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File: robot .png (3.88 MB, 4000x7500)
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i think im finally starting to understand blender im going to try 3ds max and maya next, is there anything i should know before i use them
(robot made in blender )
> is there anything i should know before i use them
Texture mapping for the love of god.
you wasted months/years on Blendshit just to transition to actual professional software and learn everything again. why didn't you start with maya right away?
3ds max is garbage bloated with 5gb of bugs and unpleasant workflows. Blender with pirated addons is much better and can do more than max in a more effecient and clean way.
>t. used max before moving to blender
Learn no-topology workflow in Maya

>blendlet who never used 3dmax
i used 3dsmax for 1 year, autolet. your software is ancient rubble slowly collapsing onto itself and the company is abandoning it just like it was the case for mudbox.
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>no-topology workflow in Maya
what is this? seen it here a few times. sounds like a meme.
the cris workflow for sub 20 iq monkeyoids
Post your donut or stfu
I found the blender user
No topology workflow is the best, there's so many companies using it right now.
For Maya use the no topology workflow
It’s a bit of an industry secret but it’ll more than likely blow up as normies catch on. The no topology workflow is essentially just a workflow with no topology
It will for sure catch on, it's so refreshing not to be restricted by topology bullshit, there are caviats but this is the future man, I'm still in awe, autodesk have outdone themselves

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