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been here for 10 minutes and already notice the blender hatred, what are recommended softwares for 3d modeling for someone with zero experience 3d modeling or creativity of any kind?
Blender. Also stay away from this board
why are you even here? pirated Maya is a good start, has a lot of tutorials
kill yourself
>zero... creativity of any kind
Use whatever the industry uses, you'll fit right in.
why do you even want to 3d model?
That 'blender hatred' is coming from tiny minds who believe their choice of software determines their artistry.
Treat anyone who talks for this or that piece of software with great authority as if they where a fucking clown and you'll be right most of the times.

Blender is perfectly fine anon. I say this as a max user of 20+ years.
I'm a max guy and have stayed a max guy because max existed for a long time before blender got very good and I know max inside out.
But the blender of today is a legit content creation suite. If I started out today I would not advice myself to start in blender.
> I started out today I would not advice myself to start in blender.

That should be I would not advice myself to not use blender, as in I would advice myself to start in blender. The maxfag in me just had a hard time to actually type it out I guess.

old habits die hard.
Blender is bad, and a pencil and paper isn't enough to make a good drawing.
Remember this is 4chan
By default we hate everyone and everything
you'll never want to model another donut as long as you live
If you want to eventually want to do it professionally then try either:
Maya for film + tv
3DS Max for gaming
Zbrush is a must as well if you want to get into character stuff.
If you just want to do it as a hobby, then Blender is great as it has a large community tons of support in terms of add-ons and learning resources. The idiots who whine about it on here are insecure losers who think software matters. Good luck.
The blender hate here are caused by 'industry' shills. You'd have to be an absolute brainlet to think that blender is unironically useless.

>zero experience 3d modeling or creativity of any kind
Pretty much just blender really. Getting filtered from blender pretty much filters you from other 3d modeling software.

Kinda agree with >>986976 this board is kinda ass but I see some interesting topics here from time to time. Just like in any non-fiction boards in 4chan, prepare to receive some retarded advices.
First >>986976 POST BEST post
blender is free, a plethora of tutorials (plenty of good ones), regular updates, Long Term Support. and FFS
STAY AWAY FROM THIS BOARD. if you're here you're wasting your time.
>but you-
i already made stuff for 4 straight hours, i can take a break
>old habits die hard.
yeah anyone starting out now basically should not go with the subscription old school, industry standards. Blender is an all round great tool. if someone is in school and they use max or maya, etc. then sure use it as a means to gain a foundation.
but i'd say it's really choose one and learn it. it's the same with people asking about 2d art, "which software?" well now anything but photoshop unless it's a cracked version. you need the talent to make the tools work.
>Per Winston Zeddemore
I don't use blender, but I'd say blender homestly.
Unless you want to wage
>Maya for modeling
No. Maya is for animating only.
Patently wrong.and no, modo is dead and buried, only old heads still use it for modelling, exclusive modelling softs are niche and not worth it, maya or blender is all one needs.
Nice way to reaffirm his point retard
> blender hatred
Bullshit. It's infested with Blendturds. They are the flat earthers of 3D.
>pirated Maya is a good start, has a lot of tutorials
I prefer Blender, but Maya is really good. Its fun to use, too, but I can't explain why. Zbrush is just a little annoying to me. Its almost "esoteric" in design.
I use blender to box model, Maya to animate, and z brush to add more poly. Z brush you need to 9000% adjust the UI cause the default is dogshit and hardcore splatter on the wall and floor diarrhea all in one.
this is a dead board where the few people that remain have more opinions than finished art pieces.
I started about 80% of Blender hate threads, don't worry about them.

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