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/3/ - 3DCG

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File: proxy-image.jpg (105 KB, 1920x1080)
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people are getting ridiculously good at these.
hats off to blender users.
File: the-chairman.png (160 KB, 1262x497)
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I want to put my penis in these.
/3/ - Donuts
Petition to change /3/ to /donut/
The chair fag is donut denier.
too bad, /3/ is a donut board
wtf that's really good... is there a convenient and easy to follow tutorial on youtube for something like this? I'd love to learn how to make this
Is this the same manic spic that used to troll here 6 years ago?

yes, its those Colombians fault this is a shit board
I can tell you with 100% confidence that 1 out of 1 colombians is a fucking parasite.
>I can tell you with 100% confidence that you didn't post a donut
Post your donut
Man this is too funny stop! Just to spite you I'll make a cg eclair you twat.
Why not a donut?
Eclair is the superior pastry. I'll do some errands today but you can fucking count I'll post something tomorrow.
Not a donut, I'm not interested
Ok then I'll never post a pastry in this damn board.
What about a donut?

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