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Gonna start learning how to seriously Blend today. Haven't used 'er in over a year so let's see.
nice blog
good luck sir
That's really cool! Good luck! :)

That was your hit of dophamine for today, that's what you posted this for, right?
>le im gonna start learning blogpost
>last attempt was a year ago
Enjoy procrastinating further faggot
Learn how to write like a human, filthy monkey
Why all the anger?
Did your gf cheat on you?
Not cool, you are a sad little man.
Have fun taking three months to make le donut, I'm going to enjoy this thread
Holy fuck. If it takes you three months to do that, you may be retarded
I like donuts, but eclairs... I hate them
So uhh... Any progress?
Yes, I made a lot of progress with blender.
Soon I'll be posting some of my art.
Most of them are tutorials btw.
chad, can I post my stuff here time to time too?
Studying for a network cert instead, so not yet unfortunately :(.

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