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Have any of you learned using this series and would you say it's worth the 15 bucks or am I better off just learning on various youtube videos?
I have never learned a single thing from cgcookie in my life.
YouTube is good for the basics and mid-level/hobbyist tutorials, but the quality and availability for tutorials for levels higher than that are relatively scarce. Channels with a good reputation tend to lock high-level stuff behind a paywall, but that isn't to say high-level tutorials don't exist on the site—they would just be from channels that aren't really popular and they don't go crazy with the presentation and whatnot.
>to answer your question directly: the courses in the bundle won't teach you whatever isn't on youtube, but the concepts within them are more throughly demonstrated (e.g., they show every single setting in each texture node). it's only $15 so i'd say go for it
buy a cgpeers account
courses are a ponzi scheme now
>>teach people skills that are obsolete thanks to AI and there are no jobs anyway
cgcookie is tutorial hell but expensive.
>He fall to the pay course meme
why so?
Show me one person who has benefitted from cgcookie that isn't a jaded beginner? You can't.

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