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Was originally trying to learn blender but the user interface is really slow for me to use and even after getting the hang of it im just not enjoying making stuff with it. I would have been happy to buy C4D outright but since they've changed to subscription plans I'll be pirating it.

Which one should I invest my time learning? Is it beneficial to learn both?
it's hard to recommend c4d these days unless you really want to get into the advertising industry.
it is intuitive, but it's also a mess these days - all i ever see from power users are complaints about speed and stability.
the new dynamics stuff in c4d is better than blender's, but it's much worse than houdini.

if you just want to fuck around and have fun then t bh pick whatever, it doesn't matter all that much. iirc cracked c4d doesn't include a gpu renderer these days so you'll probably have to pirate arnold (don't rely on new octane or redshift cracks, doesn't happen regularly).

if you want pursue a generalist path and take it somewhat seriously then blender/maya + houdini is the way to go right now.

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