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Rate my babe. Also post your lowpoly babes!

You do model lowpoly babes, don't you anon?
No, I make high poly photorealism. Fuck off pixeltranny

is lowpoly pixelart associated with trannies now? when did that happen
Yes, it's a cheap, talentless form of art for Japanese wannabes and trannies to feel cute.

Make me an M416 rifle in Plasticity with textures down to every scratch and I will respect you as a real artist.

really? but that's just being a human xerox machine. that's just being a blender user, that's not art. you can teach a hundred monkeys blender, give them the reference files, the right plugins and within 6 months they will all create the exact same looking realistic M416. there will be absolutely no taste or individual artistic touch to any of them.

is that your idea of art?
> Sexy Low poly girls gives an unrealistic body standard to female presenting persons.

Photorealism is for troons that want to make women in videogames ugly so they can feel better that they don't pass in real life.
Go make your ugly realism elsewhere, you are not going to pass either way.

Nice low poly model man.
post butt topology i need it for research
and photorealism is for nerds, go outside if you want some photorealism faggot
All my babes are high poly DX
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Are you still crying about your realisms?
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Wear some pants you fucking whore
I'm seeing there's some chud spergout in this bigoted thread. Say it with me /3/. Trans rights are humans rights.
It's triggering your dysphoria?
What does this mean anon?
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Nope, I love being a man who's been allowed to bask in the glory of gay sex;-)
Trannies should all kill themselves.
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holy shit this is somehow more dead than i when i left for a bit.

pretty good. can we get a side view?
Cute slut, feels like she's come out of a cyberpunk setting
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Thanks guys. Will post texture wip tomorrow. in the meantime here's topo
Nice, now give her pant.
I'd model a slut but I'm too busy fixing some asshole's horrible model as an outlet already.
it looks fine, with this style texture work is what carries the most weight though
scrap the sharp edges on her ass, it looks bad. your texture is whats going to make the ass pop, not sharp edges
Thanks anon, you've inspired me to keep on working on my low poly babes
You should do A hentai with this Model
The asscheeks should be slightly bigger, they look odd. Heels should be also separated from the body with sharp edges, unless she's wearing some kind of sick catsuit with heels built in.
can you please post a WIP webm so we can learn OP? Especially the butt topo how do you make it that good.
All your credibility just went out the window.
What techniques did you use to make this? I love the artstyle!
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It's honestly crazy.
Every low poly artist on X is one. I feel like I'm tip toeing a fucking mine field interacting with anyone.
I don't know, I've noticed that a lot of them flocked to the style as of late, its not terribly hard to pull off the MegaMan Legends style, Its insane, and pisses me off since I like the style.
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I'm working on some at the moment.
I had this textured a while ago, but I went back to remodel her wings since I couldn't make them look nice in low poly. Hit up to 3k tris. Semi-low poly.
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Have another one going in the pipeline. Should have lower tris by the time I'm done.
Nice anon
Thanks man.
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wip texturing update. Thanks for the kind words. maybe we can make this lowpoly babe general thread?

this was good advice

Definitely keep working on low poly babes. very rewarding.

it's actually not good at all desu when texturing the faces become really obvious :( feel like I should increase the res of the butt in particular

that is awesome. is it Morrigan?
yeah its morrigan.

Those are some sick textures you got going. Nice.
It's ok if you think you're not good but I think you did a great job and would like to learn pls I have ADHD and I can't learn unless someone shows and tells lol
How did you create those textures?
pretty fucking good stuff
This is really nice texturing. Can you share any details of how you designed the character and what your texturing workflow was like?
Are the details based on an existing design, or random pieces of reference material, or your brain?
Painted in photoshop vs. substance painter vs blender?
Good shit nigga, looking forward to see how the face + head turn out, even as an ass man the face is always the most interesting part of a person
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Thanks guys, appreciate the good feedback. Learned a lot doing this one for sure.

It's all PS and Blender, very archaic workflow as I don't get to paint on the model itself, only uv's

Thanks! I have a strong 2d background so treating it almost like an illustration in how a stack layers tends to get me very far. Multiply for layers of shadows and overlay for highlights (always working in masks, nondestructively). It's an approximation of the 'proper' substance workflow but with only PS and a blender plugin that syncs files on every save. The design was just a mix of references
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There's some topology issues to fix still
The face is too high and looks odd, otherwise absolutely epical.
I just noticed,she has 6 fingers
Looks good anon, the 6 fingers look weird but in a good way

How did you get the lighting to look like that? I really like it. Gives off Gamecube vibes.
Face looks off. Is that why you dont show it directly?
I don't know
ironically yea, bout as clear as an anime profile pic. Its not even a "style" it was just limitations of 3D back then.

Ruins just about every indie horror game now. It never looks good and every single use case would look 10x better if it was made to look realistic.

Cant say that with pixel art. That requires actual skill vs two planes with a texture stretched across
troons arent skilled enough to do photorealism from scratch retard. theres only one group of faggots thats retarded enough to think low poly looks good.
hurp durp repeat durp questhurrrp
Would so long as she has on some sort of shiny pants or something
Look all new videogames, they make women look like man, and they use the excuse of realism to do so.
Realism is the tool of the LGBTQ, stylish characters are better for hyper masculine and hyper feminine traits.
I prefer my polygonal big tits waifu to your hyper realistic not passing MTF
>I prefer my polygonal big tits waifu to your hyper realistic not passing MTF

So much this.
Well said, as if there weren't enough fucking M416 models already. I would've respected that anon more if he suggested literally any other weapon, something more obscure and less overdone
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what does the underside of the crotch region look like on yours?
pushing his m416 aside, he still holds. You can do everything you want in photorealism, not just a generic gun.
You can do an big titted attractive jrpg female character in realism. If done well, it stomps lowpoly.
Because twitter is for faggots. They serve Satan. Fake and gay, they ruin everything and infiltrate to obtain positions of power, a bunch of megalomaniacal autogynephilic perverts who're willing to castrate themselves for some kind of power.
>t. Chud sitting on a hateful, transphobic, homophobic, extremely toxic ""3D board""
Who is really satanic?
No, you are wrong. Realism can be done in low poly too.
If more polygons and realism is the best 3d art can offer, we lost to raw 3d scanning.
Texture work like this truly elevates models in this poly range to really punch above their weight.

Great fucking work, man.
man it looks awesome congrats on ur lowpoly babe, we might need a texture tutorial from u my dude
I second this. I really would like to see a full workflow
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hi, im new to blender and currently using https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/low-poly-yorha-no-2-type-b-bdaabfec3d1149f38007ddeb04467119 for references to model my low poly anime waifus, which has been extremely helpful in terms of building the face/body, however ive hit a bit of a roadblock when it comes to modeling hair like this artist does. can any anons please give me some general tips or pointers on how to achieve the n64 'spikey' hair like this artist does so perfectly? videos/written guides or any helpful information would be very much appreciated.
I'm literally begging please post a tutorial video I wanna make a low poly Ps1 style game please please please someone post a video tut =(
Hi guys, thanks for all the kind words, still surprised the thread gained so much traction.

I honestly don't think seeing my workflow would be very useful because what carries the model is just painting/drawing, it's 2d really as opposed to 3d. So if you want to move towards doing this kind of stuff you should probably hop over to /ic/ where they'll tell you about drawing, light, values, color temperature, and yada yada
Looks like something that would be in the original deus ex, albeit less blue. gj anon.
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fully modeled
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At what point do you cross the line from low poly to mid poly? Is there some kind of consensus on vertex count that increases as the power of your average PC increases, or is it more of a design philosophy where you don't use subdiv modifiers and try to use as few vertexes as you can get away with.
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>low poly babes
Well, /3/? Which one?

please do not vote in syb's poll
fucking retard BOTW Zelda is high poly as fuck

your ass wouldn't know low poly even if it hit you with a spiky breast in the face
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>BotW Zelda is high poly
Are you retarded?
Pic related. :^)
none really, lowpoly means the paint holds alot of weight compared to topology
nice babe op
As a BOTW mod maker I can confirm Zelda is in no way high poly

The textures filters and shaders are just really fucking good>>986819
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this still low poly enough? could post some updates
Needs a faggot vegan be gone option
im trying to google her, but from what game is vanessa?
begone sybb
no i legit tried googling, i can't find no vanessa
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Cool model, makes me wish I could make something like that myself.
Needs to be lower.
every kind of insular "nerdy" hobby gets taken over by trannies. you should know this by now. they're basically like the old-school basement-dwelling type of guy but trooning out makes it even less likely for them to ever be able to go outside, so they just spend every waking moment online ruining communities with their narcissism
In a weird way it's amazing,how much a person can be deluded to believing they aren't the problem when literally everyone hates you,even troons hate other troons ,yet they still believe it's the world and not them why they're hated
women do the same thing
>trannies trannies trannies
is /3/ a /pol/ now?
I'm not trying to defend trans, I'm just saying that ironically, women have same effect on anything they touch
Literally said in my post I was talking how normal women have this same effect
I don't care, begone.
just tell me what game she's from? wtf
piss off faggot
why is it such an issue to know which game "vanessa" is from?

Clearly it's not a "tranny" issue
Chud issue.
you're on the wrong website you absolute fucking retard
I know exactly where I'am. Looks like I struck your tiny nerve there, chud. Why give me that negative attitude?
It's not about lowpoly babes, it's about all the chuds we made on the way!
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Yeah man this is what /3/ looks like
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Sorry about your thread getting derailed anon.
Heres a thing I'm working on now.
Making an animated short for a dumb joke. I'm going to have to drop it though since I don't have any voice actors.
Also, the tris is about 2650.
If I cut out the kneepads, the arm bands, the added depth of the hat, boots and jacket and her backside covered by her jacket the tris would be reduced to a whopping 2400.
yeah i would've liked to post something worthwhile myself to try and offset the derail but i can't model for shit lmao.
sad to hear you had to drop the project but that's still a nice model, nice job! hopefully you can think of something else to use it for.
/3/ is composed of half troons and half chuds

I know that you are from the 45% club
Most skilled poster on /3/
Low skilled faggot who thinks his tools make him better
You can 3D paint in blender. I don't for most shit. I low poly and low texture red though. PS or literally-anything-else would be better for high res so you've got it right anyway I guess.
Your loops suck if you're gonna be rigging and deforming this
Not op but what does that mean
texture resolution?
*plap plap plap*
Oh wait, you said RATE.
My bad!
For animation. The model wireframe loops that go around the elbows, knees have to be a certain way so that when the model is animated, it deforms nicely. OP's wireframe around the ass especially will give you pretty bad results if you tried to animate it. Not a problem if he's not planning to animate it.
What about those loops makes them poor for animation, and what would good loops for animation look like?
Clean circular quad loops around the deformation area with higher vertical density for them to give better deformation

Always do all important loops first during retopology (knees, legs, shoulder, neck, mouth, eyes, ankles, hands) then retopology the body
the topo sucks dick and will fuck with uv'ing process
maybe make the hands be less defined and more blocky. I would consider it low poly if I still can see the geometrical silloutte and not just something trying to achieve detail
"low poly" is a relative term to describe the mesh that you bake the details onto from the "high poly" mesh. It can be 5k and 150k depending on the project and artstyle.
"midpoly" is a type of mesh where you don't really bake anything and rely on manipulating vertex normals to achieve a desired shading result.
One day I will learn how to bake things

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