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Is blender even good for animating anything?
A real question since I love modeling in blender.
However the animation looks ass backwards.

How it should look like
1) Take a MKV or whatever
2) Drop into blender
3) it looks like a picture however animates on the timeline so you can precisely capture the key frames of animation.

Do other software do that?
yes, every animation software lets you import a video for reference. blender is a piece of shit
Yes, Blender is good for animation
>yes, every animation software lets you import a video for reference
Tell me what to use then.
>every animation software
Tell me what the vest one is.
>Tell me what to use then.
maya, motionbuilder
>Tell me what the vest one is.
You don't animate shit. Blender's armature system is so broken and unoptimized that a single low poly character with no shape keys in wireframe mode will often run at 15 fps regardless of hardware. Forget about two or three. Animated textures on characters are completely broken.

Look at the "optimization" on their OWN movie:
animating in Blender is a humiliation ritual and no one should be exposed to its absolutely retarded and nonsensical UI and controls on top of the abysmal performance
>I do animate I'm Blender and that's how I earn enough money to make ends meet.
prove it
Prove what?
You make porn, I make actual films. Blender's animation is so shit it's not even funny. Did you know there was a bug that would reset your animation extrapolation in the NLA editor every single time you did anything?

It took them 18 YEARS to fix.
Who cares what you do?
>I'm Blender
>>983769 #
I do animate in Blender and that's how I earn enough money to make ends meet. My viewport runs at 24 fps in solid view unless I have heavy modifiers active. My hardware isn't high end at all either
am I missing something? can't you literally drag and drop a video into blender for reference?
I thought coomers had no shame. Why are you so fragile?
You didn't have to delete the post, bro...
So anyway, like I said, Blender is fine for animation
What do you animate with it? :)
That’s the dumbest thing you could do. I know a YouTuber who spends years on Touhou bullethell effects on Blender to only make everything look plastic.

This is not ok, this is cancer: youtube.com/watch?v=OuBmpQSVDZs
Has anyone worked here with toonboom rigs (2d) and also done 3d character animation? Ive started to learn 3d and just wondering, if also using rigging in 3d, how long the process is compared to 2d rigs. Is it faster/slower/etc?
he got 300k views off it, I'm pretty sure he doesn't think it's cancer.
>blender is a piece of shit
you're only mad that you spent thousands on software that should've always been free.
He never got better same plastic look since his first video, same illogical methods to bullets VFX. The models aren’t his there MMD files from other users, the bones don’t work well with Blender because it’s created for MMD program. This is what you call 3D? A bunch of using Blender to add assets and never get better at art.
the company I work for bought the software and pays me to do the animations. I tried animating in Blender many times and it always ends at me wiping the piece of shit off my hard drive
As you know, it's about the artist much more than it is about the tool, so I'm not surprised
it's not just that I'm used to certain workflow, the Blender is genuinely retarded. Yesterday I tried to create simple IK chain with physics, found out you have to either do some stupidly complicated value/constrain adjustments on each of the bones or fucking buy a plugin (free software, everyone). Right after I set everything up and pressed play, Blendshit crashed. Yep, it went right into the trash and I made the IK chain in MoBu in 5 minutes. I really admire people who are able to go beyond the donut tutorial in this piece of shit of a software.
It’s absolutely the tool, just trying to render something requires extra effort while normal software allows you to render without lighting. You cant render the box with a simple press of the button, that’s the dumbest thing in 3D art.
Plato’s Allegory read it, stop being an American and explore the open source 3D community that exists. Blender isn’t the answer you seek, the shadows you believe isn’t how the world works.
I actually agree with you, but that is the basis for like 90% of what people do in blender. use one of those addons to kitbash an environment, attach a mixamo animation to a sketchfab model, do some lights and camera stuff, and boom you have a short film

do you think the guy who made the vid cares? like I said, he's getting views, therefore money. no one watching the vid cares either. not saying I agree with it, but "real art" is not a common thing in the internet age.
Too busy creating and improving
Talking about Wings 3D, Bforartists, Dead Deer and other open source software that’s not blender. You have no excuse for being bad at art or locking yourself to blender ecosystem.
and? there's no incentive for it, at least for this guy. if he gets decent ad revenue from posting a .blend, then why should he care? maybe it's not about the art for him, and maybe it is. but if he gets positive feedback for shitty art, where is the incentive to improve? normies will eat it up regardless, especially 2hu slop
My main focus is art and improvement, which is why I don't stress much about the tool, that's a beginner's mindset, thinking that getting the best brush, or pencil, or paper will get you the results, when it has very little to do with that.
I'm not into 3D for the tech aspect, that just happens to be the medium
People here say Blender is shit,but for the same of the argument,what would be the best program for each use case? And are they compatible between each other? I kinda see Blender as a Swiss army knife,can do anything but is not the best at anything.
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>Not an expert on 3D
>Doesnt want to use anything besides blender
Even the best artist can get sick and tired of the same routine. Blender is that meme that takes you years to learn and still gets hit with a rake. There’s no improvement in blender, 20 years of programming and the main development team only created a mess.

The animation side took years, proving that Blender is really bad at animation a major component of 3D for many projects and the development team doesn’t care.
blender is fine for the absolute basics od 3D - introduction to animation, texturing, modeling, sculpting etc. but as soon as you try to make anything more advanced on a semi-professional level, it's better to just use anything else and save yourself a headache. just check creations in the Blender thread, it's all the most basic shit like lowpoly characters or spinning cubes.

>are they compatible between each other?
of course they are, you just reference the files and have everything live. or export to fbx which is compatible with pretty much everything
What about posing?

Can I make some cool poses and take pictures of those?

I've been using Blender for those and so far it does the job.
It's fine for posing.
You can animate stuff in it, but it's not an animation software and it's bad at it.
ive used this add on more than any other add on in the last 15 years uo until 3.6.
the newest 4.0 versions of blender devs worked with the developer of animaide to make the mods a native tool within blender now, on top of graph manipulation tools. its honestly amazing for animators.
So your argument why blender is bad at animation is some random fuck not able to do appealing materials in blender? This btw has nothing to do with the animation tools just that they suck at making good looking materials. Pretty weak IMO
Unfortunately it still not quite enough. There’s still the crashing problem, the SFX problem, missing features, testing, etc. Maya is still lightyears ahead in feature and development. The plugin has only covered 0.001 percent of the features. And I don’t believe the Blender developers will update their software to match better animation tools because history has always shown them being profit minded.

Blender number one complaint since the beginning is refusal to hire professionals to help with Blender. Think about it, 30 years, millions of dollars and the best they can do is alter the system a little. They don’t want a better solution to 3D, they want money.

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