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File: my doughnut.png (3 MB, 1920x1080)
3 MB
My plan is to learn enough modelling and composition so I can make NSFW "art" and sell it on Fanbox/Patreon/Gumroad. I have identified a niche of degenerates that seem underserved and recently a big artist in that niche burned out. I'm thinking of giving his audience a new home. He published a new comic every month of roughly 60 pages consisting of shots from around 3 or 4 scenes, all rendered in DAZ. I think this can be trimmed by at least half. He was a bit too into his own story and characters and cutting that out while keeping the degenerate stuff will keep me from burning out too.

Do you guys think this is a viable idea?
Stop making donut threads.
Stop making new threads about nsfw content, when they already exist. >>976561
Of course it's possible, but it's a lot of work. You have to be consistent. I am not sure this is something you can just do as a simple "side hustle"
Can't sell on Gumroad mate
>sell it on Fanbox/Patreon/Gumroad
they're slowly pushing out nsfw because payment jews don't like it (and that's unironically a good thing, get fucked lol)
who is that artist? what's the niche?
>they're slowly pushing out nsfw because payment jews don't like it
>jewish run porn will continue to receive funding though
ahh, to live in the United States of Israel.
Go to Upwork and see how many indians are selling 3d services
>My plan is to learn enough modelling and composition so I can make NSFW "art" and sell it on Fanbox/Patreon/Gumroad.

The market is fucking over saturated, the fucking world economy is in a recession and no one has fucking money to throw at retarded coomer artists.
Either come back in a couple years or better spend your time learning a skill or trade that will actually make you enough money to keep your roof over your head.

Learning 3D for monies right now is dumb. Doing it as a hobby is great.

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