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File: blender-dounut.jpg (132 KB, 1200x675)
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the ai demon can make better donut than me it's over time to uninstall blender and find a real job such as coal mining fuck you donut tutorial guy you made me believe I have a chance you should find a real job too btw
the AI didn't get past part 5 eh?
>the AI didn't get past part 5 eh?
no I didn't ai doesn't even need the shitty donut tutorial it can just whip realistic donuts straight out of the depths of hell me on the other hand well I can't put the particles on top sorry
oh shit that's YOUR donut?
no mine was similar but worse it's over for me fuck the deceptive tutorial rabbi all he wants is the youtube ads money
File: 0194.png (2.97 MB, 1920x1080)
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you have ads?

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