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File: Darakupov.jpg (94 KB, 716x536)
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Why cant I do 3D at all?
I cant even pose nor understand poses
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I cant get poses or movement or volume
Let alone light
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Oh wait. Are you the guy who tried drawing and who'd write "FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE" all over his 10 minute sketches?
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That's me
It takes me hour to pose or light a character as I dont get it
>That's me
holy kek
Yeah, your main problem is psychological issues. Get those fixed first.
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I cant
I have no talenrlt
"How can I improve?"
"Like this."
"No, I won't do that!"
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I just dont have talent
He did in 30 mins what I coildnt do in 5 hours
oh no don't quit you're so good at this!
Troll thread pt.2
Chud thread.
Talent is a myth fucknuts
If you're a low iq midwit who is incapable of learning you will never succeed.
The fact that you feel the need to complain on 4chan about being shit is proof enough you're a dud
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And they banned me for trolling....
I know this is a schizo thread but find an image you like the pose/lighting of and copy it until you understand it

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