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recommend me a good UV mapping software freeware
i tried headus but i cant use the save even on hobby mode
autodesk maya 2025 is industry standard for uvs
maya sucks at uv mapping
they're all the same honestly
there's no such thing as UV tools, you have projection tools which are automatic but manual UV is largely the same
you obviously havenet tried headus UV map
its different ball game vs maya
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You are my competitor, Poojeesh. I have the best UV'ing software, but you know what? I'm not going to give it to your poop skinned ass. I'm just not going to. BAH! HAHAHAHAH!
RizomUV is pretty good, but I've never gotten their automatic UV unwrapping tools to work properly so I still end up using it to do manual UV work
Rizom if not Maya
if fiver jeets threatens your livelihood then im sure your skillset isnt that good
I'm just not gonna give it to him. I know, I know, but he's just not gonna get it.
>Hmph if one billion living spam bots flood your industry the problem is (You)
Cucked, trooned and gaslight pilled.
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you blame jeets for your failure in life?
and audacity to call someone else cucked , look in the mirror how you behave you are the one that is cucked financially blaming jeets out of no where plus im not even a jeet which is funny LMAOOOOO
at least stick to the 4chan script and blame the jews FFS

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