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I'm having an annoying issue with studio library, probably me using it wrongly. If I add a run animation to a character in a scene, so I don't have to animated it every time, it snaps back to where the root is, and aligning it so you can't tell afterwards is a problem.

So I wanted to make a Mel script to create a locator at the current position of the character, then constrain the root to that position so the character will end up in the same place, but I can't get this fucking Mel garbage to work. Even examples online just give me syntax errors.
Now I'm just trying to select the locator and set its translateY to 0, but how to I set the position of either a named object, or the selection?
spaceLocator -p 0 0 0 -name FuckYouMaya;
parentConstraint -skipRotate x -skipRotate z Character:RootX_M FuckYouMaya;
select -r FuckYouMayat_parentConstraint1 ;
select -r FuckYouMaya

SetAttr //what goes here?
wrong place to ask for help bud.

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