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am i gonna make it?
ITT: post animations you did with blender, anything is welcome
My latest one. It's mostly a test case for the simulation stuff I'm developing.
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This one taught me about gimbal lock.
Having consecutive 90° turns on different axis causes problems.
Changing the rotation mode to Quaternion solves it.
Quaternions are good and all but consider that you can't do stuff like keying a 720 degrees clockwise rotation, which you can do with euler angles, because quaternions always follow the shortest path from start to finish so to speak.
Also, due to numerical precision issues, as you stack up rotation after rotation with quaternions you'll slowly get misaligned.
It's not as simple as "just use quaternions" and any issue goes away,
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Thanks for this info Annon.
I guess there is no one solution fit all.

> Also, due to numerical precision issues, as you stack up rotation after rotation with quaternions you'll slowly get misaligned.
Between each 90° rotation, I had to keep a frame without movement.
Otherwise, the cube would slightly tilt during rotation. (pic related).
Is it related to the precision issue ?
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It's like Trainspotting but with donuts, Topology be fukkt tho, plenty is fukkt indeed.
regarding drifting, you should have checked graph editor. from what you're describing automatic interpolation probably fucked you over
NSFW/furry, part of a bigger project I don't think I'll be finishing.
by "blender" I'm assuming you meant "any 3d software
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Here's the last thing I made and posted a few years back.
Still been working on stuff, but mainly for other people. By the time I get the motivation to work on a personal project after I finish a gig, another one rolls up and the cycle repeats.
how can anyone animate in Blunder is beyond me, it's the most animation unfriendly UI ever made
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where are the animations? Why are you so embarrassed?
now you have 0 excuses
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wtf o.0
is that... did you just... T^T
>want to make cute feet
>don't want to just pose yet another daz model like every other nsfw nigger
wish I could sculpt oh well
Just do it, it really wasn't that hard. Also I need to redo her feet cause somehow the multires details got completely fucked. Plus I think I can make them look a bit better than they are in this latest animation. Was my first time doing feet, second time using multires mod
You got this anon
they look pretty good for your first time ngl
Thanks! She's my OC and first character model. Used my drawings for reference when making her
Kek, misses a game over
Kek, maybe I should add in health bars too
i know its ass but im proud of it.
I think it's pretty cool. Could use some more flashiness like a glint as the camera pans across the blade
im gonna be 1000% honest with you brother I have no clue how to do that
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This is my second animation.
download some free lens flare masks and bedazzle the render in after effects
did you rig it?
I see this board doesn't care much for animation
>I see this board doesn't care much for animation
Nah, just maybe this thread.
Probably don't wanna show work that's publicly available and can get rid of anonymity either.
A lot of people get caught by ALL QUADS trolls who approach them and tell them something like "how dare you try to animate something if you haven't solved the puzzle of topology yet" and "don't you know that if your model is not ALL QUADS it won't deform well".
Which is obviously a grift and troll propagated by people of uncertain gender orientation but it prevents people from progressing past some useless "base mesh" which never get finished.
More that there's not much being said about was has been posted. But yeah, I know everyone in this board is under NDA's, kek
what* has been
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>I know everyone in this board is under NDA's, kek
You don't have to be under an NDA to just not want random anons and schizos from 4chan to have access to your socials. Would anything happen should they have access to them? Not a chance. I do think there's people with that mindset here though, and to be honest I don't really blame them.
As for discussion, I think that's more of a /wip/ thing. Though you don't really tend to show off old stuff there.

For what it's worth, I posted one of my anims earlier in the thread. Don't think it'd be too hard to guess which one.
Here's another. Was kinda the predecessor to the other one. I wanted to do cool drifts and shit, but the guy wouldn't go for it on this one (didn't think Jeeps could drift or something), so I just did it myself later.
Again, I was talking more about the lack of discussion. Like how your animation got no replies.
And you can share work without sharing your socials, obviously
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There's an issue with the skirt but I'll fix it next time.
These are animations. Everything else in the thread is some kind of demo.
Nothing inherently wrong with demos though
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awesome. I'm on the list twice.
I like dem :3
Although the moon being so close in the scene is an interesting touch on the second animation. Not sure if I like it or not. (assuming yours are the car ones)
Same. Feelsgoodman.
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>(assuming yours are the car ones)
Nah those are mine.
And yeah, I agree about the moon. It was an artistic decision at the time, though I probably wouldn't have made it now. I think it might have had something to do with me wanting the moon big, swoop through the shot, but also go through the scene in a loop.
It's been a few years, so my thought process is pretty fuzzy on what was going through my head.
your pivot from 2d to 3d is going insanely hard, can't wait to see what you have planned when you come back!
One of the nicest (You)s I've ever received on the chins. Thank you! :3
I just gotta power through this beginner phase so I can produce decent quality content, then I'll return to socials.
Hopefully toward the end of this year I'll be ready
post 'em? not so I can uh see your work or anything, but so I can block you, you icky gross footfag >:(
Just one animation up rn. I only share my current work and stream in my Patreon discord.
I'll slowly release stuff from the backlog when I come back though
This is cool. I had to look up the original, but I was disappointed cause this looks a lot better kek
that's high praise. undeserved but not unappreciated. thanks anon, means a lot actually.
swing and a miss
I am heiling teddy bear and twilight lip flapping
Apologies, I should've been able to recognize the similarities
Wish I could see a little more from you. Are you going for a very specific style/vibe?
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negative. All of my animations are spur the moment random shit.
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I'm not much of a modeller but I sure think I make good animations.

You can probably guess when I made this one.
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Another older anim from back in 2022.
Yeah these are very nice. I could learn a thing or two
as someone who's still new to animations and has only made simple shit, I've never understood things like hair. is that a physics sim type of thing, or are you going through and animating each individual one? looks great though.
Nothing here is a physics sim. I animated the hair and other secondary movements last. I normally start by moving the root of a hair strand first to follow the movement of the head and body, and then work down the hiera
that's a lotta work. don't know shit so i probably shouldn't speak on it, but wouldn't a sim be easier? guess you couldn't fine tune as easily with a sim though.
I can better control the motion if I do it by hand and it also means I don't have to deal with weird physics glitches that can occur. It also makes turning these anims into loops easier.
yeah that's fair. that your oc? she cute
A friend of mine made the model a bit ago. I can make models sometimes but I just don't have the patience to finish them often. Instead I prefer to animate them.
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Some high quality VFX
This same thing happened to me and my sister when our parents died. She brought a Ouija board and pestered me to play with her
So she asked the board where mom and dad where and the board went 'HELL' and I was like "sis, you sick fuck!" but she swore she didn't do it.

Anyways later I was in the bathroom and the power went out, and there was a soft glow from the bathroom mirror and as I looked close into the mirror
in place of my own reflection was a demonic entity of some sort that told me it was all true, I was like "Get the fuck out of here" and the demonic entity went
"no you get out of here" Then fucking ectopalsamae or some such shit started pouring out between all the boards and thru the wallpaper and ceiling the whole fucking house started shaking.

Me and sis ran outside and we both where like "gosh, that was strange" and then this exact thing here happened to our entire damn house.

Luckily insurance covered it and they where like "it was a landslide" but bro it was no damn landslide, houses don't stick together like rubber and strafe all weird.
It was like a miracle of satan or something.
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I don't know where I'm going with this yet, but something tells me it's the right direction.
I like the hologram material
>youtube cristal gem 10 hours video good vibes

why aren't you uploading your stuff to youtube and earn some cuckbucks ?
you should. yesterday I uploaded a shitty ball bounce /beg/ to my channel and earned 6 subs from it so far. I've gotten pretty consistent growth from blender content on my channel even though it's extremely bad. i used to be a gaming channel too and despite the algo hating me for abandoning my old content I've still grown at a faster overall rate with blender content than I did with gaming slop.

so what is there to fear? people, especially npcs, love 3d stuff.
I'm not crystal bro, but I do think you're right. I watch those relaxation "ambience" channels all the time. I delight in shitting on the vfx craftsmanship. Basically meaning, it's easy and you can get away with being shit at it.
I dont know where to get the music though.
questionable morality but I'd honestly just dl the audio from one of the vids from those channels and cut it up slightly and reupload. guarantee they did the same to a different channel. or just go through random shit on soundcloud. or as a final resort, ncs sounds.
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A physics simulation I threw together for a lark last week
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Buddy kept posting non sequitur gifs with "Join [FOTM game]" so I thought I could do better.
ehat a fa-, lol dudev there channels that even reupload that crap with after effects and are getting millions of views, just get your piece of cake by uploading a video and using a trendy title, is that simple
Replace it with xoxols
I assume you mean pigs based on the only thing Google tossing back at me being at Uki connotations

Imagine going on to /3/, going into a 3d animation thread, scrolling down, and seeing someone made a model of a pony, and reporting it.
this is a xoxol
Right, but why do you suggest it?
no idea, may be because your kots look similar to the xoxol, divided with a vertical line of two different colors LMAO
do you often do car animations like this i find the drifting reminiscent of that drifting mobile game fr legends
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>do you often do car animations like this
The drifting? Nah, not too often. That project was kind of a whimsy thing because the dude that commissioned a previous, similar, project didn't want his Jeep drifting ( >>977004 ), but I really wanted to animate some cool drifting. So I made a new animation with what I wanted to do originally.
Do I often do animations with cars? Yeah, that tends to be a running theme. Not so much because I'm super into cars, I just kinda fell into it after, I did some anims for fun, a few people commissioned stuff for themselves and suddenly it became a "thing" that I do. I don't mind it though, cars are fun to animate, and not too many subjects let you make an animation that covers large distances and stuff.

>i find the drifting reminiscent of that drifting mobile game fr legends
I don't play mobile games, so I can't say that was any kind of inspiration. I don't even play racing games all that often any more since they're kinda boring to me these days. They're all kinda the same, and don't do enough to separate themselves from each other.
That being said, I think I was inspired a bit by the Dirt Rally games in terms of the subject matter, but as stupid as it sounds the drifting was inspired straight up by Mario Kart. The way it chains together, the unrealistic speed taking the drifts, even down to the little "hop" that I have the car do before it drifts.
Hey, I'm not sure if I'm in the right place on this board but I'm looking for someone who can animate simple shapes rising and falling away. Is there open commissions here? I've been on fiverr but everyone is offering services for logos and shit when I just need a simple animation showing what I need these shapes to do.
more details pls
Just whatever you do don't ever learn what quaternions actually are or how they work. If someone mentions Clifford Algebras run for the hills
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>I'm looking for someone who can animate simple shapes rising and falling away
you. unironically. You could figure out how to do this in less time than any one person will even respond to an email.
Is anybody else getting this issue?
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Yeah, gotta weld the verts first. It's a rookie mistake, but we've all been there.
That's so fucking good anon
>decide today I'm gonna learn animation
>download Blender
>download husbando model
>click Blender
>unsupported graphics card
Do I win a prize?
now do pot of greed
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I have a used pair of socks
Do you want them?
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fuuuuck this is hitting a weird part of my brain
Depends what they look like
I work as animator and I still don't know shit about gimbal lock
>you can't do stuff like keying a 720 degrees clockwise rotation
??? one key with value of zero, next key with value of 720.. wow that was hard.
Cris, you don't work as an animator.
Black ones with little cats at each side
lmao fuck off
cmon, even though these are technically animations (sequence of images), they aren't an actual animation (complex motion crafted from keyframes).. don't post shit like shit in an animation thread
this, it's black magic and dark matter combined
>have evaded this criticism twice now with both my shitty animations itt
am I gonna make it bros?
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Noooooooo dont make funny little animations playing with physics, Noooooo you can only hand animate itt AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
No you're going to die
I made >>976394 I'll be honest I haven't messed around with animation a lot since then but I did make this >>/wsg/5585832
I knew he was goin in there but I wasnt ready, lil green nigga really brought it
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My frog lady
Say less
Very cute, and fun run cycle
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Just something I made after poaching Metin2 files from 2004 and successfully importing a model to Blender. First time animating.
give her some "follow through" have her head, hips, and hands, got slightly beyond their final resting point before going back. Like everything over shot and had to go back.
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Made this little thing. This looks wrong but I can't put my finger on exactly what yet.
Installed Blender and SFM 4 days back, and a total retard in 3D animation. Just about gave up on animating the actual run cycle.
Looks good to me, just needs more afterwards
Ooh la la, that's one delicious animation
You used anticipation, one of the principles of animation, so good job.
thanks, broski
It's Fortnite but I like using the models and stuff to practice animation/concepts. Was my first time learning a lot of things like the graph editor and after effects; https://files.catbox.moe/s2xjt9.mp4
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made this a few years ago
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Blender 3.6, Eevee.
sort of off topic, but how viable is it to make game models and animations via claymation?
Like making sprites out of IRL clay models? Or 3d scanning IRL clay models to turn them into 3d models on the computer?
If it's the former (sprites), that's how Doom's sprites were made, so it's not totally out there.
I'm not an animator fag, but I think you're starting her run on the wrong leg. Having the leg and arm on the same sides being synched with eachother would probably look more correct here for the first step. Maybe try doing the action yourself irl if you haven't already

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