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>*breaks nonphotorealstic rendering*
>uhhhhh hey can you guys fix this, we're stuck on Blender 3.0
>it's just one guy
>he broke it on purpose and refuses to fix it because of his "vision" for Eevee, a realtime engine that runs at 2 fps
I'm starting to understand the criticism against Blender.
Should have learned the fundamentals so that you could write a shader that wouldn't break so easily.
>just write your own nodes bro
Should have gotten a "B" instead of an "F" in comprehension bro.
Blender is for making doughnuts
I'm in 2.7, I know your pain
What is wrong with 4.0? been using it and it just werks
No more reflections for NPR materials. It's been that way for two years, broken, on purpose.
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i understand this pain, truly its annoying, but to that, you have 2 options. Get to understand the fundamentals better or use Malt.
You can also pray that one day someone will crack the psfot software already being used professionally on animes nowadays (i really want this shit, but i cant justify buying it for myself yet).
There is no understanding your way around patched-out reflections, anon. They are simply gone in an NPR workflow.
>Eevee, a realtime engine that runs at 2 fps
It's time to upgrade your PC, pajeet-kun.
Ah I need a 5000$ setup to run a textured skinned character in eevee in 30fps, I see
You are wrong anon, my pc is good and still runs like shit.
I can't upgrade more my pc every if I had the money, still is bad.
BlenderGuru has a $20,000 computer and his performance is still shit, retard. The engine is broken.
What is this? Paid addon?
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>realtime engine that runs at 2 fps
i'm on win 7 running a fucking hp envy/emachines frankenstein with a gtx 1050 ti.
eevee does 144 fps just fucking fine.
what is wrong with your setups?
do you have weatherbug installed?
custom shader nodes dont run on the gpu. if they change something like how they changed the fresnel implementation and you relied on the way it was before you're stuck on the cpu for preview/rendering.
>Get to understand the fundamentals better or use Malt
I just looked Malt up, no tutorials only documentation, I feel like just eevee would be easier, I don't have time to figure all that shit, I just want to make my models look pretty
What kind of art do you make?
>/v/ gaymen expect a gorillion frames per second in a production environment just like in their bingbingwahoos
>write a shader
What a fag, write your own render engine
Doesn't he only use Cycles tho?? What are you talking about?
I'm legit just saving up and trying this fucking thing. I'm still on the fence but seems like it will be the way to go about it, since not sure if that issue has been fixed
can't you do basically the same shit with goo engine (branche of blender) which is free if you compile your own shit on github
Don’t, it’s a scam. If you can’t understand it without tools then you’re not going to understand it with tools. Yes you have a brush, everyone can buy one but real artists knows that brushes aren’t the answer to the problem.
Low fidelity slop I bet
No he's not wrong, for those in the know it was preferable for instance to create your own sort of volumetric rendering engine within cycles for certain task because the stock shader nodes were just terribly inefficient.
I mean if you have an in-depth understanding of programming and arithmetic then I don't see why not if it helps you.
>Low fidelity slop I bet
what does this buzzword mean
Sorry to break it to you but... ngmi

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