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Can someone review my issues with Blender and present a diagnosis? I'll be actively comparing myself to someone else that started at the same time. Both have no previous practical experience (Mine was like 2 parts of the Blender donut years ago)

Please help me decide what to do
nigga how can u fail at blender? whats ur goal
This involves making lewd/mild NSFW for a /vg/ general.

These following three are mine, remember the first one, it's the latest one.

https://files.catbox.moe/ mvy20q.png

https://files.catbox.moe/ uk3qyz.png

https://files.catbox.moe/ niq3zt.png

This is the work of the person I feel compettitive about, jealous.

https://files.catbox.moe/ dir9u6.jpg

https://files.catbox.moe/ jtagae.jpg

https://files.catbox.moe/ t0drb9.jpg

https://files.catbox.moe/ r7jovq.jpg

u have no sense of composition or lighting. actually look at ur refs and see what sets them apart, or look at any tutorial on these topics
all of these are bad but your newest one would be better than all the others if you turned up / added a fill light + pushed overall exposure a little more in camera or in post.
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He can and has made lots of others renders. He can make more than me, he's better than me.

I take too long doing things and I don't know why. I tinker and tinker and it doesn't even come out right. I struggle with posing, I don't understand poses at all.

Remember this
https://files.catbox.moe/ mvy20q.png (just join it, nsfw)

It took me 6 hours, I watched tutorial vids in the meantime but 6 hours and I failed. This is the 3rd render I make in total.

I didn't even add cum or sweat, I wasted time.

I don't know what you guys are talking about. Plus I couldnt get the tongue to make contact or spit effects, her expression and background clutter. I'm tearing up at my failure
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This one took me 5 hours I think
Why do I take so long to deliver nothing but shit?

Composition? I use references but I don't understand composition. Should I just copy the references for now as I see them?

You guys have no idea how much I struggle with poses. I don't understand it and can't pose for shit.
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I clumsily try to set a camera one I realize the pose cant work. I tinker and waste time with poses and nothing works
I am frankly discouraged to try again after failing. Cant even get body fluids, cant get anything. I can't do poses or expression, he is better. Why?

So what's my problem?
jannies, rangeban him please.
he does similar whiny stuff for ~2 years already.
>try to learn something
>rightfully complain and worry about it
WTF hate him
this troll been here for 7 years give or take
Can I get some feedback?
>So what's my problem?
No eye for visual art, sorry to say this. Cut your losses and try something different, this is the best advice you will get
It's what I feared. I have no visual talent. I have no talent
But why? Where can you see this?
heh its like Global Illumination is the only Illumination u know.
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The latest had a 4 light set up, it still looks like nothing
I failed.
Can someone ban this attention seeking faggot already?
I just want advice or a diagnosis
diagnosis: schizo and/or pedo and/or troon
advice: 1 dose of .45 ACP applied directly to the forehead, temple, or roof of mouth.
Im neither
Yes you are. I'm a professional psychiatrist.
Still asking for feedback
Have you considered you might be stupid?
Yes, but even then that can be worked on.
What are my issues? I believe I am complicating stuff for no reason
Review this
needs more lighting. You have to light it like it's a movie set. Not with logical light like the ones you have models for in the scene.
and on this note I saw this one lewd 3d animation recently that had "bad lighting" like if it were a real film he would have failed to light the scene well. specifically the light appeared to be mounted on the camera, like an old camcorder or a news camera. Well to my eyes anyways the "bad lighting" made the scene look more real.
Just watch some videos on photo composition. It's not that difficult
I've been trying this but there's a lot I don't know. Lots of post I need
I guess, I am just worried I am not a natural
>I am just worried I am not a natural
maybe you should watch Marco Bucci's video about how he became a pro artist who works for Disney and Marvel etc. despite having no talent when he started
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I've practicing lights and yes, there is an improvement in every scene. Now I see my mistakes clearly
So I have no talent? Why?
watch older pixar and you'll see how shitty a lot of the rendering actually is, what carries those movies is their fundamental understanding of composition/camerawork, color, form, sound, movement... It goes way deeper than a "4 light setup". Natural 'talent' is just being able to pick up on these things on an intuitive level, we all know an amazing artist who cant really articulate what theyre doing to make their work "good". Not having this doesn't mean you can't hone it in a much more deliberate way, but if you plan on making a career out of it you'll be competing with 'natural talent' the whole way
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I think I am unadventurous and that's why I fail. I don't dare to just try and improve.
I see.
I know what you'rr talking about. I am into paintings too. But do you agree with me not having talent? Why?
Been watching vids about composition
you're just now taking interest in this, while the people youre comparing yourself to have been interested in it since they were little probably. People who take this sort of thing seriously dont just think about it while theyre working or when they look at paintings, it literally becomes the lens they see the whole world through on some level. Look for beauty in everything you see and it will manifest in your work
I rewatched a bit of The Incredibles recently and was amazed by how horrible some of the scenes and characters looked, kind of impressive. Of course they still made it work and feel awesome
That other person started at the same time, 2 weeks ago?
They probably had either more experience with making art in general, or possibly a better innate sense for composition and render concepts.
Either way, there's nothing stopping you from getting good enough to impress the philistines on /vg/, probably within a few more weeks
My problem is I am ashamed of myself. Even when I draw, anything creative.
I made a scene with enough tinkering that can already look like their stuff, bothered to add fluids, play with rough and such, picked an easy pose. Lights, best ive done so far.

But I am ashamed of myself, of doing anything creative. So I dont practice enough, ive done 5 renders in total. I am shit due to not being brave enough to do more. Instead I whined and complained and got depressed. I am somehow embarrassed of this
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>jealous of someone who is barely better than you
kinda weird

1. your lighting is bad. it's worse than if you just used one of the hdris which come with blender, let alone downloaded a more interesting one off a hdri site. look at people who are actually good (not your competing anon) and try to recreate/reverse engineer their lighting. turn off all your lights and go through them one at a time to see if it's doing what you want it to do. adjust them until they are doing what you want, namely highlighting areas in the image, making things contrast against the background, creating interesting shadows, lighting things so you can see the details, etc. in your latest pic you have a few lights off to the side but the face is dark and you can barely see anything on the dick. also try to make the lights exist in the world of the image rather than just inexplicably existing
do this and other tutorials where you download the project files and try to apply the lessons yourself don't just blindly copy what they're doing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bum0F00TaKU

my biggest lighting tip is that eye highlights (which you don't have) are extremely important as they instantly give life to the character. make sure they're small (light with small radius) otherwise they look weird/bad
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2. your composition is also bad. your latest picture has terrible framing with a huge pointless area on the left and the focal length makes it even worse. there is contrast between the bg and foreground which is good but why even use a background if you're just going to leave it completely unlit and have the character on an un-textured cube(???)
tighten up your camera on the areas which matter and if you need to make it a vertical image then do it

see attached picture for the difference an fov adjustment can make (ignore bad deformations) and i'm not saying you should be using one or the other but try to think about it and see which works best for your picture. your latest pic's low fov is making the face/dick/hand way larger compared to the rest of the scene. if that's the look you want then fine but try to think about what you can do with the camera to change how your picture looks

3. your posing. you have fallen for the classic newbie trap of "what do i do with this hand oh god i know i'll make her grab her boob". try to be a little more dynamic and think about the position your characters are in. is it a comfortable pose? is it even realistic position for a human to be in? where is the character distributing their bodyweight? are the shoulders in the correct position relative to the body and arms? if you need to just get in the position yourself

your second picture (black void one) has the best posing. it has the best lighting too since you've actually made an effort to rim light her but it is overall quite bland
also stop being neurotic and shaming yourself for not being good, nobody starts out good. no one is naturally good at things. you need to learn over time
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Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, now I've seen vids of lighting and such I realize how bad my stuff is, same with my framing.
I did go back into changing the light for that and there's a bit of a difference but beyond a three point set up, I'm too new.
Your Jinx example is good, I just saw to stick on 50 to 30 mm range and as a newbie I got scared.
I have no idea what I am doing beyond trying to copy r34 pics or magazine pics (black void)

I neer to think more, been on panic auto pilot and reacting to my own pics.
[spoiler]Care to add me on discord for feedback please?[/spoiler]
I just cant replicate poses at all
Tried right now with a simple BJ kneelong one and couldnt position her back
I cant do it
yeah that lighting looks better from the thumbnail. there's also the extra step of taking your render and using post effects on it to make it even better but probably just stick to the basics for now
>I neer to think more, been on panic auto pilot and reacting to my own pics.
maybe stop panicking for no reason, you aren't under time pressure unless you have a terminal illness or something. this is meant to be fun. i have a huge reference folder i refer to so it's not "bad" to try and copy existing stuff, don't feel guilty or whatever about it
and no i don't give out my discord, apologies
I just failed right now
I couldnt understand how to position them to get the same desired angle as the pic, it was a double bj so 3 model

Im anxious and depressed, dodnyou read how long it took me to get those pics, 6 hours for two explicit ones
I dont get posing, that worries me
Well I do hand it out, and Im going to try at least
Its phanterfan
just relax you don't need to do everything perfectly the first time you try it. you also don't need to do things in a specific time frame. i've worked on some pictures for multiple days and some for just a few hours, if it takes time to get it how you want it then that's just how it is
it sounds like you have very bad anxiety problems which should be a higher priority to fix than improving your 3d porn abilities
I am anxious yes.
Its just worries me that I was unable to understand and replicate the pose, do I bend the back? The neck? I couldnt get the angle so I panicked
Can you at least take a look maybe? Keep my tag or watch the thread?

Trust me, I don't get poses
Even did the pose myself to try to see which bones bend
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I spent 20 minutes trying to get the neck and head to perfection to the reference
(This is why I take so long btw) and O cant make sense of it
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And I dont think I can get it. I should fucking end it, thats what I should do
I cant understand 3d poses
I couldnt make someone kneel and look decent
Look at her neck, thats suicide worthy to me
Look at her fucking neck
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Another example
I just dont get poses
if I dont get poses what remains? It might be impossible to improve of I cant get poses right now
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20 fucking minutes
Spent tinkering with her neck
This >>986940 is what I get
Who am I kidding? I cant do this? I dont understand poses, fucking poses. I have a human body, I should get them but I fucking cant

I am crying again right now

I couldnt get thr two girks to kneel and guess what? Have their necks and head look up

If this is giving me trouble, Ill never improve its over i dont have talent
I couldnt do pic related
Thats my issue here
I couldnt, I cant do it
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So I got banned from a discord abiut nsfw blender
it's strange that this board attracts such a high percentage of schizoposters
its easy to download a model from smutbase and make a render. Making your own models/learning how to draw is much harder.
I can't imagine why that would happen
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I cant pose her neck
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So should i continue
How even
I cant
that's a good start, now make them come and sugondis
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Fuck off
I failed
The neck is not exactly as the reference
Angle of the neck and shoulder
2D isn't 3D, genius. 2D artists cheat anatomy all the time. Find the cheat in 3D that makes it work.
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I cant do it
So I shouldnt use 2d refs?
Maybe stop being a perfectionist bitch, and settle for "good enough".
"Wah, wah! it doesn't match 100%!" Shut up, cunt. Make the neck look not-retarded.
I did not finish the idea at all

Fuck i fucked up badly
End result

Your personality is way worse than your works will ever be if that makes you feel better. Fuck I would blow my head off I had to interact with a whiny self deprecating no self esteem piece of shit like you on a daily basis
she looks like she's afraid of you lmao
oh my fucking god the retarded schizo from /v/ went here too. More insufferable than our colombian retard
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I want feedback
is this song a message to the haters?
Can you give feedback? >>>/trash/66678062
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I can't do it. Its impossible
I dont get lighting at all
Unironically golden comment, thank you for this
just become an ai artist you aren't cut out for this life
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I dont get lighting, been trying to at least understand how Nyl sets up things.
How do I learn for real instead of just pose models?
Why? But yes I dont get lighting, maybe my eyes are different from birth
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I dont understand light, why am I even doing? I dont have natural talent for light
I tried this
Even in drawings I do not understand light
He tells you to light up an example render before seeing more of the video
I failed
You trying to do the frontal flash thing kinda look? Use a ring mesh light and parent it to the camera if you want to be fancy. Make sure the specular roughness on your characters eyes are low.

You can also simply use a dim HDRI that you like to act as fill lighting since you're rendering in a black void
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Thank you! Im rendering in a black void as I get too sad if I use backgrounds. This is fun, I want to learn for real but I dont know what to do or if I can even learn.

A ring mesh light? An object with a light material? Right? Torus?
Well, these fortnite models are too plastic and low detail really.

Can you give me crit on light stuff? I am worried it might be something within me that doesnt allow me to get it
Going to give self crit here
I am mad and sad about how bad this ended up, I know it was just practice but the values, its both flat and simply unfocused
I didnt get anything right. I had no idea what to do
Its just a pool of gray and black with no focus point
there's plenty of good art made with that model
Whats my problem really?
The problem is me and my lack of talent
I cant do it
I dont have the natural eye
Thats even worse than having no skill
you don't need a natural eye you can train it
if you spent half the time you do schizo posting on improving instead you'd be way better
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I dont have the natural eye, everyone can see that i am insecure because it means i wasnt born for this
How can I train it anyways? I am 23 I am too old for anything
I just have low self esteem
If i were to improve and see that improvement with no setback I wouldnt get depressed
If I have one setback its vack to square on
I couldnt even shade balls when i tried to draw
Light is something natural
A matter of taste
If I cant fucking light right now, will i ever be able to do it?
You cant teach taste
You cant teach artistic sense
So that worries me
23 is nothing moron you can still learn you just need to stop crying every time you face a challenge and learn to overcome it
you have absolutely abysmal willpower but that's probably just some ipad raised zoomer trait so it may not even be your fault
But I have no natural eye for lights

In the video he said, before watching any more
Light the scene on your own and thats what I came up with
ok now watch the rest of the video and listen to what he says
then you do it again with his techniques in mind and you learn from it...
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I did watch the video and I tried again
I still couldnt do it, I am not posting that attempt
I couldnt do it, I couldnt focus the lights and make it look good
His face still has no focal point, so thats why i am worried
If I cant do it right now, why should i ever be able to? If the talent isnt there...
god you're such a defeatist weirdo
is this some kind of fetish for you or something
No, its not.
But I have no self esteem and no confidence
I failed on the 2nd attempt after I watched the video, tried to set up lights like he was on what, a highway, it looked lame so I gave up
I failed the 2nd attempt I should have been able to by that point, I saw his vid, so why not?

Why did I fail with the raven pic?
I couldnt do this pic
He said it my lighting and composition are bad
just because he said you were bad doesn't mean you can't improve. you asked for feedback, that's the feedback
nobody said you had no potential but to achieve anything you need to put in the work and overcome the difficulties
I dont have a problem with feedback, I know I am bad
I have a problem woth the fact I could never do his pic or improve, I dont think i have talent
that's an example picture with 2 lights to show you fov changes i don't think it's meant to be a finished picture that you should try to emulate
Then do it. turnon global illumination, turn on depth of field, turn on all of the post effects. The secret to all this slick looking renders is that they cover the shit up with blurry lights and film grain. The less you see of the actual model the mor your brain fills in the gaps and goes
>oh yeah this looks good. I like how it's so blurry and grainy I cant see shit
some of my fav renders are at extremely low samples and grainy as hell. gives them a vibe for sure
I still feel insecure about it
What if I cant understand lighting?
What? That image? I would have to get a better ome
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Lighting is hard...
But more than just light, I'll admit. Im stupid
Ive been trying to copy the scene of an actual pro. Not in quality but I want to understand the set up, the tools needed. Camera, lights
Shit this is hard
Perspective lines I know I fucked up her waist
Its the nyl2 widowmaker blowjob pov
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I should stop doing this and try to get one finished scene
Am I even learning from this? I got fooled by the angle, I think I koght be closer to figuring out where the camera is and how to start thinking about what camera mm?

The camera fooled me, its not that high up? Maybe? Its just perspective
I should move into something else and more tutorials
I dont get it
This is a troll thread
Its not I am just incompetent but want to learn and be good
i ( >>986928 ) have returned

your upper body is in an awkward position which is why you can't get the neck right. you have correctly identified this here >>986942 where you've pointed out the angle of the neck is wrong relative to the upper body. all you need to do is angle the upper body more instead of having it be parallel with the ground. the spine (as a whole) should always be a nice S curve so if you deviate from that it's going to look unnatural
also your hands are too far forward to comfortably support the weight of the upper body
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also if you're insecure about my literally 3 minute jinx picture to show you fov differences you're gonna hate this 30 minute picture in which i make the picture you wanted to make
the point of the lighting in nyl's pictures/animations you're trying to copy is that it's an "amateur" feeling lighting used mostly in porn where there's a ring light attached to the top of the camera like this guy said >>987182
usually there's a lot of grain or other visual imperfections which is the secret sauce to making something look photorealistic.
>>987277 this is ok but i think your light is probably too close to the model instead of being where the camera lens is. also those fortnite models have pretty poor detail (like the game), and iirc the rig is janky and hard to use. try a rigid3d model instead
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and allow me to let you in on another shocking revelation: if it looks good from the camera perspective it doesn't matter at all if it looks like a fucking mess in the viewport
once you reach a certain threshold of "correct" you can even have problems in plain sight and people will ignore them
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and finally this is what you messed up with the neck. the spine is doing the majority of the bending and the neck is pretty much neutral
it's an exaggerated pose (the ass is way too high) but it looks good in the camera and we're making porn so you're allowed to exaggerate things
instead of spending all your time doom posting about tfw no talent just try to activate your brain and realize you can't just copy a step by step procedure to make art you have to actually look at it and think about the components, what you're trying to achieve, what works and what doesn't
>bbc shill is fucking incompetent
yeah, I expected nothing more from you
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ITs impossible I cant do it
It takes me hours to do anything ahen you habe this in 30 minutes
Im wasting life on this
I cant do it
Tell me why cant i do it? Is it normal i cant? This is impossible
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It took you 30 minutes to do what ive tried hours
Natural talent
I cant do it its impossible
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Despite having a body of my own, I dont understand it
I dont get it
I cant grasp it
I have a body of my own and I cant get it
I cry and I cry
I cant understand it at all
It took 30 minutes to do what i havent been able to do in hours
Why try
i've been doing this for like 5 years it's not natural talent
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I cant do it
You have been doing it for 5 years
How long would it take me to reach your level? 10? Im not a natural at anything
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Just like it happened with drawing
I cant understand this
Im just wasting my time here
Ive wasted hours and nothing to show for it
This fucker can do it in 30 minutes
i've been doing at least a little bit of blender pretty much every day so it really depends on how much you commit to it
it looks like you had a mental breakdown in 2021 so you should probably get that fixed
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I cant learn Blender
I would have shown promise if I could
Come on
Tell me, why cant I get it? I have a body i should be able to know and pose
Why cant I?
>Take a break
>Go outside
>Control your breathing slowly for 40 mins
>Come back
>Read the final sentence from
>Review everything 1 step at a time.
>Take notes based on those critiques/advice
>If you get anxious again, repeat steps 1-3
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Bet you felt like a big man mogging me in 30 minutes
Why try if I know theres not going to be an eventually
ffs stop responding and giving this mentally ill retard attention
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Fuck you
You think your talent gives you the right to insult me
>no one is naturally good at things.
patently not true. are you also not aware that most people are actually smarter than you despite your experience to the contrary?
>patently not true
that's cope. some people have natural affinities for things but they still have to work hard and master it, there aren't people who open blender for the first time and make something amazing
>are you also not aware that most people are actually smarter than you despite your experience to the contrary?
than me personally or are we generalizing? surely an average person would meet an equal number of people smarter and less smart than them
i'm giving you legitimate feedback though i am obviously being a dickhead about it. you're ignoring all of it and saying you can never be good so why try to be good. that's retarded and the reason you can never learn anything









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Fuck you
I know I dont have talent
You know i dont have talent

Do I even care anymore? I was never a contender
In 30 minutes you did more and better work than me in 6 hours tinkering with lights
The talent isnt there
why the self hate your work is amazing, just be practical, and make the best from it, see if there's something you can learn and improve and that's it
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You should fucking die
People dont seem to understand ive wasted hours and this guy did that in 30 minutes
The natural talent isnt there, whats there to do
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HOURS for every render I tried
Most of it in posing alone
HOURS fucking wasged with pic related
When that guy can do it in 30 minutes
Far better, double the posing

I can assure you he did not take as lo g when he was starting
Therefore I know the trend, in the futurr it would take me 2 hours to get the same pic
Why waste my time? I have to call it off
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I looked up online
No one else takes this long to pose
HOURS FOR the pics I posted
My brain might be unable to understand position, thats hopeless for an artist
I give up
Why are you better than me
>Insert random comment that would make anon go into another shizo rant for 20 more comments.
>Why are you better than me
i've spent probably 8000-10000 hours using blender and making porn
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You have natural talent
Not my fault really, my brain simply was born unable to understand 3D space
Since its not my fault i am not bothered by this
Its a fact, facts never change

Why cant I? Why do I take hours for poses that should take minutes? Tell me now
>Why do I take hours for poses that should take minutes? Tell me now
because you don't have 8-10k hours in blender and are still learning but you seem to think it's possible to magically skip that step and just be good
No, tell me, is it normal to take this long?
I mean 5 hours on a pose that should be out in minutes
I dont get it, my brain cant get it
The other anon is better back here
He doesnt take hours to pose
i have spent literally days fiddling with tiny details, unhappy with how they look, before i get them looking okay enough for me to be satisfied with them
in this picture >>987316 seraphine (the left one's) mouth looks weird, i adjusted it with the sculpting tools for like 5 minutes straight trying to get it to look better but it still looks weird
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Sure but it looks good
I dont have talent,its impossible for me to do it
this nigga is hilarious, and really broke the 4chan meta, by bullying his own self so hard people are left with no bullying left to do on their part, 4chan truly is a magical place
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Im just being honest
Every single person is better than me
My raven attempt was pathetic
I show zero promise, a blind man would draw/render better
as long as you're putting ladies next to yummy bbc i will consume and enjoy your content
I gave up again
Ill never be good
If the problem was not the posing but the skill, that could have promise
But the problem is really the posing
I cant understand it

Therefore there is no possible improvement, none
Can a person with a missing leg ever become the best NBA player? I doubt it

Its an existential block to improvement
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What have I been doing thrse past few days?
Watching vids on light, playing with light, never finishing a scene, never getting anything even decent

Wasting hours unable to understand a pose?

Plain obvious to me, the talent isnt there
I am this video
If I failed at this, and drawing, and music, and painting
The only choice that makes sense is suicide
Im nothing
Existence is overrated
Ive been awake for 5 hours 15 minutes and not once have I opened Blender
Its futile
Why cant I though? Hours for a pose thats not normal
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Why cant I do it?
They tell me that if I werr to spend the same time I spend crying practicing, Id be better
How can they be sure? Im talentless and worthless I would not improve
I havebt improved so far
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Havent opened Blender at all, or read anything about it

Deleted all models and previous attempts
Calling this off as a failure

I just dont have the talent
Dude, chill the fuck out. Go play some vidya and eat some snacks. Bask in the sun when you get the chance. It sounds like your problem is lack of self-discipline not lack of "talent".
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It's impossible. I don't see a path in which I can ever learn. The talent just isnt there at all. I should end it. I cant learn anything, I wasnt born for anything.
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My attempt at what this guy ended up doing here >>987316
Was pic related

No promise at all

Suicide is noble to me
Ive failed at
>writing erotic games

And now 3D
Im worthless
In a cosmic sense no one is born for anything. Nothing has "meaning", but that doesn't change anything. Maybe 3D isn't for you, that's for you to figure out. Putting yourself down like that isn't gonna help shit. I'm still not clear what the goal you failed to meet was.
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I am not afraid of death
If I fail to be good at anything I should just kill myself
I dont enjoy life, I dont enjoy anything but what, sleeping, music and coffee, anything other than that is bullshit
I wanted to be good at 3D I just dont have talent same for drawing
What's the point of this? What kind of response are you expecting? Do you want us to convince you otherwise or push you over the edge?

Reach out to people that care about you (even if you tell yourself they don't).
I dont give a fuck about any of you. You would all hate me anyways.

/ic/ told me back then to give up without worry, I wouldnt be giving up on a future as a good or great artist. They were right, eventually I gave up for real. It was never going to happen.

Now tell me, what's the diagnosis? Why cant I do 3D?
>Why cant I do 3D?
Because you're a piss baby that can't handle minor setbacks.
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Thats not the truth.
Hours wasted on lights that dont work
Hours wasted on poses that are wrong
Check here
We both started at the same time
He shows promise
I show none
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Failing at drawing only made me ask the why over and over for years, we are so close to that loop starting for 3D. Once the mental feedback loop is in place
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So after being depressed all day and not getting any work done, I was checking some fashion magazines and well I picked 3 poses, easy medium and hard
I tried to gesture draw and do what anon said, think about the body
The model was a stick so I should have used a Fortnite model quite cute too but i think i got the easy pose
>some fashion magazines
which ones? That sounds like a good learning resource
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Im a fucking moron
Her hips were pointing down
I know I have no talent so the shoulder is whatever

The medium pose I picked well ot was from a drawing and I realized it was impossible without really breaking her spine, the sharp inward leg angle should have clued me in
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The hard pose came from the same model, I thought she was cute and this Tracer model has detailed feet so I got it from her wikifeet page
I wont post the original to avoid that anon mogging me again

But her spine was bent all the way and one side was smashed in while the other one relaxed and curving outwards, I didnt really get it at all
Who are you? What were you doing with this thread open
Just checked the hard pose again
I got her center of gravity wrong from the inverted view
She was resting on the side that's squished if I think about her like a bag
I got into the same pose and you feel your neck and middle of the back getting a massove stretch, might attempt again
It wasnt as dramatic, just the low camera mm(?) Making her look longer
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Ok but how can I actually improve though?
I wanna be a top tier animator
Wrong. He's been going at it for 7 YEARS. The talent is not there so is the inexistent discipline. It's over. And he NEEDS to understand so.
I lurk on /3/ and saw your post. The board is not very active as you might have noticed
why are there so few chuds who 3d? we need more, this board has a population of 20
The average 4chan chud has the technical and creative ability of a salamander. That's why
Ive been at this, refer to the chart
I started drawing on 2020
My 3D journey started 3 or 2 weeks ago, I didnt even know you could use your GPU to render lol
Well dont take it the wrong way but youre likely better than me so if I help I help the competition....Just go on pinterest
>Just go on pinterest
alright, thanks for the advice
>Well dont take it the wrong way but youre likely better than me so if I help I help the competition
I'm mostly interested in making sculpts and game characters, I don't do poses or nice renders much. So I'm not your competition, we aren't in the same sub-field of 3d
If you open 3D software you are competition. Period.
oh btw, I remember you from /ic/.
Hopefully you'll keep trying to improve in drawing, I think it's a very valuable skill for almost any kind of artist, even a 3d animator
don't even think about animation before you get the hang of everything else. animation is hard as fuck
this looks good, much better than your other attempts. i really think your main problem was the fortnite models because their rigs are clunky
again this is fine, the shoulder is easily fixed either with the bone or using the sculpting tools (which is often required because armature deformations are rarely perfect) so don't worry about it too much
>youre likely better than me so if I help I help the competition
this is a terrible mindset and even shittier when this thread is full of talented 3d people giving you advice and feedback.
if i had to guess i'd say you only got into 3d thinking you could make easy money, which is why your earlier pics are all bbc porn. your reaction in this thread is typical of the kind of person who thinks "wow 3d is so easy, literally free money!" then comes to the realization you actually have to put effort in and practice to be good
Dude what are you doing these things for? Do you want to make money with it? Do you have some goal for something you want to produce?

You cannot be passionate about the craft, you seem to thoroughly hate it. If you just want to goon with these, just quit. Do you have a real job?

It is natural to want to be good at something, it gives us a sense of accomplishment, but you seem to have your affections and imagination very twisted.
he's going to be rich making fortnite bbc porn you are just a competitor to be squashed beneath his boot
No I dont got into it by wanting to make money,I am just deranged from childhood trauma and want to be the best at it,at things I try.
Im not even into bbc really, that was to piss off people in the fortnite general
Fine youre right about being an asshole, ill help out when i can
I am just insecure
Just get on tumblr, theres links for pdfs for archives there
It really isnt a great resource because these things have a lot of useless text so just tumblr and modeling should be it i guess
I was using an actual copy of 032c I have but the problem is that theres no scans of that online
I got into it because it caught my attention and I want to do NSFW
I want to learn for real
What do I do?
>chud thinks it can make quick bucks off bbc porn in 1 month
Find a way to have talent in your next life, Whyie.
But what?
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You've been shitting up every fucking 3D graphics thread on every fucking board now.
Fucking stop
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on today's meltdown we discuss the sculpting tools in blender and how you should never feel like you're being bullied by the vertices as you are in fact their god
weird deformations? lumps from bad weighting? joints twisted unpleasantly? not enough squish for your boner? sculpting is the answer
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you can either make a shapekey (in the data section of the properties outliner) and sculpt using the mesh as is or __if you are finished posing__ you can add a multires modifier and sculpt using a subdivided mesh which lets you put in way more detail and lets you more easily fix bad looking parts of the mesh
you have to be finished posing when using it however as it will make your mesh explode if you adjust the bones afterwards
the basic sculpting brushes to use are the drag, grab and smooth brushes. with these you can fix most things. for finer detail you should use the draw sharp or crease brushes. to make things nice and squishy looking you can use inflate then smooth it. you are the boss of the vertices!
Wait shouldnt I know anatomy before this? I am a bit scared to do this
Ill see if I can find a pose that would need sculpting
yes it would help
you don't need a specific pose for it, just use it to help fix bad deformations from the rig posing
probably stick to using shapekeys instead of multires until you know what you're doing
Ok thanks
What do you think would be good practice for today? I was told to stop doing porn for practice
I did want to practice fluids but that would be polishing a turd this early
fluids are retarded and slow and annoying don't even bother using those until you're way better
just keep trying to recreate pinups and other pictures with poses you like or find something with interesting lighting and try to work out how they did it
also this guy makes beginner 3d porn tutorials i don't think he's that good and i've never watched the videos but other people seem to mention him a lot so you might find them useful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1IU5UHdyxE
Ive seen that vid before
Which is why i was worried about not getting lighting
Know something i really dont get, how to pick camera fov and angle
Those fortnie models were bad quality ngl
Should i do the donut too? Or something?
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I am the biggest coward the world and board has seen
I didnt even attempt anything really
I didnt even attempt sculpting
If I dont have the stomach to fail
If I dont have the will to try
I simply dont have it in my blood
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I am such a pecho frio
I have no balls I cant find my balls or passion or courage
I havent made a single full render yet
Im too afraid of failure and not being ready
I didnt even attempt to sculp
To be fair this pose is pretty much impossible for me
I dont know if to continue
that is a very hard pose to do especially with 3d models because the mesh will stretch and bend badly
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So what did I actually do today? Well add ons, watched videos on lighting and stuff. Not a whole lot
Tried to find models but couldnt

What else did I do?
I failed at many poses and I failed at this scene

We know I am not courageous or brave
We know I am not adventurous
I dont have a risk seeker personality
I will not attempt something in which success is not certain
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As you can see, I did fail at setting up a ring light

But there are far bigger problems
My idea was to use the circle to block the light path, I didnt find how to do this and a part of me tells me the circle is not solod therefore light would go through it
Solidify did not work so I gave up defeated and sad
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Then another bigger problem

I did not know how to pose

The reference pic is just a regular POV of a blowjob, girl right at the center

I did not want to work more on it because

>Should I pose ehat the camera wont even get to see?
Why none of you reply? HELP ME NOW
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And then I also did not want to work more on it because i gave myself a

After 15 minutes hands off the computer


This anon took 30 minutes in a far superior and more dynamic pose

So I thought, come on this is just 1 girl and 1 guy and far simpler and blander
If i take 1 hour posing (given fingers who knows)
If I were to take as long as I usually take as I am incompetent and cant pose for shit plus the second bigger problem for next post then I would crealy have absolutely NO talent or future in this

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The third problem
The second bigger issue is
I had no idea what angle to pic, I posed the guy first
As I was thinking about poaing ashley I thought

what do I do now? I cant show the reference pic as someone else would do it better and faster btw

So I had no idea what to do, I added a camera positioned it in front of her but the mm and angle looks lame
I had no idea what to do at all
What pic to make? Sure I have a reference but any MM looks bad
It looks horrible

I thought of this picture and how I cant compare again
you are right, the circle primitive is just a ring of vertexes. select the circle, enter edit mode (tab), enter vertex selection mode if you're not already in it, select all vertices (a), fill the vertices (f)

>Should I pose ehat the camera wont even get to see?
you should still pose in the generally correct position but you don't need to bother making the feet look good or anything if they're out of the frame

this is looking fine just keep working on it. avoid symmetry and make things not perfectly straight to improve realism.
i.e. >SUBTLY< tilt one of the shoulders (the right one cuz her hand is above shoulder level), tilt the head to the left or right a little bit, same with the spine but again don't make it crazy or it'll look weird
>cuz her hand is above shoulder level
her elbow is above shoulder level*
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If I am to make this and be good, which I myself doubt
I really believe Im only wasting my time
I dont do anything else in my free time but browse the internet butbI still consider this a waste of time if I dont improve

I have
Borderline Personality Disorder
Chronic clinical depression
Post Stress Traumatic Disorder
Histrionic Tendencies
Delusional Thoughts (I actually believe I can be as good as the best when I am in my mania phase)

Yeah her hands were done in seconds because I was running out of time due to camera anxiety thanks to my 15 minute limit, described here
you don't need to give yourself arbitrary timelimits
Btw I did fully render
This ashley pic based on another model photoshoot
But this model lacks shoulder rigging so I couldnt get the pose perfectly AND
I failed at lighting again
None of the pics Ive made so far have good lighting

To me thats a bad sign that improvement will never come
None of my practice
The only decent one is the tracer hip one and thats because its unlit and it has a white background
The ashley pic looks horrible
The new tracer? HORRIBLE
BUt I do, he can do so much better than me in less time
I dont wanna spend hours on the ashley pic at least poaing or lighting
I am just worried
Nothing has good lighting
I might have to start all over
This model doesnt have shoulders
the model probably has more bones on other bone layers. look here, you might need to go through them one by one (click the eye on, turn it off if it's not what you want or you'll be overwhelmed by bones)
and to answer this
>Should i do the donut too? Or something?
yes you should. i hope you didn't just jump straight in to trying to make porn
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forgot pic
Be honest with me
What have been my flaws? I dont think I can do it I have no faith in me at all
My choldhood trauma is massive
Yeah the bayo model I got had the same thing ill check again later
as i said earlier in the thread you should address your mental problems before worrying about creative hobbies
hello schizo anon, also hello teacher anon if ure still lurking here, can any of you tell me where to actually get nsfw models like these? i only found the basic overwatch rips which are pretty much useless, in exchange i might make some renders later on
make an account or you might not see everything
No you dont get it
I need to improve and be good at something
Or else ill only end up ending it
Why cant I pick a camera angle or camera mm?
What do you think about all the fully finished renders ive posted taking me hours to do? A bad sign?
Ive bought models to avoid anyone competing...
>I need to improve and be good at something
then stop overthinking everything and giving up when you reach the hard parts
>What do you think about all the fully finished renders ive posted taking me hours to do? A bad sign?
the time is irrelevant. and most of your pics are at the stage where you've done the initial posing and now you want to add more detail and add the essence of boner to make it into porn people want to look at
>Ive bought models to avoid anyone competing...
you don't need paid models at this stage
i'd hold ur hand while we make renders together, im not here to compete
Not that anon but how do you define the essence of boner? What details or qualities should one focus on or add?
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>Why cant I pick a camera angle or camera mm?
While in Object Mode select the camera you want to modify then adjust the settings in the Properties panel.
look here
see that thigh squish? that is where the boner is stored
>Why cant I pick a camera angle or camera mm?
>While in Object Mode select the camera you want to modify then adjust the settings in the Properties panel.
I can, i just cant have the artistic sense
What if he is better?
You will probably be better roght at the start
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This model
Its useless
It doesnt even have shoulders
I cant do it
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You piece of shit
Youll be making better works than me right at the start
Its always like this
Everyone else is simply better
As I am the one with nothing
there is no chance it doesn't have shoulders
some rigs have retarded shoulder positions, look on the chest near the sternum there's probably two long horizontal bones there
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What if he is better than me? Answer
Tell me
Why do I show no potential
Everyone else would have finished something by now

Even life and models make fun of me
This does not have shoulders
If he is better than me
What if he gets it all right
Everythimg better than me forst try
Everyone but me can
you can always anhero
>What if he is better?
Judging by the catbox links from early in the thread I already am and better than the dude you're so jealous of. So what? Why worry about it? I used to suck but now people praise my work. I doubt we'd be in direct "competition" anyway because I focus on furries.

Here's my advice: work on your mental health and self esteem, learn basic visual composition (e.g. the rule of thirds), and learn three point lighting (key, fill, rim). It's good you wanna git gud at something but fretting about it hamstrings your ability to git gud.
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Fuck off
You never sucked
Its only me the one who sucks
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Its impossible
I cant do it
I cant do it but everyone else can
The model doesnt even have shoulders
This only happens to me
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Everyone else can get it naturally
Everyone else doesnt need to study lighting or composition
Everyone else just can
And would have done better
Ive only wasted time
it's impossible, you can't do it, you have no skill, you're retarded, wasting your time, you suck so badly, suicide is the only option left
Why cant i do it
I knew you were waiting for this chance ever since this post
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that (>>987756) isn't me retard
also pic related is the shoulder bone i think, ARP rigs or whatever that is have them in a terrible spot
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Its not going to happen
I should have made something by now
I dont even get lighting atill
Pic rrlated
Its not that, check that model
which model is it? mokujin's?
Thats the breast rig
Which means youll probably make a better ashley bj pic so im deleting the
Nothing personal i am too insecure
Answer this please
I dont have any idea on how to make a scene by picking angle and mm to make a good pic
who cares if he's better? there are loads of people better than me but i don't cry about it. i don't understand your motivations for learning this or drawing or any of the other things you mentioned
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I dont have promise now
How can I even pretend ill have it later
If others are better than me right now
They will always be better
Be honest, why do I show no promise?
Not a single oic has good lighting
Not a single pic has good composition
I couldnt even do this
I feel hopeless
Even this 3 min pic blows everything ive wasted hours on
It looks good even now
You picked a good angle and a good camera mm
All my pics look so shitty and amateur even the attempts
I just dont know how to
I dont have a good eye
no, but srsly, you're severely mentally ill, get that sorted up
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the shoulders are right here on the main rig layer
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I did not see
Why are you better than me
Do you get off on mogging me

I have deleted this model and wont be working with it
Why am I talentless why cant i do it

Youre even going to make a blowjob pic....
You hate me dont you

You havent asnwered
Why cant i pick what pic to make
I canr choose an angle or a camera mm that looks good
it's just a fucking bone open your eyes
i don't like ashley so no, she is pink because i didn't download the textures only the model
I couldnt see the bone
Im too depressed
Im positive its not there for me

Tell me why cant I get a good angle and camera mm for a pic
Why am i bad at this?
>I couldnt see the bone
did you hide it? go into pose mode and press alt+h to unhide
and you are bad because you instantly give up when something is hard. like >>987768 said (and i have said over and over) you need to get your mental health issues fixed
Not hidden
There are two models
/3/ is mentally ill, glad i can never see the face of any faggot here
greetings from /v/, he's been crying in an overwatch thread, this guy's hilarious.
The problem is that you are thinking that you are doing a lot, but you are posting so fucking much that is hard to believe that.

From all of the comments you've been posting, for years perhaps, you are looking for a answer to justify your failures and at the same time you are ready to deny any help and keep whining. >>987693
Dont start the pose if you dont know the angle, you are getting a lot of just useless data in your head without a goal. You are making everything impossible for yourself.>>987755
stop complaining dude, it doesnt help. It has never helped.

You are the problem and not in a way you are aware of it. You enslaved yourself to a dumb mindset that gives you some explanation for shit, you need to break the comfort you have in your self deprecation. This is all false, not that you are ill or anything, you likely are, but thinking about this in these terms is just making you dumber.
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Well what should I do then?
Ive seen so many vids about lighting (8) and for one week I havent been able to get a decent lighting on a pic
Is this normal? Be honest.
Pleaae im crying
you need a clear goal. What is this image that you are making supposed to make the audience feel? It is confusing. It feels like she is threatened, her face and general posture suggests that, but she at the same time is posing 'confortably' like that.

Think out loud. "What am I doing?" "How do I get where I want to be?"

It is easier for you to start over with something less 'anatomy demanding'. Try some normal scene.

Try this:
Pose a character sat in some sofa, looking outside and holding a mug.
The picture is bright, light coming from the window, the character is comfortable and relaxed. Think of cozy, comfort. And dont fucking get back to posting or reading any board until you have an image that reads this.

If you can't nail something as simple as this, you wont be able to do some studio lightning with anatomy deformation and contact with other bodies.
There was supposed the a monster behind, I got too depressed about the lighting to continue
holy fuck, this thread is a legit fever dream
might as well be written by a bot
I dont know how to think
I dont know what to do
Ill try that one later
Any time limit for decent progress? How do I make maps anyways?
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But what happens if I fail at that too? What if I cant pose them right or light it right or do it? Does that mean I'd be hopeless.
What if I cant do it?
What do you do for a living? How do you afford to cry about this for hours and days on end?
I browse the internet I guess
But what happens if I fail? What would it mean?
Ok well so what if i fail though
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when I get something wrong in blender I always remind myself that I'll never be a whiney cunt like the schizo in this thread and I continue moving on
I don't know what kind of answer you're looking for, guy. It's not like you're going to get evicted for it.
But it would mean I am not built for this, confirm this having no future
I overthink as a result of my insecurities and trauma, my mother would basically torture me and then deny this later on
I cant do it, I camt even build a map for this
Man op you prolly ain't learning shit from your failures but I sure am so keep failing for my benefit. Thank you.
What do you mean by that?
>my mother would basically torture me
How and why?
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I failed
It was impossible
I coulsdt build a level
The sun light...it looked trash
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I am an L reminder of what its like to be Fanum Taxed
sunlight is the hardest kind of light to do btw
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SNke have you ever rizzed up a gyatt
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I couldnt do this btw

>Try this:
>Pose a character sat in some sofa, looking outside and holding a mug.
>The picture is bright, light coming from the window, the character is comfortable and relaxed. Think of cozy, comfort. And dont fucking get back to posting or reading any board until you have an image that reads this.
>If you can't nail something as simple as this, you wont be able to do some studio lightning with anatomy deformation and contact with other bodies.
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Given others
Are learning from my thread while I have no talent (learning is impossible) I am now halting all logical thought
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Given all future progress is impossibe at failing due to specific reasons

No future exists in which I can be great at 3D
As of this moment, killing any possible future im which I can be good at 3D
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Has to be said
It was her that made this way

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why is it when you're having a meltdown you make more progress learning blender than at other times
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Fuck you
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if you hold D in blender you can draw an annotation in 3d space directly into the scene, it's based on where your camera is pointed at the time
to remove or add more you can open the View panel -> Annotations in the n-panel (on the right of the 3d viewport, press n if you can't see it)
Anon you may be onto something here
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Why did I fail?
I couldnt do the challenge
this frightens me no meme
Depressed anon here
Pose is nowhere near done need to sculpt and add shoes but some lighting experiments after more reading
Also I love ashley

Yes another copy from real life but the real one uses Sun light so fuck that
I hate sun light
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So which one looks better? I think I already know but why?


You could argue this was the only worthwile practice I did today...
How do I speed up
Everything takes longer for me
You failed because before even starting this shit you went back to posting in this board, you are wasting your time, getting distracted and dwelling in your own misery. You'll never achieve anything like this, you are looking for external approval in a demanding and embarrassing way.
This is honestly better, keep doing simpler things like things without coming back to bother random people on the internet.


All of these suggest different things, when you think of an image that is better or worse, you gotta think what for they are worse.

A good cup cant have holes, but a good strainer needs to.

You can control the sun angle to hit the character inside, you can try that with the nikita sky thing in the 'world' section, or perhaps use some hdri for it.
this is good and a vast improvement over your other stuff. center of weight looks fairly correct and you've obviously recreated the pose from your reference nicely. obviously you'd want to sculpt the knees but that's not your fault, it's a common problem with 3d model knees
as the other anon said if you need sunlight you're better off using an outdoor hdri because recreating all the bounce and diffuse light that the outdoors has is quite hard
why does this speak to me?
either this is genuine mental illness or a really good troll
Well how do I actually improve though?
I did not understand the lighting, I just tried to get close to the reference pic.
I couldn't do the couch thing because the room looked lame. I need to improve for real.
I need to be faster too.
The pose was quick but the lighting experiments took more time as I had to watch vids and read.
Thanks, what else can I do? I want to improve for real.
I must reach the level of lighting and posing in 30 minutes
>Well how do I actually improve though?
Through practice, buddy. It takes time and effort to become better and faster. Being critical of your work by analyzing what works and what doesn't, and more importantly why it does or doesn't, can guide you along the path to improvement.

Also don't listen to depressing or otherwise negative music when you're upset like this. That song's a banger but clearly not helping right now.
But how? I couldnt do the couch pic due to the sun light and making a room from scratch, if I had a proper map i couls have tried properly
What else to practice?
why is it that artists who upload models make their UI completely garbage? i cant even find the material preview button, yet alone the cloth options, so congrats schizo anon, ure far more ahead of me
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So the model cant be sculpted at all this is bullshit
I click something and it goes haywire
Also this model has a Menu and script but i cant get it to stay when I append
I didnt really practice today
Hopefully I can get one render

I dont know where to find scenes and how to use them
Whats why i did kot make the couch pic
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the back disappearing is probably just a mask modifier with the edit mode option enabled. if it's actually breaking when you sculpt it probably has a smooth corrective modifier which definitely needs to be off for sculpting or it'll fight against you and explode the mesh in the process
also to sculpt the legs i would probably go into edit mode of the body, select the lower legs and maybe a bit of the knee then in sculpt mode at the menu at the top do Face Sets -> Face set from edit mode selection
then you can click the automasking thing at the top (see bottom of pic) and set to face set mode to make it easier to affect only one part of the legs at a time
I have no idea what that is or how to do it
So working on any render anon?
One click and the model explodes
I clicked her legs to grab and her chest did that
Not the anon you were talking to, just a passerby, but thanks so much for the info! I'm also just getting started out, and lighting has been a point of contention I'm currently wrestling with, so these help a lot!
Thaanks too, anon! Currently I've only tried sculpting very simple things (i.e. bed/couches/pillows) that my characters are laying on, but this is something I've got to start working on, too. Forceball made a comparison images showing the difference when you shapekey sculpt, and multirez sculpt for crazy poses, and I'm excited to get to that point someday, but I'm also kind of a brainlet, so it's really slow going! That said, thanks for the tips and tricks, this sounds really useful!
Post your work
Your first, chud.
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I did not practice today. I am sorry.
My motivation levels have dropped drastically

A part of me wonders, the part of me that wants to be good wqnta to keep going. I either daydream or get distracted online or feel worried about all the things to learn, all that I dont know
I just saved pics and thought about the way theyre lit but thats nothing

I work based on external motivation maybe
Feel guilty over no practice
What to do? I got scared by the model failing on sculpting
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set your modifiers to this and it wont explode
the exploding is from the double armature which some people use to help fix bad joint deformations. the corrective smooth will also mess it up so make sure that's off too
with the ashley body object selected
Mental illness
>coomer begs for advice
>retards actually waste hours with him
>he doesn't learn anything
Let this be lesson
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So i tried the tracer body
As I said, no new work or practice yesterday
Motivation has dropped drastically

I have no idea how to do this properly, I couldnt feel any proper showing as I tried to fix this easy part
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This is too hard I am mot surr I can learn this
The other anon made Akali look grrat with his fix but I cant do that
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Just ended up smoothing it and called it

Now Ashley will be harder so I might just abandon that one and go to a different one
The pose its too hard to fix
I feel bad because I cant do this, fix like this
Is it normal i cant?
I dont know anatomy?
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Should I feel bad I cant do it?
I have to change most of her leg downwards to get the ref pic
But thanks
How did you even find out about this?

Tell me be honest
Should I continue? Could I have potential?
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Do i show even a hint of promise? What do i do now? I want to improve but i am lost
I need directions and instructions

I want to be good
My motivation levels are rising too slowly
There is a massive amount of anxiety and worry over others being better faster pulling the numbers down
The doubt over how to fix like
Is dragging numbers down
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me in the back
What kind of rigs you working with? Got constraints that make sense? IK - FK switch?

You obviously didn't make the models yourself. Where did you get them?
>How did you even find out about this?
i told you i have 8-10k hours in blender. i have intuitive knowledge you don't about what is wrong and how to fix it, as well as how to use the tools available because i've used them before where you're merely starting out
this is why losing your mind about talent is pointless and irrelevant, you need to practice to be good at something
I havent been practicing as much
Thibking about the sheer amount of practice
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well, posing the mouth sucks ass, also my first render i know the lightning is horrible i tried to make the ring light suggested above, but didnt show up on her eyes so stayed with hdri
posing is good, lighting is fine, you've used it to create some interesting shadows to highlight her form which is good
you have improved
That's not me
I am trying to figure out how to completely denoise pics
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Youre a piece of shit
Get the hint
This thread is for me to post
Go fuck yourself
oh no, meltdown soon
nice first render anon good job
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How come no one told me i made a good job before
damn i didnt really expect positive feedback, thanks
I should post the dahmer gore pics to get rid of these people
Dude go fuck yourself
This is my thread
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please keep up the learning anons

the fun with 3D pin ups is just solving problems, each render is a puzzle you gotta solve. If you're not solving you're not learning
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You have a personality that is prone to emotional outburst which will make people apprehensive to give you any feedback.

If you're into art for being popular/liked then you can just give up now, you have a better chance of winning the lottery than getting BIG.

Just be in it for the learning or the money.

Or get a weird fetish that means you need to PERFECT your craft idk
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One thing
Where do I find props for my scenes
I want to make scenes with mpre things but i cant find any
I lacked proper emotional attention as s child, I lacked affection in a normal way
I need it now...Thats the reason for the way I wrote here
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open3dlab, sketchfab, DA, p3dm.ru

yo, here's a quick tip for making easy rim lighting anon

>take area light
>make rectangular/oval
>set bounces from 1024 to 0
>set spread to 5' or something
>put 3D cursor on object and use it as pivot point
>double tap R to get free rotation and rotate, rotate area light around subject
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Ah yeah, you're in pain. You won't fix it with affection. Find out the root cause and pull it out of your life.

Figure out why you're hurting man
Helping him? Think hes better than me?
Why did I get no compliments?
You have paranoia. Please seek mental help.
No I am jealous
That you think he has more potential than me
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cool tip
i usually damped track constraint it to an empty or a bone on the character but this works very nicely as well
Fix yo brains nigga

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