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File: dounut.png (1.92 MB, 1920x1080)
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1.92 MB PNG
good morning sirs
sirs please can you rate please
made from sir blender guru turoiral
please rate mistakes or what can I improve
thank you sirs
There's not much point in criticizing work from a tutorial. It wasn't your idea, your technique, or your creative decisions, so there's really nothing to judge except how well you follow directions.
Do the needful sir pls and rating the donut
Oh for fucks sake.
Post your donut or gtfo tripfag
Not in a million years. I like Éclairs.
No donut no opinion, post donut or stfu tripfag, we are in the /donut/ board
File: 1681238125.png (67 KB, 684x527)
67 KB
isn't that just doughtnut in french?
An eclair is a donut for the gooners
We are in /donut/ now old man, the future is now
why do you sneedthe in every thread on /3/?
Its fun.

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