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You DO use it, right?
I would never
I used to, then I stopped using Windows entirely.

On my work dev computer I dump converted 3D print files there, because the program we use is defaulted to dump the files there, and I can't be bothered to change it. I honestly had no idea that folder existed before that.
> system files in the same drive as work files.
Yeah no.
no, 99% of Windows users don't ever work with 3D objects and those who do have their own directory structure that is often determined by the program. pure idiocy from Microshit's side
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LMAO, my life is hell. everything installs itself on my c drive
don't you want page files in the same drive as your OS? Unless you have enough RAM I guess
Nope. What you want is a virtualization, cache and paging nvme.
it was added back when 3d printing was thought to be the next big thing
wonderwhy we never got an NFT folder, how long untill the AI folder appears
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