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Why do you need a phd to accomplish the simplest tasks imaginable in maya? I just want to paint the middle of this mesh with an asphalt material and the sides with a grass material. This couldn't be more simple in blender- you make a mix node and plug your grass into one input and your asphalt into another, then you plug an image texture into your alpha input, create a new image and paint your mask.

In maya the paint3d tool seems to do absolutely nothing unless you're painting on a cube primitive. Tutorials that may or may not help me accomplish this very simple task have 30 minutes of nonsense to skip through. why
You don’t do that in real world situations. Blender is lying to you. Just because it’s possible doesn’t mean it’s ok. You’ll have to UV edit the model and not use paint effect in Maya. No one uses paint effect, you’re better off learning how cloning works to save on computer graphics than creating a problem you don’t want.
>he fell for the maya meme
Have you tried out the no topology workflow? Thinking of dropping my life savings on maya to give it a shot

But I hate uv's
1. blenda
Paint3D is archaic dogshit
Maya is only good for animation
>you make a mix node and plug your grass into one input and your asphalt into another
Node based materials came from maya. You can do this in maya. You do it in the hypershade.
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Just use Softimage
This, just connect the painted texture to the layer mask/mixshader of whatever renderer's node you are using, specifics will depend on what renderer you use. But if it's not a simple mask, you're better off painting the texture in something else, like substance. And if you use UDIMs, Maya's own painting tools are essentially useless.
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