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Is learning blender a waste of time if I'm serious about learning animation?
I just want to animate anime girls with bouncy boobies fighting with weapons and magic like RWBY.
I've seen people say that Maya is better for animation than blender but I've not seen people actually explain what makes it better specifically. Is it the UI or something? I only have experience in Blender and cinema 4d. I prefer animating in blender over C4D. Right now I'm not doing shit professionally but I don't want to waste time learning Blender if I'm just going to have to learn Maya later. I'm not getting any younger over here.

I've taken a 3d animation and modeling course at college just for an art minor. I plan on taking animation again but learning Maya instead of cinema 4d. Would it be better to just fuck around in blender making meme shit until this fall or should I just dive into Maya?
Maya if you want to get a job
animation is animation, software is less than 1% of the actual work. Blender is free, so that's good enough for me. I have used maya too and personally I like it but this shit isn't my job and at the end of the day I prefer blender's ui and ease of use over maya. mostly I just know blenders shortcuts better.

studios use maya because they have always used maya. if they could seamlessly move to blender and save a buck without disrupting the pipeline, they would. but it would unironically cost more time and money to transition to blender than it would to simply maintain the status quo. so yeah, if you want a job go with maya. blender will always be there for you if you want to play with bouncy anime tiddies though, there is no rule against using both programs.
Ask yourself why Blender is a meme on /3/
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It's 2024 already my nigga, blender died with covid and Dark Cris.
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yes, next question
>for anime girls
you can use anything you want, try anything available,blendet, source filmmaker, pirate shit, THE ONLY REASON YOU USE A TOOL IS BECAUSE MAKES YOUR LIFE EASIER, THAT IS ABOUT IT

femoid animator here. wait for blender 4 to get off the floor and you will be very happy.
>software is less than 1% of the actual work
>A bicycle and a formula 1
>>A bicycle and a formula 1

Neither of them makes it around the track without a brain. Anyone can learn to ride a bicycle, most people wouldn't even know how to start up a F1 car without breaking it.

You're helping that anon with his analogy here.
Thats hardware you fucking idiot
if you're truly "serious" about learning animation then learn 2D animation first
you're not serious, just make boobs bounce in blender
Looks a 67 IQ nigger
You 2 proved that /3/ is a low IQ shit hole.
no point in being here. I be fucking off.
Companies use either Maya or Zbrush. Nothing else, period.
My drawing skills aren't the best. I've made 2d animations in the past, mostly in high school. I made a lot of animated flip books when I was a kid.
While software does not really matter for the end result, it matters a lot when it comes to the speed the animators can animate at. Maya's animation tools, especially the graph editor, is just unmatched in any other 3D software.

Even if it was easy to make a switch to blender, studios wouldn't do it, because the manhours required to produce good animation is massive. Even a small sub 10% decrease in animation speed would cost a ton for a studio. Hundreds of times more than the meager licensing costs of Maya. Not to mention the mental sanity of their animators, being forced to deal with a worse tool, after they're used to a superior one.
How do I pirate maya?
I don't know, I pay for it. Maya indie is $300/year, which is nothing. It's the same as the full version, except you can only use it if your revenues is under 100K per year.
>Even if it was easy to make a switch to blender, studios wouldn't do it, because the manhours required to produce good animation is massive. Even a small sub 10% decrease in animation speed would cost a ton for a studio. Hundreds of times more than the meager licensing costs of Maya. Not to mention the mental sanity of their animators, being forced to deal with a worse tool, after they're used to a superior one.
that's literally what I said you mong, did you read the post?

how do I pirate blender?
You don't. Avoid warez because of viruses/trojans, but I can give you an alternative: install a vm, find one of the trial installers and use it for the 30 days. When time runs out wipe the vm and make another one. Save your files externally so you can transfer your work to the new vm later. You'll need like 20GB of space for the vm.
Blender if you wanna be your own boss
t. can ride both at the speed of limping
This thread is 20 years old.
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>software subscription
get a job dude
>le affordable price argument
You don't even own your software, and Autodesk can change the pricing and licensing whenever they feel like it. And if you don't like any future changes then you're shit out of luck since your software is full of DRM
Did you read your own post? It may be what you meant, but your text pretty clearly comes off as implying that blender is overall a better tool, and the only thing stopping a switch, is the costs/difficulties involved in transferring to a new pipeline. I can't read your mind anon, I can only decipher your meaning from what you have written.

$25 is irrelevant, if it's a tool you use to make a living. It's such a small amount, that it might as well be free, and barely covers a cheap meal at a restaurant in the current economy. My revenue is over 100k, so I need to pay the full price of $200/month, but even that is nothing, when you consider the time/money I save, compared to using something else.
blender isn't subject to market forces and has no customers so they don't give a shit if they make a bunch of breaking changes or push out barely useable me-too features. then again, as hobbyist who will never make money from your art, that's not really a concern for you is it, so keep doing what you're doing. enjoy saving twenty dollars or whatever.
it's clear that I personally prefer blender, not that I think it's a worse program. assuming you're esl so it can be forgiven i guess
The money is negligible, I just try try to avoid supporting subscription software because it's an unnecessary anti-consumer business model that I'm sick of every company adopting.
>blender isn't subject to market forces and has no customers so they don't give a shit if they make a bunch of breaking changes or push out barely useable me-too features
If that happens then I can just switch to an older version, or maybe even a non-pozzed branch version of the software since Blender is open-source
that's cool. have fun with your hobby.
>subscription software
you realize businesses used to amortize the cost of software so from an accounting perspective it was the same as a subscription anyways? oh, right, carry on.
As long as I get to own my software in the end
the problem with maya i found is that there's surprisingly lack of tutorials for newer versions. blender has a lot of tutorials on youtube but most for maya are a few years old. and if some menus change then as a beginner it's really frustrating.

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