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Is there a better software to do stuff like pic-related yet? Surely with all that AI talk, there's at least one software that automatically breaks up the parts, creates the meshes or at least rigs the assets.
Never heard of one but also havent looked. I bet you could but I also bet it'd be shit. There's so little you really need to do to achieve this look and wouldnt you rather have all of the control that comes from drawing and animating your own meshes?
>There's so little you really need to do to achieve this look
creating the meshes is really painfully slow.
Isn't garbo like that just alpha mapped grid-planes linked together? seems like it would be pretty simple to do

It's a lot of work
Yeah that's exactly how I thought these where made, what's the issue?
It's a lot of work
If that looks like 'a lot of work' to you: change hobby.
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It's OBJECTIVELY a lot of work. 21 hours for a single illustration (without counting the process of painting it in the first place). Imagine how long it'd take for video game assets, plus cutscenes.
nigger i sculpt high poly video game characters for 2 weeks straight with a full time job. 21 hours is nothing.
3d is work, if you wont put the time in go back to /v/ and consoom games instead.
This >>987418 The thing I've been working on atm is something I've been at for approaching 100 hours since 2 weeks ago.
Just 21h for a finished piece of artwork is quick turn around. you can knock one of those out in just a day or two.

Prob less once you've done a few and gotten the groove of how to be effective with it or doing something with less details that needs to be layered and rigged.
she farts butterflies, wouldn't bang, for my own safety
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>21 hours
You're on the wrong board bud
actually it's divine to plug up her ass and come within seconds from nothing but the butterflies inside her colon teasing your foreskin and sensitive glans. cutfags will never know this feeling
I'm actually going to agree with you that 21 hours times my hourly rate is something the average person can't afford as a commission, it's really in the domain of corporate clients or people with big budgets. Anything to do with animation is always a shock to people when I tell them how much work is involved. This is coming from someone who has regularly worked on animation projects that take most of the year to complete. Projects like this mesh are something I might do for a friend and charge them $200-$300, but it depends on how much I like them and how interesting the project is.
What did you just call me??
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it takes
a long time
to 3d model
in old
which is
why we dont
3d model



Here's the difference from traditional 3d modeling tho: there are many different ways to model something. Some fun, like sculpting. Some are not, like going triangle by triangle. To make 2d meshes, all you can do is go triangle by triangle. See the problem?
Yeah sounds gay and dumb and in the end your results arent very interesting, or not as interesting as a fully 3d model.
On the otherside, there's very little actual modelling you have to do. In that last scene in the OP where she's on the floor. What's that? 7 different meshes moving? They just trace poly cuts onto dense planes. You can draw a spline using a stylus. Super fast. Here' I'll go do it.
BTW. While doing this I quickly discovered the 3D part is way simpler than I thought. This is a compositing project not a 3D one. You just have to have an alpha channel on each of your pieces and you can apply them to totally square planes. Then a normal skeletal rig. If you make your own 2D image from scratch you can make it optimized for the job. I've gona ahead and sliced up a picture I already had so it's gonna look like shit but the procedure is super easy
An hour and 20 minutes. From an non optimized source. A good amount of time was doing things over again because I was improvising this whole thing.
Have an optimized source image with well painted occluded areas, quality alpha channels, actually render it to a sequence instead of screen record it. Making the 2D assets would probably take 80% of the total production time, and since the problem here is that drawing polies is boring, 2D asset creation is fun. So there's your motivation.
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Whole joint structure. Could have had way more for controlling volume adding jiggle. every individual hair strand. Adding mere minutes to production time. The more individual images you use the easier it is to rig.
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See my point? these are just planes. I cut little sections around where the hands are close to the thighs. If I had split them into seperate images like the hair and tits it would have been unnecessary. Otherwise, specially shaped planes might add functionality. You could go crazy but you dont have to.
80 minutes
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to be extra lazy i didnt even crop the sections I bothered to make. Just gave them all the same 2048x2048 space so I had to do 0 uv mapping.
Could you tell I painted bullshit under the tits?
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nearly 50% of the time it took me to paint this was tools lagging from having photoshop and maya open at the same time.
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Verts around the top of the tits where they connect to the body I gave 100% bone weights to the spine joint. The boobs are then driven by 1 joint that just translated and rotated. 2 boobs on seperate planes? Multi joint rigging for complex behaviors?
How about multiple frame like in the OP? all very easy and accessible.
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>aaaaah oh my god this is sooooo hard
endless discussion
>oh wait no its easy. heres proof
What program did you use to make this? I would like to try this out
He used ai for the image, Photoshop for the assets and Maya for the rig.
You can use blender too, this shit is not so complicated, it takes a bit of time to make all the assets.
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The other anon is right. photoshop, maya, and a source image. IDK if it was made with AI. I dont know where it came from.
You should. You should do it right now. It's easy. And then post what you made

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