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it's so over bros
>Smoothly around the cuticle and nail bed, ensuring proper deformation for animation
Ahhh, what exactly is going to be animated here? Sounds painful
I hope AI can retopo for me soon, I've been avoiding diving deep into it
It’s just stolen AI art, nothing new.
tesla trunk test
>tris and ngons galore
Is this bait Cris?
>Automating purely monotonous procedural labor is now AI
fuck 2024
Also word generators have no understanding of concepts, you can see that where edges are half transparent or fade in/out into existence.
The cope ITT is how a lot of hold-outs are gonna react til these things runs everything.
Constantly moving the goalposts and downplaying what they see despite it being obvious how coherent it's understanding is growing.
I told you lot 'Sora' was representative of the AI growing a visual cortex and here you have it, this is what it really was about no longer a toy.
Just imagine the sort of automated training they can conduct now that we have LLM's that understands contexts presented in the visual space.
You're witnessing generation one AGI emerge.

>It doesn't understand X! it just looks like it understands X!
>It doesn't take your job. it only looks like it takes your job.
>It doesn't run society... it just looks like it runs society...
More like AGP
>steal image from actual artist
>several thousand if then statements later
>heres shitty AI slop version
kek i love how it looks like it was decimated, triangulated, then converted to quads and decimated again
No, it's theft
I used this topology today for my work and I got fired, the technical director said that was subpar.
I quote
> Even the retopo in blender can do a better job, this is unacceptable.

Thanks chatgpt.
>you create a product that cannot function without the labor of another
>you take the fruits of that person's labor without giving them any credit
>you make money from the resulting product
That's theft
Leftoids don't understand the meaning of work
Most of AI was trained on public domain paintings and data.
is inspiration theft?
Looks like you need an AI to help with your reading comprehension
Ai helped me with the text, and it says it's theft
the ai just bing'd that
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>claims it has good topology
>zooms in
>dafuq is this.jpg
not everything needs to be a quad bro, just leave a few ngons and triangles here and there
I rest my case.
no I don't, ask /ic/.
go back to your aijeet containment generals.
Finally we have confirmed that piracy is theft.
Factually wrong.

AI art these days is awesome because it stole a lot of work from a lot of people without their consent.
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yes unironically. inspiration is theft if you believe in the concept of intellectual property (meme)
artificial general piss?
>be human
>look at art
>several thousands if then satements in your brain later
>here's your shitty human slop version
why are you bumping this garbage thread retard
NTA that post was made about a month
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592 KB PNG
5 mins in blender.

Download a pirated copy of a game, try to sell it on steam "oh noes im retarded" anyway good try AI bro, you'll get 'em next time ;)
janny removed my doom thread
i'm pissed
Then why you scrape anime doodles if it's not necessary?
Ai is theft and you are larping as an artist.
So it's worthless like this image. This shit is completely wrong and impractical.

The fuck is anyone gonna do with a fucking jpg that tells you how to do shit wrong?

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