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Hello, Last saturday i was informed by an internet chum of mine about blender. I have never used 3d modeling tools before and was interested to give it a try, had an old housemate show me some stuff about 10 years ago and it looked tedious and overly complicated and i had no pc at the time either.
I have now used blender for less than 24 hours in total and am enjoying learning, have made 2 (well 1.5) things so far.
My E-Chum also informed me about this board, as he said it can have good info here now and then so here i am.
I like sculpting the best so far and spent 3 hours today experimenting with geometry and extrusion, inset tools etc, so may check out this more often.
Thank you for reading my blog.
Hour or so in bump.
You're already better at this than 98% of this board.
All we do here is argue about software without ever modeling anything.
dont listen to this moron. If you post anything on this board you cannot post it on any other real site (artstation, twitter)
lmao sore point, you won't make it on (artstation, twitter), Cris.
Are you using blender to sculpt? Why don't you become a real man and use Zbrush?
Are you one of Cris friends?
You should learn more from hiy
5 hours in blender.
Doesn't matter!
Never heard of it, will take a look thanks.
Who?, this is my first visit to this board, only been messing around with blender for a few afternoons since the weekend.
Above pics rel are my first experiment with sculpting and colouring etc.
This is it semi finished as i could do better lighting, hair, skin etc with a bit of extra tweaking. Probably took about 8-12 hours overall including restarts and learning the tools.
Did 3 hours messing with scaling, extrusion and inset on the base start cube. (Pic rel) E-Buddy asked to do a typical northwest uk working class house, so i did my nans old gaff (rip).
Pic rel is starting cube loop cut and dragged about, had 2 restarts from scratch cos of saving over file by accident and causing some bad geometry to glitch out. Going to mess with texture mapping bricks on it and getting reflective/glassy windows tomorrow.
anon this is just amazing, do you really have no background in 3D modeling/sculpting?
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>learning how to sculpt in a weekend, whereas 95% of this board spent 10 years and still fall short.
You are going to make the whole board seethe with this raw talent.
If you actually become more serious and study more, I can actually see you going somewhere.
Tail bump
Tried 3 variations, one i practiced generating using curve tool, bezel and array but looked too 'fake' . Another i sculpted completely adding skelatal forms but looked too random.
Decided on sculpt the tail form and add duplicated shapes to keep uniformity of features through scaling and fine adjustment of xyz data.
if you've actually got this amount of natural skill at sculpting ditch blender and pirate zbrush it's 10x better for sculpting
Hey, if you're doing this as a hobby, rock on. If not, then let me tell you that you suck, and will never be hired.
Found the thieving nigger.
someone on this board is actually having fun for once.
I like it. keep it up, op
Keep it up. It is nice to see someone enjoying the process of learning new skills. This is much better than watching tv.
Cheers, going to try some basic rigging and animation in the next week.
Is this how blender looks now? Or do you need to tweak much to get there? My first and last time using blender was 2.6 where I quickly noped out because I'm a fkn coward.
it looks like the default sculpting environment in blender to me
I'll have you know seeing something you made on your own move for the first time is an unforgettable experience.
I guess mate, 4.0 was out last week. I have only been doing this nearly 2 weeks so can't really say.
Tools a tool though, stick at it and if you have any art skills they will show.
I have seen that art style on YouTube before, the dude that does this kind of low poly characters, it is called impothencia or something like that no?
nta, but I believe you are talking about this guy https://www.youtube.com/@Imphenzia/videos
Yeah that's the guy
He is Swedish so you may be right
Yeah, that guy. i was watching various people vids, and i liked the colour palette trick he did, the character designs were simple and i thought i might as well follow along.
My kids saw the polymesh of the belly and said "is that a ninja turtle" and i saw the head shape and thought "why not". Was a fan as a kid, and duplicating the 4 was simple stuff.
Have been messing with different body shapes using the same ideas, and have visualised ways to make other things like weapons etc.
Been working a lot this week so only get an hour or so to model.
Next week i have a few days free and will be trying some basic animation stuff with these models, and then make some other low poly stuff, like mortal kombat ninjas maybe. Stuff i used to draw as a kid seems good to use as practice for this 3d stuff, as i have the lines ingrained in my hand eye coordination.
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>the colour palette trick he did
My personal style is semi-related. I also have a texture palette, but instead of just unwrapping faces onto different colours I use gradients instead.

It's a lot of like vertex painting, but with custom colour fall-offs and other tricks.

You can also add more geometry for details, since the relatively low poly count is still better than larger textures.
t. amateur game dev
Nice tone on the wings.
If you could post any vid links explaining more about textures and colouring tricks i would be most grateful. Cheers
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The image i posted is actually from an asset pack I made for people who want to learn the style (people asked me how I make these before)


It's not a tutorial, but it lets you examine different models i made and textures like that. I also provide a .kra file if you want to edit/examine the gradient texture in krita.

pic related Suzanne monkey heads use the same texture image, no lights.
He has a really specific style, I only saw a few videos of him, so I didn't remember his name properly.
Nice anon!

I also use something similar to imphenzia when I texture, but my color pallet is more reduced and has metal roughnesses on it
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Thanks, i actually dloaded krita few days ago and my eldest kid wanted a go and took to it, so was teaching infants 2d art and stylus all of a sudden. They want to try the 3d but they said its too tricky, but took to krita really fast.
If you want kids to get into 3d, a software like magica voxel is probably better.
Thanks lad
your welcome.
Here's an idea: have your kids make something in magica voxel, and then export it into blender, clean it up and rig it. I bet your kids are gonna be happy to see what they made move.
That's a great idea.
Get some free time this wed-fri to make more stuff.
looks like Jocko
he's cute
Currently toying with room interiors, lighting and various tools.
is that a dildo on the desk?
is that for a game? Are they optimised?
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when you nut but she keeps on sucking
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Impressive works!
I'm glad you've found joy in the hobby. Between all the baitposting and the software wars, at least somebody's enjoying their time out there.
Really gorgeous candles. How did you do the flame?
They look British. The only thing missing is the 50 inch TV in the 2 by 3 room at the front.
seems like you're having a lot of fun learning, gj bro

my favorite. i love little game assets like these
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ive also started fairly recently
this is my first blend after le doughnut
Nice, what are all the extra brush tools?
Is it an add on you need to activate?
How did you learn to do this anon? I've been trying to learn sculpting for a few days and I can't sculpt an eye or a mouth to save my life
I think having years of drawing experience has helped me, especially anatomy-wise.
This guy has great sculpting videos, try to copy the tools he uses, his motions etc:
This guy is amazing, 100% recommended.
there is amateur game development general on /vg/ you might be interested in. If your plan is to make 3d games, then I think it would be better for you to start learning by already making simple 3d projects.
and yes, seeing your characters move by pressing keys is amazing.
now make pregnant
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Needing some inspiration
does the image above not do it for you?
that's a lot of buzzwords in one post
Probably you need to stop talking with women and start working on your 3d skills, because that shit sucks anon
Proud of you anon
I love everything about your work. Don't loose your creative spirit. Don't take the artstation pill. I was like you in 2003
Cheers, never even heard of it.
just enjoy sitting listening to podcasts with a cup of tea, lightly stoned and going down the autism hole of creation for a week until i burn out and take a few days away from it.
Krista is fun. A little-known secret is that it can have the same color management Blender and compositors use, and as a result, you can use it to make HDRIs
Some ban evading rule 1 breaking peado reported me and got me banned for wishing death on the nonce, so dunno if those posts will return once it expires or not.
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cannot believe this thread is still open.
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Though this would have archived by now and was leting it die after it being nuked.
Might keep it going
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they look fine on my monitor and in viewers etc. but dark on uploads, any tips are appreciated.
It happens sometime with PNG on macs. Try to export as JPG instead. The difference is that PNGs carry over the color profile of your monitor, so it can be re-created on other people's monitors but that rarely works.
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Cool stuff, anon.
light blue-ish-purpleish soft light on top, and slightly deep behind, or reddish, whatever works best
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thanks, been too busy to sit and create, but watch a shitload of tutorials for when i get a chance
Wtf. How can this chump already be better than me even though i have a 6 months headstart?
watch ian mcglasham on youtube to learn subdivision modeling
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Cry moar and Git Gud Scrub
Will check him out thanks
based, love his stuff. helped me get back on my feet after taking a long ass break from 3d.

he also has website with some info and concepts he goes over in his videos.
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spent an hour following his font topology playlist.
tickles my tism nicely and keeping up with the pace is a test too. great stuff thanks, learned a few tips for sure.
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that Ian McGlasham is a top teacher and i am very thankful for anon suggesting him. many thanks
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onto the rest of the pieces
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the chess set series is great. i followed the tutorials but used my own references. i stopped after the queen to work on some other projects but might go back to do the king
very nice, i just finished the bishop and going to do the rook and call it a day. going to finish them all tomorrow and make the knight using what i have learned from him and grant abbit box models.
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the top of the pawns not being a perfect sphere triggers the fuck out of me
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I scaled them out a touch with s+shift+z as they were a bit tall and thin and never noticed until now. Can redo them in 2 mins from scratch so no worry.
Learning to draw horses heads so i can do the knight, and i am sure the curve tool will be essential for it.
>I scaled them out a touch
that makes sense, I was convinced that it was the camera angle, but after closer inspection I didn't see the same lens deformation anywhere, so I assumed it was the pawns specifically
>Learning to draw horses heads so i can do the knight, and i am sure the curve tool will be essential for it.
what an exciting exercise, godspeed
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that was a learning experience
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mah horse man's looking a bit skinny, you should take a break and come back to it tomorrow
It is all quads and follows ians method so i can manipulate all the pieces any way i want.
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simple. Not bad for under 7 months experience at about 2 hours a day on average, and couldn't ever draw horses until saturday.
I smell envy, serious envy.
Not everyone can be naturally gifted, but keep trying, you might get as good as me one day if you apply yourself.
I'd say make the upper eyelids less like billi elish, it's like that horse is judging me, I'd say they have more almond eye-like shaped eyelids
*checks google*
yes, they do, not necessary adjustment, but would add to it I think
Why? scared of your following finding you here?
noted, i thought similar but was happy just to have worked out how to do it using the techniques i had followed. just a couple of loop scalings will do it, and i plan to tweak all the pieces soon, maybe do them all again just for the skill re-enforcement.
would love to make one that looks like Ians but i am pleased i have come to understand the principles he laid out and feel like i have level up somewhat and look forwards to applying them to future creations.
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what is this wizardry?
let me try to guess
1. throw letter
2. grab seed that lands flat on one side
3. keep seed and rotate the emitter
4. repeat for each letter
but wait maybe this isn't it since I've seen letters collide

So what kind of wizardry is that? It's porbably something simple?
maybe playing with inertia and gravity? Idk, wizard shit
I reckon this is a close guess

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