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I appreciate you lol.
because....beacuse it is le SOVL, okay??!
It just has soul bruh. Are you uncultured?
New cgi lacks of sovl, it's for the washed masses, old CGI is pure, and full of life, old CGI is superior than the new uncultured crap that you're and me do.
I wish I could back in time, when everything was more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, to that time when real artists and nerds were the pinacles of the industry. I long for that era, the time of true man, true passion, but I am stuck in here with you...
>washed masses
Yes, because most people bath, saying that they are unwashed is wrong, they may be retarded and uncultured, but water in your house is a common thing nowadays
It looks cool and evokes nostalgia.
qrd on "forced soul"?
it looks cool
It's cool but nothing too special
It's not special to people who trace 3d models only, because sovl can't be traded, and old models like this stand the taste of time
I love this music
This is pure sovl, I miss this era that I wasn't born yet
The SGI computers, the 3DFX graphic card, the raytraced demoscenes, the beginning of Pixar...

What a good time.
Yep now all those artists have been replaced by minorities, women, and most importantly trannies.
I live in a 99% white country and the CGI (and art as a whole) is just as stagnant and soulless, there's more to it and that
Limitations always help polishing work as much as possible.
N64/PS1 vidya had this surreal feeling to it, they gave room for imagination to feel the blanks. They could become extremely eerie out of our own imagination and the artists had to be extremely talented to represent their ideas with low polys/textures.
It was also a way more optimistic time where people were experimenting with audiovisual pshicological responses.
Nowadays there's no room for imagination to fill the blanks. Either it looks like shit or it looks hiperrealistic. Few studios care about the art design department aside from overdesigning shit. Pixar and Dreamworks have standarized everything because it's way easier and cheaper to reuse assets. Same with videogames.

There's a few studios that still care about style and for all what's worth, Nintendo always having gimped hardware forces their studios to be creative with art and design, while other videogame companies just mocap shit and use scanned texturing because they are cheap as shit and creatively bankrupt.
probably a less the fault of minorities you dont like and more how companies operate, they dont facilitate creative unique art through employees much anymore
its a very "shut up and do the minimum" sort of working atmosphere
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These morons that talk about "sovl" and other shit are just high on nostalgia. They sit around jacking it to NURBS models from 1997 and lamenting the rise of high resolution textures, not to mention bitching about anything that can render more than three light sources.
Limitations forced the artists to be creative with their works, due to the lack of limitations, creativity is not there.
Not much, it looks cute.
Like a kitten failing a jump because it hasn't experienced physics enough yet
>These morons that talk about "sovl" and other shit are just high on nostalgia.
So are people into vinyl or vintage synths.
Each generation idealizes some now obscure shit that was mundane for the generation before them.
TNG is the same nostalgia trip btw.
Take it back, old synths are perfect.
why cant i have nurbs and high res textures
Listen here, you little shit. You little motherfucker. You coddled adult toddler.

They have an appreciation for their forefathers who paved the way for this art form. These men and women braved the trenches of the unknown. Do you have any idea the money, time and patience it took for someone 30+ years ago to even dip their toes into 3D? No, of course not, whippersnapper. You think these people Googled shit to figure what you considered basic knowledge these days? No. They had to crack open their manuals and deal with the inherent drawbacks of a new blooming technology. Every little piece of those NURB models was made with more love and care you'd ever hope to recieve in your pathetic lifetime. To appreciate these works is akin to appreciating the art masters of centuries past. By God almighty, himself, I'd rather have forced SOVL than another emotionally hollow, realistic render you empty headed societal rejects evactuate from your uncleansed anuses. Kindly remove your existence from this God forsaken space ball, you uncultured swine.
>art form.
Lol lmao lol lmao lol lmao
Art form in which 95% of ""artists"" go printer mode on concept artists work
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>printer because my modern corporate workforce neatly sections off people into boxes
Yeah, because every modeler back then totally wasn't involved in any concept art whatsoever. None of them understood forms in 3D and had to digitally recreate that. Not every 2D artists has competence with 3D forms. Also a shit argument because a solid design on paper is probably the easiest part of CGI. Let me guess, you only create static models in fucking blender?
>muh concept artists doing all the work
I guess the concept artists can do all the animation and lighting work too.
>not an art form
Holy top kek now I know you're reaching
Bro you are coping and strawmanning hard right now
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Hahaha! Wow, you raged REAL hard. I can tell you never actually did anything you just described, because as someone who did I can assure you: you are fucking retarded. Just...horribly brain damaged. The crap we were making in the 90s was exactly that: crap.

Why do you think nobody does any of that anymore? Because it looks like shit. It looked like shit in 1994, too, but we didn't have any options back then. It was the best shit we could make. The only teams that could make anything look even remotely not like shit were working for the big guys like ILM or Digital Domain.

Go enjoy your "sovl", you monumental turd.
Well, that is obviously a verbose joke post. Don't know how autistic you need to be to not catch that.
>brain damaged
Of course it looked like low quality, you retard. Thats how technology develops. And of course if it was better in '94 they would've done things differently. Doesn't mean it didn't have artistic value. You have this hate boner for software you've, most likely, never touched. What the hell is wrong with appreciating what was accomplished? Just because it doesn't match your aesthetic ideals? The better it got the less interesting it became. CGI is no longer impressive to the average Joe; it has become standardized. This is when you lose SOVL. Lacking appreciation for what came before is why a lot of things turn into shit. And saying it looked like shit back then tells me you weren't conscious in '94. Repeating Star Trek memes really give off the "um ackshually" vibes. You seem really insufferable and up your own ass.
Don't care about muh strawman. And the coping thing is a fallacy, itself.

Sorry bros, it's fun to dick about but I actually have shit to make. Ya know, because I actually work in this field.
still coping like crazy, there is no appreciation for 3d because it's the most inferior medium by itself, it's not even worth calling an artform
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>backpedaling because obviously retarded post is retarded

Sounds about right.

>because I actually work in this field

That's the funniest thing you've said so far!
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it will be a counter movement against AI

retro graphics + nightshade

retro + authenticity will be the future
lmao even
that shit takes a lot of time to apply and does jackshit, except for making a picture look worse.
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been trying to learn povray
Better art direction in the industry overall, neccesitated by the tech restrictions.
If we had even a crumb of the same direction mindset today used on modern graphics i assure you, "retro" would look like complete fucking shit in all fields in comparison.
it activates my neurons that remind me of a better time
get in with the times, zoomer. nobody says A E S T H E T I C S anymore. vaporwave is dead.
Vaporwave is dead
Long live vaporwave
its SOVL
simple as
And so your idea of honoring all their hard work, all their dedication and time invested into improving this medium is to throw it all away and return to sticks and stones? Doesn't sound like honor to me; I'd want people to build upon and continue to evolve my contributions instead of LARPing for an era long gone.
The funny thing about your point is that if you weren’t an idiot and you actually knew things about the world, you would be aware that your point is senseless because people imitating their ancestors is a fairly common practice that you find in nearly any society. These can be things like holidays, festivals, daily habits, or even dedicating yourself to a dying craft, or simply an older way of doing a craft. People may do these for many reasons, and honoring their ancestors is one of them. “Throwing away” your modern conveniences and experiencing the same hard work the people in the past experienced most certainly is a way to honor them.

That's fucking stupid. You're brain damaged.

Imitating the early, shitty years of CGI is not the same as performing ancient rituals or wearing the traditional clothes of long-lived cultures. Those things have developed over generations. Most of us that were making these shitty animations in the 80s and 90s are still alive, and newsflash: none of us do any of that shit anymore because we KNOW its shit. The handful of autistic dipshits who sit around masturbating to this garbage don't know anything.
It's prettier than "high quality" 3D graphics.
I don't like it for the results. I like to use old software as a challenge
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Is this sovl?
>and most importantly trannies.
Weird how trannies became more important than minorities and women in the progressive stack.
looks like typical bryceslop
Video games aren't "CGI" thoughbeit
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this, but unironically
Thought this video was pretty fascinating. Very rare to see this kind of early CGI at such high fidelity.
This but ironically.
is..is that....dare i say, S-S-S-SOVL?????????????????

uhhh ughhh UGHHHH SSOUVL!!!!



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For me, it's prerendered graphics in adventure video games. Especially with photo texturing and attempts to look real.
looks like something saint would play
>suck at art
>find the only "style" you are able to pursue is simply doing art that looks outdated
>go to great lengths to make meaningless rants about how this gives your art more sovl
>still have zero artistic skill and complete inability to match "the old masters" on an artistic level
>the only reason why you are able to make something that looks comparable is because you have modern tools, you would be completely unable to create something of quality if you had the same tools as the artists you compare yourself to
>completely neglect the fact that the successful artists of that era are now industry veterans who literally produce and direct the art that you call "sovlless"
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>Sword of Omen, give me sight beyond sight!

I can see how you too have seen that which I have sawn.
If you want the actual reason instead of the one you made up in your head, I would suggest you read this post >>982369
I don't know where you guys get this idea that the people making this stuff are trying to be maliciously lazy. Most of them are kiddies trying to chase after an aesthetic, and for a lot of them, these old programs are the first 3d program they ever touched.
>be tranny
>learn anatomy to make 3d anime characters
>every day I look at anatomy reference explaining the difference between the male and female bone structure, reminding me that i will never be a woman
what kind of sick joke is this
shit wrong thread
oh well
What thread was it supposed to belong to?
new thread but would fit into the anime general too i guess
Told many people, just enjoy that fully functional body you have mister-sister. Better just be a twink dude or a tomboy girl if you feel that way than trying to switch to the winning team mid round.

You wanted to be CT but the world made you a T, so be it, can't have the colt but can still buckazone that AWP and make it work.
i take estrogen and tell people im a femboy if they ask but man is it depressing
making 3d anime art is how i escape reality and its the only place where i can express my femininity freely
Almost nobody have the body they want, everybody wants a bigger this smaller that, faster brain slower temper, you name it.
You where never gonna be the hottest bitch in the pen even if you spawned with double X chromosomes to begin with, just get over it and enjoy your stay.
wow i now feel so much better wasting my life on a image board related to 3dcg where 99% of users are idiots who cant even make a good looking donut
i guess being a tranny is still less pathetic than being an average /3/ user
kekked and gem checked
This but unironically
Lucky for you, I have actual objective reasons to love and chase lowpoly retro aestethics. The first reason is minimalism. By reducing the number of polygons you have to focus on the bold important features which stimulates coming up with minimalistic designs. Another reason is human comprehension. By having less detail and reduced palettes, scenes become more comprehensible and memorable. This second is very much consumer-side reason, I love modern retro-inspired games exactly for this, I just get lost in modern overdetailed vidya that all looks the same due to how similarly incomprehensible and overloaded it all is. By having only the most skeletal keystone features you make it easier to see the difference between scenes, because thick layers of noise on top of something different makes it more similar to each other and the skeletal difference becomes blurred by all the layers of insignificant detail/noise on top of it. The biggest example for this is forests in modern RPGs vs forests in old RPGs. Make a hundred of random screenshots in a new game and an old game and then divide screenshots into clusters by visual similarity, you will have way more clusters in older RPGs.
Lifehack: do it for a game and you don't even need it to be "art".
I wouldn't mind having someone posting this style consistently in my feed. It's kinda cool and has some psychedelic cover art vibes, but this is just 1 picture impression.
go back
>What a good time
yeah if you had 10 grand to spare
oh and the third reason is because i'm gay
I would be more impressed if people managed to copy the old blizzard style, but with modern improvements.
'zzard style
everything about this era of CG is hand tweaked from shot to shot
modern renderers are so obsessed with physical realism they're limiting

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