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If I'm serious about animation and modeling should I get a Wacom Cintiq or other similar tablet?

Right now I do everything with just my mouse. Is a tablet something mandatory or optional? Does it provide a significant improvement to workflow? And do I need a tablet like a Wacom if I want to work professionally or would something like an artist 15.6 pro work?

I have the money, I just want to know if I need this or if it will help substantially in my career.
Cris, you don't have any money. Don't bother your parents with something as stupid as a tablet.
some type of tablet is essential if you're serious about sculpting or texture work
if not then you can just stick with your mouse
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Yeah I'm serious about it. Right now I have an artist 15.6 pro (pic related). I was thinking about dropping the cash on a cintiq or if that's necessary and what I have will do for a professional setting. Right now I'm more in the process of getting good. I've only been animating and 3D modeling for about 6 months. By summer of next year I want to be ready for an entry level job.
your current one's probably fine and shouldn't hold you back
if you want to spend the extra on a wacom do it after you have a job and justify it as an expense

fwiw using a pen/tab is much better for your wrist in the long term as well. rsi is a bitch.
A screen-less tablet is way better in most cases as only large ones enable usable 4K screen mirroring, you still need keyboard shortcuts in 3D and you need the space.
Get a Intuos M and put the money you saved into a 3Dconnexion device.
Getting those used is fine, they don't really break (as opposed to the screen tablets) and get a bunch of spare nibs from aliexpress. Sculpting chews throw those like crazy.
you don't want a display tablet.
It's much more convenient and ergonomic to work with a regular tablet without a screen, and you won't have your arm in the way of what you're looking at.
You also don't need one if you aren't sculpting or doing hand painted textures. If you're just doing a little bit of weight painting and masking, then your mouse is fine but a $50 tablet would be a nice luxury. Anything else is overkill.
If you are sculpting or doing hand painted textures, then you absolutely need a decent tablet.

What exactly about that tablet do you think is holding you back?
In my experience, wacom build quality is very poor for the price, and XP-Pen mogs it. I've been using drawing tablets for 20 years and had multiple wacoms, and they just get worse and worse.
If you just think it NEEDS to be wacom because that's what the studios use, that's nonsense. They're hiring you for your skill, and that transfers between devices lol. They only use wacom because it's an established name and they don't want to take "risks".
I guess the only problem with my current tablet is that it is a display screen tablet but it's not very big relatively speaking. I didn't know if I needed something better.

Perhaps I should simply get a regular tablet without a screen because I don't have a whole lot of space and it's inconvenient to switch out between my drawing tablet and my mouse and keyboard and I can't really use them both at the same time. I've tried using a screenless tablet before a long time ago but had a hard time getting used to no looking at what I was drawing and couldn't really do it.
It's more likely the issue was the ratio between screen size and tablet size than not being able to look at your hands. But either way, it's a skill issue. You can overcome that with enough time.
A bigger/better tablet won't improve your work or help you get a job. It's a nice to have, but it's not mandatory.
I have a tiny $50 tablet I take with me in my backpack if I'm working away from home, and I don't feel like it impedes my work at all.
Hold your Horses! Most people at your stage still use a mouse. You're basically saying: "I just started baking, should I buy a kitchen aid?". The artist 15.6 pro is plenty good. Even a screenless tablet like the xp pen deco series is plenty for sculpting. Unless you want spend 2k+ on a cintiq pro 24, you won't get a major upgrade.
It's completely optional. I've sculpted/drawn with my mouse for decades, despite having several tablets that I rarely ever use.

Certain drawing texture painting tasks that are pinstripe like I swap to a tablet if I'm doing a lot of that type of work,
but everyday editing and sculpting I actually prefer the mouse over my wacoms.

Having extra buttons and moving panning the camera naturally is more valuable to me than having pressure sensitivity,
I just multi stroke or alter the pressure instead.

Tablets have mechanical advantage in their geometry making it easier to do exact fast strokes like when drawing/sketching something
but If I'm doing serious work like that making a digital painting I prefer to just do it on real physical paper and snap a pic with my phone once I'm done.
Any painting/photo editing stuff on the computer the per pixel precision of a good mouse is so much more useful to me.
its good
No you’re not ready, zero knowledge on UV mapping and shading inside 3D. You’re going to make a mess and cause problems for yourself. Learn more about UV mapping first instead of jumping to the ocean.
Post your work, chud. I'm a pro, you don't know anything about me.
>Waaah wahhh P-p-o-ost your work...!!!
Kek. Really hit a nerve didn't I newbie? You are like those kids that wear a full nikey sponsored clothes to the gym. Sad!
I say it one more time, chud. Post your work or get out of my face.
Ok. Post your work and I'll post mine :)
You sound like a blue haired overweight redditor. I ordered you first, so you post your work now or else...
Post your work and I'll post mine :)
You want to see my work? Are you sure you'll be able to handle the eliteness that comes with it?
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NTOA, i'm the one you challenge first and here it is. You have to know how things work if you want to do things like this.
iPad Air 6 as external monitor
I'm using it right now, I'm using it with a Mac but you can do it on widows too
There's a free app, what's it called , I forgot
Can do high quality desktop streaming and stylus support
You can lie on your back and do it
Don't know if it has deadly radiation for you but Jesus said he'll protect me from it
pressure. you get pressure. it's night and day. cintiq >>>> tablet
First draw on paper to make sure you won't get tired of it after you put in some effort.
Cintiq could be a waste of money
I feel like screen tablets are useless unless you can afford one big enough to make the UI not teeny tiny. And even then you have to adjust to your cursor floating around like a bubble level which would drive me crazy. Just get a cheap regular Wacom tablet.

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