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Previous: >>979755

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

Similar programs:
Makehuman: http://www.makehumancommunity.org/
Vroid Anime Tool: https://vroid.com/en/studio
Xnalara: https://www.deviantart.com/xnalara

Hair Creation: (Being reworked?)

News: James Thornton, Leader of Tafi and Daz 3D, Named 2022 Utah CEO of the Year

Some anon created a cool morph. May require editing since it auto applies to any Gen8 female. Quinn -mega(.)nz/file/2qpGmDoD#YdTIb5G1dMRMnpPneyGGRpp5t5KUTC7glXwgu_daL_8
Fix in next post.
To fix any ill-behaving morphs, do as follows;

1. Load your base figure or the developer version.
2. Select "Show Hidden properties" in the Parameters-Tab, drop down menu (right-click)
3. Zero the figure (Found in Parameters-Tab, drop down menu)
4. Memorize the figure (Found in Parameters-Tab, drop down menu)
5. File->Save As->Support Asset->Save Modified Assets

This procedure will zero the default value in the ill-behaving morph/morphs, and while saving DS also shows you a list of the morphs it is changing.

If the situation has not corrected, install your "Genesis 8 Starter Essentials" again and repeat the process, every line.

The only way to remove Amandha sliders from any and all of your G8F figures is to remove Amandha completely - The character is just a morph for G8F base figure just like (almost) any and all other figures for all Genesis 1-8 base figures, any and all morphs will be read and the sliders applied when a figure/character is opened/loaded/merged into the scene.

Usually the morphs have their default value set at zero, so they are not applied unless the dial is used to apply the morph, but some morphs/characters have been distributed with a non-zero default value and accordingly the effects will be automatically applied to any and all characters/figures (using the same base figure) opened/loaded/merged from then on - No matter if opening a previously saved scene.
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I suppose a preview of anon's morph would help.
Make your renders come to life with lumalabsā„¢ dream-machineā„¢ AI video.
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should i bother trying to learn weightmaps on skin so I can make things like skin impressions.. I thought I could just figure it out to make this grab ass animation way better but it was too difficult.. also the lighting in this video is fucked I tried setting the render limit to like 1000 but I guess it was too low light in the end. Also it's 2 clips I just put into 1 animation so that's why theres a stutter in the middle...
Impressive that you've done that in DAZ. Harness your autism and do it in blender.
I don't think the work to do this in DAZ is worth the end result. If you really want to do complex things, better try migrating to Blender as another anon said. If you're going to animate in DAZ, keep the scope of the animations as simple as possible.
Note: the animation would have been better if the girl hadn't been 100% immobile. In addition, you spent a lot of precious renders to make the animation of his hand going to her ass, you could have started the movement already near the part where he is going to grab her ass to save time and also avoid those mechanical movements typical of DAZ Studio.

I've tried a render but it seems a bit pointless. Another AI application that people think has potential just because it's new, but probably won't be adopted except as a simple toy.
why is the light spazzing out
also if you want to animate just use blender
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Toto aint bad sometimes
What even is the point of Daz at this point?
Even the coomers are jumping ship since AI is easier and quicker at delivering their fap fodder
Video killed the radio star
DAZ is basically a poser and there will always be people interested in creating an entire scene with total control.
which pajeet farm is openai sending .5 usd to every month to get this regurgitated post nonstop?
I hate sharing the same planet with you.
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AI still can't do good, clear, consistent backgrounds.

I guess you could use DAZ for backgrounds and then make character cutouts with AI to put on top... but it's nice to have characters actually be IN the scenes, with shadows n stuff, y'know?

Also I have tried AI and it was fucking whacky with all the weird nodes and modules and shit you had to plug in. I'm sure you can follow a guide but are you really learning if you're just following instructions? Once you get the hang of it DAZ can be pretty fast once you get the hang of it.
Holy fuck that AC unit is so hot im gonnA COOOOOOOM
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Animation in DAZ is not the greatest but been trying it out. Its very old school but fun.
NSFW Link:
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Very nice. Did you just do parameter settings for her breasts or is that some fancy dforce/weightmap thing?

I have watched some videos on weight mapping and gravity stuff, but didn't get very good results so I gave up.

I just recently discovered and started using ghost lights. I watched some videos on aperture and f-stop, so I "think" my lighting is improving. Lighting has been a constant uphill battle for me.
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>Did you just do parameter settings for her breasts or is that some fancy dforce/weightmap thing?
tried some fancy stuff. Didnt work out. So its just hand dialing and posing.
>Lighting has been a constant uphill battle for me.
yeah its a place that always can need some more work. Lightning is half the fun though so I enjoy it. Most people tell me my lighting is bad because its too dark and such but I just go with what I feel looks best.
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I can't play with dolls the same way with AI.
Plus it's genuinely soulless. Also, AI guro is still shit.
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I mean it's overall dark but doesn't that make it more of a darker atmosphere feeling? Also jeez those lasers, photoshop much or what? I really need to use Krita more eventually so I can post-process too...
yeah but people generally dont like dark lighting. Its the number one complaint I hear.
Those lazers are very simple to do in DAZ. Just create a good opacity texture for the lazer and but it on a plane. Then set the emission and attach a spotlight to the end for that DOT effect.
Then scale as you need and then you have a decent looking lazer. No post pros or such needed
ur tellin me those red dots are just really tiny spotlights? too funny, I would have never guessed
Kek i recognize that whore. From twitchthot to onlyfans whore
yep, and the lazers are just planes with opacity and emission. Keep it simple anon. No need to make it more complex than needed.
they do it for free
Decent lighting is an art in itself and requires a lot of study and practice. But for depicting everyday scenes that are not intended to be epic or super detailed, you can achieve totally acceptable results using very simple solutions and without knowing much.
One thing I've learned through trial and error is that the construction of the scene is extremely important for the lighting to work. If you search for professional photos of everyday scenes on the Internet, you'll notice that 99% of the scenes are "fake" in the sense that the person is in a setting set up just for the photo. The problem is that DAZ assets are usually real locations, so when you try to render a person that is using a computer, or cooking, or washing dishes, etc., you end up positioning them more or less realistically without much thought, and you often end up generating a situation that is not favorable to lighting.
I think the ideal is to leave plenty of space around the person you're trying to portray. That way you have more freedom to position and focus the lights on the model without altering the surroundings too much. In the image I made of the famous slut and pornstar Gianna Michaels, I just positioned two ghost lights (they're actually ghost emissive surfaces), then adjusted the color temperature and clicked "render". Some professional will probably see a lot of things wrong with this lighting, but it looks good enough for me.
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Here's all the lighting I "set up" for the scene. Just a plane on the right side of the camera, and a plane at the back ot the character for a bit of backlighting.
Of course, there's natural lighting too, but it's not very significant because the planes are emitting a much stronger light. But leaving natural lighting (in this case, the light from the HDRI coming in through the window, and two lamps in the room) helps to make the image richer, I think.
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Here's the image without the ghost lightings, just with natural lighting (window and lamps) and ISO 250, I think (you can adjust the ISO in the rendering settings).
In fact, come to think of it, from this image I could have done a much better job just by adjusting the dimensions of the emissive surfaces and their luminance correctly. But I don't know, I'm a total amateur learning...
For now, the easiest way I've found to make acceptable lighting is this.
1. create a scene that is friendly to lighting
2. use the place's natural lighting to get a general idea
3. place at least one ghost plane next to the camera (headlamp always off, by the way) and another for backlighting, and then play around with the temperature and luminance of the plane's surfaces until you achieve the desired look. You can place as many planes as you like and their dimensions will affect how soft or hard the shadows are.
>the scenes are "fake" in the sense that the person is in a setting set up just for the photo
I think you mean how studio sets are usually open on the side which is where the camera shoots from? It reminds me I saw a tool that is basically just an adjustable invisible square that hides all geometry that is inside it. So if you had a closed room you could put it over half the room and it would hide it so the HDRI would be able to shine through. I never downloaded it though because most scenes would let you just hide a wall or something, and I wanted to use HDRI's that really mimicked light coming thru windows. In the end I decided to just crank the environment up to like 50 and lower f-stop to get the scene above. Here's how many ghost lights I used and I think my render still looked average. Maybe this model just isn't that detailed and is too pale, I'm not sure.
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Good advice, take inspiration from film and television show behind the scenes. Rather than breaking up your scene, this feature might be helpful - https://youtu.be/EkpITquM220
Did you create those ghost lights 'assets' or is there a package with them?
Regarding the light, that first render of yours is really too white. Try reducing the temperature of your ghost lights radically, like something around 4500k-5000k, so that the colors are warmer.
Another thing that I think works (again, trial and error, I have no theoretical knowledge), is to use that technique I mentioned of first having a somewhat dark image, which you can get either with a lot of secondary light sources or with the natural lighting of the location, and then restricting the main lighting to just 2 or 3 light sources that are much stronger than the rest.
But I don't know, someone with more knowledge could teach us better.
Found it:
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I rendered the image again with proper ghost lights instead of the improvisation I did with plans. I also changed the model because that Gianna Michaels is ugly as hell.
I need to find out why my renders seem to lack definition, now.
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dang, looks good to me! I changed the temperature of my lights and remove two of the ones on the right so it's less bright now but I'm still convinced this character is just too pale
Does anyone know a resource for toe rings?
So this is the power of Daz

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