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I spent so much fucking time trying to get a pirated version of Cinema 4D working When i get it working the Redshift not working right when redshit working some other shit crashing

Why the fuck did i think just because that shit more expensive it was better than blender when blender addons & renderers are so easy to install

>but in reality i do want to go into mainly motion graphic simulations & animation so it might be better
Stop using memes and use 3Dsmax
Cris is the best. Between this and that I would choose Cris.
wtf did you just say that to confuses me even more just woke up feeling amazing gave up smoking a week ago finally feeling like a human again ready to finally starting blender
It was over before it even started
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Just finish my first render how long until i start making all that money i heard about
3DS Max is bordering on abandonware and is falling behind modelling in Blender.
renders p good
FR I used to get by with the 'Education' version of Maxon One bundle, but they changed the fucking system so now I can't get it. It's borderline impossible to get a pirated version of C4D + Redshift to work properly. FFS
I've been hearing this for over a decade now.
Blender is still not even close to 3ds.
How long did this take?
I think. Cinema is b
If you're actually good, it won't matter what software you're using. They all do the same shit, especially these days, the differences between them is negligible in 99% of cases. Blender's free and convenient, so just use that until you're good enough to make money, then pickup whatever your studio/client wants you to pickup.

Unless you're some kind of small brain who can't handle learning new software. Then get Maya, Zbrush, and Houdini.
c4d with redshift or octane rapes blendjeet "foss software"
blender is better
I'm personally gonna use Blender for everything 3d I need, but in my limited experience of ~2 months, Blender has very good UI/UX for polyediting and very bad UI/UX for animation.
But I'm kinda getting used to it even for animating. Take this with a grain of salt, because I never tried other software, maybe everything else is even worse even for animations.

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