and just simply putting a light in the interior looks like ass.
method 1: use auto exposure in the postprocess volume. warning, it SUCKS DICK.
method 2: disable "cast shadows" on every wall/roof object that you have. voila, interiors look the same as exteriors. I prefer this way
I assume you fiddled with all the settings of a point light?
You know you can just program c++ right? Triptard.
Image hover on, help yourself fren.
You’re right but wrong about it being blueprints. Epic has been so drunk on virtual production they’ve almost completely forsaken their gameplay systems. GAS, something I consider to be a core feature, is run by community documentation. Epic uses an egregiously hacked version in Fortnite but pretends it’s a complete system. That’s the problem with epic, they’ll act like Unreal Engine is something everybody can unilaterally pick up and use to its fullest when in reality only experienced triple A devs can decipher and utilize it properly. Because if you want to make an effective product you’re forced to look at the source code and make adjustments. A problem that could easily be solved with reinvigoration in gameplay systems and documentation but Sweeney is unfortunately unfocused. Not to mention the biggest technical elephant in the room, the convoluted custom c++ standard library they’re using. Also apparently they aren’t using dx12 mesh shaders for Nanite.
>Image hover on, help yourself fren
Pls explain further, I am new & have no idea what you're suggesting.
>super vague hearsay
cris stop acting like you know shit.
Always remember Epic builds for themselves and enterprise customers first and once those needs are met the feature is considered complete even if it's still a buggy mess
Learn art direction instead of just using the base shit it comes with.
... ennui?
how to choose animations to export in SendToUnreal Blender?
Is there a way to use the metahuman face rig only to move the eyes without overriding the rest of the track? I'm feeding lines into that Nvidia automatic lip sync program, to get the facial animation and if not for the dead, dead eyes it would actually look pretty good for a Bethesda game. I feel like there is a simple way to do this but I'm new to the sequencer and crawling the forums hasn't helped yet
Unreal engine is pretty shit
Theres a lot of features but they are all in different rooms with very poor controls.
Then when you leave the room, it will catch on fire when you are not looking.
You have to seutp like 5 or 6 different assets just to conjure up a character of your own.
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I'm new and I have a goal: I want to make two facing mountains with a bridge (train track) that connects between them and a low valley with a river under it. The far goal is to create a small tunnel from within the mountain and have a train go from one end of the next. Is this doable as a beginner? Not sure where to start lol
You can do it. the terrain tools are pretty good but a little cumbersome.
You have to cut a hole in to the terrain with a special mask layer. Your player can go through the terrain in that way if you would need to do this. If its just animation just fool around with terrain tools.
How does this differ from Unity or Godot?
im currently trying to recreate the shinespark from super metroid and im so close but i keep running into the issue of the character not launching
On average, how many polygons should a character have on Unreal?
I'm talking about two types a game like fortnite which has quite a lot of characters on screen.
Or a game where the focus is on the single player experience.
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unreal is very cool. You can do cool things with it but its very stifling to work with. Its hard to quickly create characters so I think unreal games inherit a very lonely feeling automatically since it is so hard to populate your world with DIFFERENT creatures that dont inherit from the same skeleton.
in unity the process is much snappier. I dont remember having the issue of cumbersome animation blueprints in unity. Setting up animation state machines is a pain in the ass in unreal.
in unreal windows take forever to load and its a never ending process of clumsily falling through windows to get to what you need to be working on.
I really like blender's game engine and I think a lot of devs would be fine working with it if it weren't for the white people that keep saying it's just for "prototyping"
Here's a character I conjured up in a few hours in upbge. I have no idea how long this would have taken to setup in unreal and I dont want to think about it.
People keep making fun of or disregarding Blengine as if it's a good thing that it was removed. Epic is boasting about animation features that blengine had years and years ago. Much more intuitive and much more time went in to making blengine usable for animators than unreal's clumsy interface. I think a lot of small devs would be just fine creating their shit in blender's game engine. It's a much more sane and quick way of sharing your dreams. I love blender for its game engine and you should too. They are doing what unreal is trying to do but much better and with more maturity. Sure it's not as performant but these expensive looking games seem to be a waste of electricity. Unreal has performance but they are not close to the flexibility of blender's game engine. The engine deserves much more praise than the way it seems to reside in the gutter of the game dev world. You can make really cool shit in upbge. I will avoid the drudgery of making sacrifices for the *BIG* game engines.
flexibility is the wrong word but I domt wnt to type too much.
you should try to make something in upbge if you know nlender to feel the freed9m I'm talking about.
UE general threads in /3/ are always so toxic.
It's strange.
What makes it as such?
My theory is artists go to /3/, and software devs go to /v/'s gamedev threads. We know artists are bitter and pathetic so I guess that shows here.
What is verse? Like what actually does this scripting language offer that c++ or even blueprints doesn't?

I hear they already have it in UnrealFN, and apparently Unreal 6 is supposed to have it as a big feature.

Why would anyone want this?
Would it be "smart" to have textures in your game be less beautiful to crank up the lighting capacities instead to have a better result? And also having more and smarter A.I? Or it won't change much?
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>Unreal 6
I'm building my granmas apartment in Blender and my plan is to import it in Unreal. There I do the texturing, lights, etc. so I can plug in my Meta Quest 2 and remember back everything in VR. Though I never worked with Unreal. Would you say that plan works out or should I change something in my workflow?
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My metahuman exports from quixel bridge to maya are all empty, no files, nothing happens. Quixel claims the export was succesful, and I can see MSPlugin appear on the shelf, but nothing is happening. It's over.
Blueprint is way less maintainable than code and using C++ for high level game logic is not practical.
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Can you help me with this picrel?
I don't know exactly why, but
when I open Asset Chair's Static Mesh in a separate tab, everything is OK, but when i close the tab, Chair's material becomes distorted goo,
ok. I fixed it. I have to open asset tab, then material tab, then texture tab.
Then save texture, then material, them asset. IDK wtf was that.
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The Devil Mouse just invested 1.5 Billies into Epic Games

It's time to go all in into Unreal
Is there any real risk in using a cracked Maya version to make my indie game?
>expansive games and entertainment universe connected to Fortnite.
So it's money burning metaverse bullshit.
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Write an anti-reverse engineering license and nobody will find out!
If you're paranoid, you can always do the tried and industry tested true: import to blender and export.
>video gaming was banned in china
It's not banned... It's more like restricted for kids for period of time.
Since the beginning of UE4 people have been complaining about having to choose between c++ (too low level) and blueprints (too high level). Various options were considered and Timmy settled on making a new language entirely (Verse).

I haven’t seen a single developer compliment it though. Apparently the syntax is horrendous or something.
Unreal Engine 5 is unfortunately a failure. If you’re a filmmaker it’s great, but for game development it’s fucking ass.

The engine architecture is so outdated and bloated. Too many features, now core ones, are being half baked. You’ll spend more time trying to lace systems together than actually making your game. I can’t imagine what it’s like for Unity which is apparently in a worse state. UE6 will be the actual successor to UE4, give or take how Verse does and if the underlying framework (like that fake standard library) is fixed.
I get what your saying, but if your making a game in UE5 I just tell people treat it like UE4 and carefully evaluate the new stuff to figure out what is usable
Rate my video. Made in UE 5.3

Does ue5 allow for fluid collision with vertice-precision?
In other words, cum on face and using the skeletal mesh?
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I want to learn Unreal but I don't know which version to use, UE5 seems to have a lot of stuff that I don't want to use for my game (lumen etc) and I've heard it's not as good as UE4, but at the same time I think about the bugs fixes, other new features, improved U.I that could be useful in the future and also the fact that maybe it'll be viable to make optimized games one day
Go with the latest UE5 and disable features you don't want. A lot is still in beta and questionable to use but just try them out and use the older stuff if it works better. Optimization will mostly be on your skills.
I saw now with 5.4 they have some sort of LOD version of the skeletal mesh to use for the realtime cloth physics.
I bet they can rework that system for fluids.
what about lyra?
you're shooting yourself in the foot by using anything other than the latest UE5 release
It depends, especially if you're using third-party plugins. It can take some time after release before the plugins you use become compatible with the latest version. For instance, with the FSR plugin, it can take quite a while for AMD to make it compatible with the latest version; UE 5.1 was released in November 2022 and AMD's FSR2 plugin didn't support it until three months later when the FSR 2.2 plugin was released in March 2023.
It's out!

Anything to look forward to besides the new retargeting system?
I like that they're going for making external DCCs such as Maya, 3DS and Blender completely irrelevant. I think that's the right move.
>those motion design tools

holy fak that shit is nice
Personally I only care about the performance improvement and holy fuck the outliner change and the renaming tool FINALLY
at my job we had to create a fucking tool to batch rename actor, can't believe this wasn't already in ue
the outliner has always been a mess, glad it's getting some update
same for the shader graph
now we can scale the UI, fucking finally
Can anyone recommend a course/tut for UE for non-game (VFX/full 3d anims) uses?
Any virtual production course for Unreal for total beginner (not in UE, in virtual production).
Does the path tracer work on Linux yet?
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could improve shader compilation speed quite a bit by pushing core count to virtual core count and turning virtualcpus to True. (using a 12 core ryzen)
usage went up from ~64% to 100% usage
Do I actually need 120 gigs to download ue5?
unpacked engine is ~55gb, not sure if its downloads a zip. (would need 2x space then so yeah 120gig ish)
for selfbuilding source from scratch wouldnt be surprised if you need more temporarily!
I want to learn UE5 to make a video game.

Money isn't an issue but when I look on the courses in the learning section of dev.epic there are a lot of ones based around specific concepts.

Is there any big course that I can just get and follow start to finish to learn it all from a point of zero experience coding?

Preferebly long and in-depth, the more autistic the better.

I can already model in Blender, rig and animate.
currently in un5 learning phase as well.
/agdg/ has tons of ressources: https://hackmd.io/dLaaFCjDSveKVeEzqomBJw

theres lots of yt videos out there as well with full blueprint sample games. be warned though, most of them only get the initial game running and teach rather poor coding techniques (like implementing game logic on game-ticks etc)...
DLSS is finally available for UE 5.4!


This thread is unbelievably laughable.
It's the absolute worst place to discuss UE that I've ever seen. Worse than Discord, Reddit, /v/ gamedev threads, heck even /agdg/.
Look back on top of this thread and see if there is even one single productive discussion on anything.
what do you want to talk about?
Oh yeah be a crybaby on /3/ for a change.
Can someone tell me how several developers work on one project? For example, how do level designers work on one level at the same time?

My team and I use Unreal Engine 5. I know about Multi-User, we tried to use it. But... It has a number of significant drawbacks. It does not respond to undo and redo (at least, it did not work for us) and does not support terrain editing. And it is also not entirely clear how the files added by participants are saved and synchronized. Is it possible to do this? Will the files be updated for other users? Or do we need to use Git every time to pull in the changes? Knowledgeable people, please explain.

It would be easier if our project represented several levels, and not one with a conditionally open world. But this option does not suit us.

In general, I would like to know how this is done in large studios, because I did not find the relevant information. Maybe there are some more convenient tools.
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I've just imported a daz character using the daz to unreal bridge and re-targeted using the plugin but due to the proportion difference of my custom character compared to the mannequin, the limbs deform oddly during animations. How can I adjust that? Somewhere in the re-targeting blueprint would be my guess.
They use source control solutions, perforce being the most popular

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