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File: got.webm (2.35 MB, 720x980)
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I'm interested in the creation of simple, stylized characters like picrel. Modelling humanoids has always been my bane and I want to get good at it. Could some kind anon point me in the right direction resource/course-wise?
that character design is so simple and low-poly I don't think you would need any tutorial for it.
Usually the hard part of low poly modeling is texturing, but with flat colors it just seems incredibly simple.

If that level of 3d is beyond your skills, you should clone that character in blender approximately, should be doable easily in a few hours at most (plus a few more for rigging everything if you're new to it)

If you're more curious about the design aspect, that's more complicated but there are doubtless thousands of tutorials on 'designing ocs' on youtube
Imo coming up with those designs isn't easy.
If you don't plan for poly colouring beforehand, chances are you won't even be able to implement it this way.
I mean, you can't just draw arbitrary 2d character concept art and expect to model it without textures, you'd better plan for no-textures at the very beginning.
Idk, I also really want to get into this style, one idea I have rn is maybe to try to think more geometrically on concept stage and play with rough edges "on paper", to try to think "in polys".
Nice stuff, though it's completely different style,
it's original oldschool lowpoly that heavily relies on textures and doesn't make any sense without.
In OP there are 0 textures, it's all achieved by careful geometry and style.
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OP here, modeling humanoids is no longer my bane, though it did take remaking the same model multiple times for me to end up with something decent
thanks anon, i might do something similar for the eyes until i figure out a better way (grease pencil rigs seem pretty cool)
oldschool runescape devs do concept art exactly like this, they usually end up looking just like the finished product
sort of true, turns out all I had to do was try harder!!
Very nice, do you trace your refs or polymodel just by looking at them?
How long did this take?
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thank you anon! I trace my ref first, then fix stuff by eye. my first attempt that produced a pretty rough looking model took me a whole day, this one took like 4 hrs total. also added a mouth that i'll dread trying to rig later probably!!
saved this btw, finna make one myself sometime. like that style.
make her.... bigger....
problem with that type of stylized 3D is that it's really hard to add genitals

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