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What are /3/'s thoughts on this new GLITCH animation?

Personally, this is some of the most creative modeling and animation I've seen in years

very fun, going to be big. Cool setting, wasnt a massive fan of the big bads though. And that rabbit character annoying (but that may be the point).
I thought the animation was very well done, story seems interesting as well
Australia has done it again.
I kneel
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Generic mascot horror/digital horror shit for autistic zoomers who grew up on FNAF. Characters are all blatant Tumblr sexyman/r34 bait, and none of the jokes land until 5 minutes in. Can't see the "story" going anywhere interesting, just trite "trapped in le computer" dreck.
I will give them that the animation is pretty impressive for an indie project, and the "90s edutainment game" style they're going for is a fun concept, even if they don't exactly nail the visual execution. There are a couple laughs but they don't make up for the god-awful attempts at comedy at the start.
Also, sex with Ragatha
Fully agreed. The stuff gooseworx has done solo was more interesting, this feels more a hazbin hotel imitation. Not that I think it's a ripoff, I just think they're trying to latch onto that audience now that the hype for hazbin isn't what it was and those people are left looking for the next thing. Hazbin x ENA really.
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I couldn't give a lesser shit about the story or Goose's faggotry, but it scratches my /3/tard itch for character design and animation, especially when it comes to facial expressions.
It's great eye candy for me and for that i enjoy it.
Yeah that's true, watching it almost felt like a study. Because compared to something like pixar this feels a lot more obtainable for me.
>Generic mascot horror/digital horror shit for autistic zoomers who grew up on FNAF
why do people keep saying this? everybody knows it's only popular because people want to fuck pomni. all of the random irrelevant bullshit you described gets absolutely overshadowed by the clown.
it's the same case for ena and bocchi. the animation exists solely to showcase pomni, and nothing else matters.
Cool Asperger's bro everyone wants to fuck the cartoon because your spastic brain wants to cool life you live you're normal
Pretty genius to make her shoulders and hips spheres; maximum mobility, zero deformation issues, and fits the character to boot. I’m guessing it was this “Max Redland” guy’s idea, if so he’s the real deal.
Hollywood's Skibidi toilet movie when?
This screams autism tbqh
I don't like the Circus, clowns give me the creaps
One time I dated a girl that worked as a clown for parties and she tried to cut my dick with a plastic knife.
So no Circus or clowns for me
1/10 would cut your genitala
the way the eyes are positioned on the mask girl bothers me. but otherwise i really liked it.

i suspect most of the posters screeching that it's fnaf autismo haven't enjoyed anything new in years
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How is that chomp thing not getting them into trouble with Nintendo?
Are you aware of what site you're currently posting on?
Reddit? Oops sorry anon I posted on the wrong website.
>goose's faggotry
Goose is a cis woman.
uhh, anon?
Fag being interchangeable with "extraordinarily disgusting", makes it an insult that can be hurled at anyone.
>most of the posters screeching that it's fnaf autismo haven't enjoyed anything new in years
good take, sometimes you just need to leave the ego on the shelf and see the good in things
Soulless generic animation, they should've kept it how it was for the first 5 seconds
>if you don't enjoy the latest fotm generic horror internet slop, do you even enjoy things?
>no, we aren't autistic, underage cringelords
you couldn't make this up
Can anyone tell if these characters are poly modeled or sculpted?

I really want to make characters like this but not sure where to start
>she tried to cut my dick with a plastic knife
Crazys are good in bed, she must have been incredible
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please guys
Anything that is sculpted can also be polymodelled. It's more about preference with stylized/low detail characters. I would assume sculpting only becomes close to a necessity when you are working with a lot of very fine, often organic, details.
You can do it anon. Look for education on creating stylized characters, both from a modeling(easy) and design(extremely difficult) standpoint
If they deform then topology is a consideration
This site may be full of autists. But I don't have to like any of you.
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yeah I can confirm I wanna fuck the clown lady
No chain
Yes we get it, you're an autist and you're emotionally attached to the animation because it's randumb and has bright colors.
>I wanna fuck the clown lady
jester, she is a jester
>jester, she is a jester
Looks like at least one of you fags know the difference.
>r34 bait
>i want to fuck ragatha
it worked
>Fag being interchangeable with "extraordinarily disgusting", makes it an insult that can be hurled at anyone.
That's really a 4chan use of the term. thats why people were called newfags and stuff, or drawfags or artfags.
Outside 4chan people dont use it that way, so thats why they are confused.
(And obviously pol uses it to insult the homos specifically).
i'm not 13.
the saturation in the thumbnail alone is burning my eyes
turn your monitor saturation / brightness down stupid.
it is too late i am now blind
You are an enormous faggot spamming /co/ and shilling your unrelated shit in any board I've gone to by either pretending it is relevant to the board or by doing crossovers. Or you just spam it with no pretense of relation like in /a/ where it got deleted yesterday. Buy an ad.

>But muh 3D is related
So is Murder Drones but you haven't said a peep about it in any board. Faggot. Your motive is to promote and advertise.
they had the chance to do ANYTHING for their glitch effects and they chose to do the most soulless, derivative nonsense possible
everything glitch-related is generic as fuck

that's fine if you want to appeal to kids. that's how I'm treating it, the show is supposed to appeal to kids, right?
I agree. Animation overall looks very good for a production of that scale, but the glitch effects were a turn off.
She'll be forgotten when royalty free version is made and sponsored.
tranny shit that looks like shit. no surprise /co/ type losers love this goyslop
100 million /co/ users.
Kinger carries the show so much I'll BLOW THE FUCK UP if they ruin him
Is the creator a tranny or can i watch this show?
First two sentences. Best post.

This show is for sexual divergents ONLY, and if you like it, you are one. lgbtia, they / them, etc.

Yes, it's made by a tranny. He's a man pretending to be a woman to be clear
Its lazerpointed at it. This is the type of content alphatards consoom by the truckload.
this shit is horrifically annoying, do people unironically watch this?
if you actually stare at the geometry for two seconds you see it's dogshit topology
Made by the motherfuckers over at SMG4. Look at their latest video and see what those millions of retards love to consume every week.
Thanks for explaining twice what being trans is, troglodyte.
Go suck your mom's dick faggot
I like the way you called him retarded newfag but didn't say it outright, relying on that anon's reading skills to see the insult between the lines.
I like the animation and I enjoy the bunny. Guy's an asshole prick who will become the antagonist, but he has that winning smile. And the teeth dude, he was fun. I enjoyed a bit of the king guy but he wasn't around enough for me to enjoy it.
Basically males > females once again.
It's inspiring animation wise, really puts in perspective what is achievable for a small team. Otherwise very superficial postmodern slop and I felt zero emotion watching it.
Ah shit. I don't care about the show anymore. Can't even help it, just a reflex.
It was good. Me and my irl autistic fag fren really enjoy it
glitch art was funny and edgy in 2008

now its shallow and pedantic
it's shit. hope this helps
that was 16 years ago anon
glitch art is almost vintage, and that means it's about to be the meta again
It's just I have no mouth and I must scream for children
Soon as some boomer Jew gets told there's an audience waiting to hand over shekels.
Ragatha's plush pussy? Yes please
I ignored this shit for 3 months and finally watched it. You're telling me there's only one fucking episode still?
>It's just I have no mouth and I must scream for children
Why are Americans incapable of dubbing audio that doesn't sound like forced unnatural trash?
Animation for kids can be nonsensical and still not scream "YEAH YOU ARE WATCHING AN ANIMATION"
fluoride stare
i dont care, it looks like shit, and IM TIRED OF SEEING IT.
Well Well Well
when wokiez tell you who they are through their art, better believe them.


Wokie Gook CEO is a giant cunt, who would've thought?

Artists, when will you fucking learn?
You deserve to be exploited if you can't grow a spine
Its certainly a level of quality I want to reach. I'm doing low poly now because thats all my laptop can handle.
Holy Jesus what is this thing
The future.
How? They cant reproduce lol
They reproduce by corrupting other people.
vile demon with a rotting flesh-crafted dilated wound in place of genitalia
It's a bit.....shit really....
It first came to my attention when a video for some real ugly slag was boasting she made the costume of the clown girl in 4 days, in time for a convention.
Problem is, it's a new thing, it was LESS than a month old and I doubt the greater population of normies had even seen it, let alone care.
Place I work at just picked up a bunch of their animators, it's joever...
pomni sexe
the amazing digital circus sucks ngl
the thread lived longer than the meme
shes cute
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Episode 2 is releasing, how will it fare compared to the pilot?
I just watched the first e
the writing is kinda decent but some of the humor is trying too hard and the textures and lighting are atrocious, well animated though
Just watched ep2. It's cool I just cant fucking stand the lack of highlight compression in the rendering.
Episode 2 OUT NOW

Sorry for the wrong link. Here's the CORRECT ONE

I think its a concious stylistic choice to evoke the shitty edutainment aesthetic. [spoiler]And obviously to make the workload a little more reasonable.[/spoiler]
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Go away, Troy.
Fucking gorgeous animation.
the animation looks great, beautiful even, but the plot, characters, writing, and voices are garbage. it was hard to get through it for me.
Ok, this is the first one of these I've actually seen. It's...not bad? The scale of movement seems good. The sound effects are really well done. The amount of seriousness isn't something I expected. I'm surprised. It's not something I would watch but I can see why it has fans.
Neither can a pc worm but it can infect other pcs and make a botnet.
/3/ is so dead that this shit-ass thread is somehow still going
TADC is for trannies btw
Go watch Skibidi Toilet if you wanna SEE an actually good 3d zoomer cartoon
Cheaping out on ads Alexei?
Post your donut or gtfo.
Post it
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I love the "dreamcast era cutscene" aesthetic of it.
It was fun. I've seen bootleg Pomni plushies IRL so that means it's going to be big even with the normies.
How do you animate characters like Jax?

He has an inner and outer layer that is round, and the outer layer just bends arounds to reveal his eyes and mouth.

If they move the topology manually the depth would get distorted. If they use Difference Modifier the angles of the cutout would be all wrong.
Not hard to do, the 2 methods are sculpting with blendshapes or an illusion and his entire face is not real but digitally rendered. I have to pick the blendshape method because it’s way easier.
That doesn't really answer the question of how the blendershape is so perfectly distorted
I think you missed understand how things like Ncloth and how things are connected. There’s nothing stopping the artist from doing both Ncloth and blendshapes. Make professionals use such methods to convey body language that a normal human skin could not do. This is completely different from the tricky thing with the camera and scale sized body. I would like to explain more into detail but that would be writing an essay on it. Just find it on the internet, it should exist within professional circles.

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