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For context I work professionally as a commercial illustrator for editorials, packaging and advertising and I'm proficient in using the gradient mesh tool in illustrator among other things in order to create "quasi-3D" looking illustrations.

With this in mind, how easy would it be to learn this 90s CGI style like pic related? It's something I want to learn for myself because ive always been obsessed with that style and want to make art in that style.
in the 90s we used rayshade, today you would make that in blender or maya and use textures and image maps to make it look shitty.
>make it look shitty
You mean better
Anyone with an art and/or design education and skills is at an advantage with this stuff. Only big challenge is learning to use programs correctly. A lot of this early stuff should be pretty straight forward.
>learning skills
Looks like shit. Did you really think this was some kind of gotcha moment?
oh please cope harder lol
ai is such a gift for bug people everywhere. you're incapable of doing anything with your life, formulating and working towards goals is just completely unimaginable for your faulty insect brain, but with ai you can pretend it's a choice.
>uuh i'm CHOOSING to do nothing, because ai will make it all obsolete anyway
no you're not, without ai you would also do nothing, you would just need a different excuse. right now it feels so great, it feels like you're off the hook. you're not actually off the hook. 10 years from now you're going to be so fucking miserable you will be praying to get cancer
We are doomed.
I'm gonna get a job at McDonald's
whatever helps you do mundane repetitive shit and not feel like you're wasting your time
but sure i'm the bug people :^)
Both of you are complete faggots
>t. bug person
>t. fag person
Reminds me of ReBoot
File: reboot-enzo.gif (1.3 MB, 570x430)
1.3 MB
1.3 MB GIF
this is the millionth thread I've seen on this subject
holy shit it isn't hard
gamma space phong shading with procedural textures and simple catmull clark subdiv surfaces
fuck about in photoshop to give it a scanned magazine look
Have sex and touch grass, incel.
I prefer being an incel to a bugchaser
So are you gonna close your eyes and pretend AI won't make anything that you've been teaching yourself for years to make but infinitely better, faster and cheaper? AI is the future. Don't fight it. You already lost the moment v.0000001 was created
>this thing is bad for society, generally low quality and only lazy retards like it
I like modeling as a hobby and I will keep doing it and you will never stop me aislop doomer shitter

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