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File: 81spXf-ISlL.jpg (412 KB, 2228x2228)
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If you're so smart then how would you rig up a sling? WITHOUT double transform errors?

...Yeah, thought so.
File: 140IQsolution.jpg (1.25 MB, 5120x5120)
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>If you're so smart

My IQ clocks in at 140, so here's my 140 IQ type solution.

Now let's see better solutions from the real big brains on /3/, show me the power of your synapses my fellow synapsids.
>rig up
>a sling
Can't you attach all that shit to the torso bone and call it a day? that shit is done to lock the arm....
Fucking midwit.
At least I'm dumb as dirt. I'd either rig it as any other arm an 'sling' some constraints or not rig at all.

This is what a genius would do.
>Idiots using rigging to escape their mistakes
Not hard to comprehend Ncloth or shapekey methods to make a more realistic version. Or do you people use Blender and lack the skills to shapekey.
What about you post your donut tripfag?
You can rig it if you like
>This is what a genius would do.

Yes. I am >>985009 and I will admit that right there is at least a 150 IQ type solution.
No it’s not, that’s the lame easy way for video games. It doesn’t offer the best artistic value.
What kind of a rig are you trying to build with something this simple, to end up with double transformations?

This is sufficient a lot of the time.

Anything more than this is almost always a waste of time. You could use an IK chain to make it a bit more pleasant to control, but an aim constraint will also do the trick. Throw in a few blendshapes/deformer animation when/if needed for some more detail to the pouch. I wouldn't waste time with simulations with something like this, in most cases.

Only idiots put in more work than necessary. What was suggested is good enough a lot of the time.
I can justifiably blendshapes but not tied with bones because there’s no point in it.
It depends what you need it to do. If you want the shoulder to move more, for whatever reason, be it for some cartoony animation or something else, then you probably want the joints there. It's not like it's a big step to create a simple joint chain like that anon made in the example.

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