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its kinda crazy what blender is capable of in 2024
looks terrible
you look terrible you fucking loser
I wonder how your "art" looks like
you are ngmi
You have more than one light source, don’t talk to us you freak!
Apply yourself, his tutorial looks like shit if you don't tweak every step yourself.
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blendlets... ASSEMBLE
woah, is that real?
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ya'll aren't ready for this (photoreal)
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I'm so lazy I made 'ants' with four legs instead of six
>instead of six
arachnides have 8 legs, you are way more off than you think, lol
That was made in Maya, it's impossible that was made in blender
>blender is… le bad!
>doughnuts are… le cringe!!
Grow up
Ok Andrew.
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Ants are fucking insects and not spiders they have 6 legs you retard. Picrel is from my ant farm.
do you eat them?
I say the same thing about your mom when i cum inside her
you tell her she's as powerful as blender is in the current year?
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made with love and sweat
man I´m new to blender doing the dona tutorial and I don't understand shit jfc kill me
ants with only 4 legs?
keep these sick, twisted ideas to yourself anon
I eat the rest of the legs, I am french btw, we love eating the legs of things
you monster...
fix him and all of his little ant friends
poo donut
But those ants are eating my bagel so I ate their legs as a punishment
>le bagel
With some sprinkles
exactly, it literally looks like shit
it's supposed to - I even put some urin under it. How much more pooey does it have to look for you dimwits to understand that it's meant to look that way?
you posted it like 2 years ago. Its coma inducing.
you're posting in a blender thread.
blender enjoyers are known for trying to make something look a certain way and ending up with it looking like literal shit.
they kinda cute desu
you are CRINGE
what the fuck is that shitty pic?
even if it's ants it's lame to have an ant farm so you suck
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i was so impressed with how real it looked
and couch tut was fun but i was struggling so much with the UVs
>he actually unironically watched the tutorials
ngmi, you have already failed
I've only ever used the Blender API, and often use chatgpt to set up something from scratch example:
"write code in python using blender libraries to create a scene that contains a procedurally-generated mobius strip"

Stuff that takes forever in the gui is very fast and easy with the api
>not using peasant gui
What do you do when you're done making mobius strips?
hey blender phaggots, what kind of shit can you offer me if I pay you a bit monex
what's the sickest blender's equivalent of vray materials?
Donuts. That's what Blender is all about!
been using blender for 7 years and Ive never actually made a donut
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These aren't the nuts you are looking for
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this is the sauna you are looking for
>do virtually anything in geometry nodes
you guys really need to learn how light objects, it’s embarrassing
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It's physiologically impossible to have better light in Blender.
It's the tool, not the artist. Sad!
Hot take but, modelling a donut is the stupidest thing you can teach for beginners.
Organic stuff is hard to make look decent, and most modelling is non-organic, so why the fuck would you do it?
Out of all things you could teach to model donut is bottom tier.
Isn't it well known how it's this in-joke metaphor for how half of everyone who get into 3D are coomers?

"do nut" and it then subtly teaches you how to put glazed sauce in the shape of the surface of the 'hole'd object'.
Subtly teaches everything a new used needs to get up and running in this hobby while looking innocent enough to bystanders.

Like otherwise it'd had to be something like 'glue bucket poured over watermelons tutorial'. Think people would've caught on too quickly.
The donut's fine.
Wow. Til today I was blind but now my eyes are open.
coomer post
Why are softbodies simulation in blender soo painfully slow?
How are you supposed to learn if not through tutorials?
>t.literally just downloaded blender
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My do nut
I was under the assumption that beginners are instructed to model it to learn the basics regarding Blender and its interface, and not so much "how to model good". Throughout the creation process you learn a variety of ways of accomplishing goals, such as subdivision, modifiers, and geometry nodes, which you then can apply to other models. It's not about how good the donut looks, it's about learning how to navigate the software to make tasks easier. That's at least my impression.
maybe I didn't make myself clear, you can watch tutorials just don't watch "the tutorials" from a guy who not only isn't a very good teacher but is also just barely average at using blender.
beginners love "the donut" despite it being one of the worst ways to start.
best one I've seen by far
NTA, but what are the good ones then? Which channel? In which site?
I can agree that the Donut is more trend than quality, but I also think that it is an okay project for someone who's just starting to mess around with the program, it touches on a variety of systems without burning out the viewer.
a poonut
a poonut for 2 rupees please sir
this dude:
proves you wrong
>2 rupees
blender sirs don't have this much
brub I offer some money, let's talk it out, if you wanna we can just contact and I propose you a jig, paid from the start and the other half when it is done
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My doh-nut from when I was first starting out around November 2020.
is that one gallon of used engine oil next to a tiny doughnout?
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Cool, i did this roughly in the same time frame.
I haven't seen the new version of the tutorial, i remember the new ones getting longer and longer but the final result was pretty much the same, but i get that the whole point is to try to check out as many features as possible so eh.
Cheer bloke, was my first blender project, im still pretty proud of it even tho its just the donut. My harddrive got shorted out so I lost the completely finished file but I think I still have the back ups. I could never figure out how to make the condensation visible on both sides of the glass at the time

How much money we talking and is it r34 stuff?
it's actually web3d stuff, I'm willing to pay as much as 450€, higher than that is a bit unrealistic for my budget
the model is super simple geometrically, as a quick reference, a semi-sphere would almost do the trick with some minor adjustments
the thing though is that it must look photorealistic, on product marketing level and be able to rotate in real time, so light on resources

if it sounds doable to you write me your contact and I'll email you
>make the condensation visible on both sides of the glass at the time
Alright, im intrigued.
this is a temporary email because I dont wanna get combed by bots or whatever. I'll email you back on my proper account when converse a bit
just emailed you
donut poster here, yeah, his donut 3.0 was shit, but 2.0, chair, anvil and couch atleast acquainted me with some of the nomenclature. And seeing some effects relatively quickly didn't make me to rage quit. I aggree that he's not some wizard but for basic stuff he's great.
It's fair to say he serves his niche
what's changed since 2.8 for his donut tutorial anyway?
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the author went full bonkers
Don't be an insecure tranny because some dude on /3/ said your donut looked bad, make a better donut, use better materials and lighting.
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Hi donutbros, i posted in another thread but posting here too cuz it's bigger....i recently rendered my first donuts thanks to blenderguru, i am happy with the result. Thoughts ?
wdym ? he's kinda reddit, but pretty based for teaching me this shit
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This was my donut. I stopped after the modeling part because that's all I care about, I don't actually want to render anything in blender.
Not that anon, but every now and then he says or does something that makes me question his media literacy and reliability as a tutor.
i probably know too little to have noticed this but i don't doubt it, after all he's one guy. Good tutorials though
That's fine. I don't even hate the guy. My point is don't take everything he says as gospel and you'll be good.
>I don't even hate the goy.
you should
goofy ass planet atmosphere in his earth video I say
>he didnt denoise it
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bros i am getting pretty good at making donuts
I haven't never seen doughtnous like theese irl, lol LMAO
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and you never will !
>and you never will !
I hope, jelly & donuts don't mix
source ?
Looks like those Purble Place cakes that had a cursed mix of glazing/chocolate/jelly on the top, i like it.
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I meak donut accident tutorials found searching the web, very good approximate the big glue accident needed in project I build.

Thanks blender nut man.
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made this with a youtube tutorial, well mainly just modeled the sword and built the scene
blenderfags just have to prove the stereotypes right at every opportunity. cringe!
it's almost like blendshit crashes when you try to render 8 legs. blendfags will defend this.
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Next time crop your donut photo better. Also if you are finnish please commit suicide.
would be kinda fun to attempt making that kind of detail for a donut tho. Like the way the sprinkles are individually broken and embedded in that glaze and how that bread-crust actually shade.
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I've never nutted before but I did try to have some sunk sprinkles as a normal map on my max-nut V1.0.

need to add that bulge around each individual sprinkle and make better sprinkles to replicate the delicious look of >>981595 but as a proof of concept I think it shows promise.
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I made low poly version.
this makes sense never thought of it before but yeah imo checks out.
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Gothic is awesome..
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I bet you were a swamp schizo in Gothic
Ew, brother, eeeww.
You hate being employed, brother.
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I never made the donut, but I made this once while I was fucking around
legit one of the best, but imo, it needs some lighting tricks, the kind you'd see on a photography studio, I mean
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i've never done a donut surprisingly enough
i give myself a 5/10
fake af
I will try harder next time
here's a tutorial if you need it:
Looks great. Good job, anon!
insanely real, rispect, if you've reached that level of realism, go the extra mile and get inspired by this type of dough >>982326 to improve it even further
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Guess we're all doing donuts now
This is by far the most natural looking one in this thread, congrats
not at all anon, are you blind? there are far better ones itt
Ok, I scrolled through the thread and I admit there are better ones, but most have this "uncanny fakeness" about them
the 90s are back
Now we're making progress, I'd consider eating that one.
The only YUMMY chocolate doughnut in this cursed thread!
I'm wondering if it would be possible to do that with a displacement map and a baked map. Maybe baked AO which feeds into the heightmap in some way.
We can try, every donut is a good donut
I prefer the strawberry filled ones
You mean studying a real object and making it in 2D or 3D the way it's supposed to be instead of pulling random nonrealistic shit out of your ass? Nah. Wouldn't want to get a job or anything.
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A man of culture
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I put my image in dall-e and asked it to make it more realistic and this was the result after a couple of seconds. 3d is fucking over.
That's barbaric, you lost my respect
Is Cris even real or maybe he is the one constantly posting "F off Cris!" I mean it doesn't make sense why we are so obsessed with him if he is such a loser. Am I Cris?
bro fire
making single-frame 3d renders has to be pretty much obsolete now, right? At the very least, using AI for a touch-up pass is going to become standard practice.
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I dont give a fuck about lighting the tutorial should have been like 8 parts
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are you sure the metal coated donuts are meant for human consumption? nice flowers btw
Fuck off with your smartism
sorry that I'm not as retarded as you, I'll try next time
Why are the two background elements levitating? And it looks like one of the utensils is coming out of a donut.
They're not you dumb fuck. Get a pair of glasses.
Good, fuck off now, nobody cares
Settle down, hoss.
yeah i fixed those mistakes in the final render
shiny donuts look cool
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