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rate my rockbruches (mudbox)
man it's sad they stopped updating mudbox. i knew it was truly over when i watched some autodesk livestream about maya and the guy was using zbrush to sculpt details.
are these for zbrush?
Why are you still using chudbox?
best software used to create cgi was from 2006-2013
everything else is just technical bullshit that saves the artist 2 steps but cost thousands of dollars if you wanna upgrade your software
I still have my old brush licence, and it works perfectly fine for sculpting.
Why do you need the new features?
Same thing with mudbox, still ompletely usable.
Mudbox sucks, it can't even do symmetry properly there's always some isolated vertice it misses when sculpting over edges. Pirate Zbrush and save time
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>Mudbox sucks


also, vector brushes makes everything easier if you know how to make them work

spent 5 minutes using the same vector brush btw
zero sculpting

all vector brush
it's a dead abandoned software. it was good in the 2000s, but today it's not. it lacks more than half the features zbrush has which make your work easier to produce.
>it's a dead abandoned software

it was actually used to create thanos and other various cgi elements for marvel films
I'm missing hard edges vs soft edges and definition in your models
God I wish Mudbox shipped with PBR shaders
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it was done in 5 minutes



its not about the software, its about the artist
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is this what youre looking for

something HEAVILY edited to the point where it looks fake aka stylized

yeah, i can do that as well
>new features
you can create hard surface easily in zbrush, has a gorillion brushes, shaders, tools and options. you do not need to software hop anymore just to create an armor plate for a character. it's like using a bicycle versus a motorbike.

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