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File: Daz3d.png (30 KB, 220x220)
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it is?
coomers refusing to learn anything more advanced
because pro's can still make good stuff with it

still more control than with randomly generated AI crap
It's sustained by boomers on a market of stolen assets and sliders.
Boomers are retarded to know any better. I mean for fuck's sake the marketplace looks like an old holdout from the 2005 internet, ala Second Life and shit like IMVU.
DAZ is like the DeviantArt autists, but if they were all middle aged.

That's just bottom of the barrel Skyrim screenshot tier anon.
>That's just bottom of the barrel Skyrim screenshot tier anon.
I have seen Skyrim screenshots, they do not look like this

>stolen assets and sliders
Isn't that just what modding is though? Most Skyrim mods are free I'm sure, but I don't doubt there's lots of paid stuff people torrent and steal too.

Porn addicts just cope thinking they are making quality content by screenshotting their mods, but they have no real skills or talent. All they are doing is dragging & dropping mods and pressing PRINT SCREEN. Anyone could learn to do it in a few hours.
>I have seen Skyrim screenshots, they do not look like this
You clearly haven't, and they definitely do.
>just bottom of the barrel Skyrim screenshot tier anon.
Better than yours. Post your work then
This is "pro"?
I have to agree with >>988030
Bro, that's not even their work, they're posing some doll someone else made.
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>N-NOOOOO SKYRIM (or any literally any coomer game of your choice) IS SUPERRIORRR!!!!!
>no catbox's
>no gofiles
>no megas
>not even any crossposting
c o p e
o _ _ p
p _ _ o
e p o c
Nigga what?
I'm not sucking off Skyrim, I'm saying that it's shit. And by proxy, Daz is just as shit.
I mean for fuck's sake, the models ported to Skyrim are from Daz you retard.
I swear, Daz is a fucking boomer cult.

An older animation, and I've only been seriously learning Blender since November last year. Now I'm ready for the goalpost shifting
This one is actually pretty nice though
This is not
>Now I'm ready for the goalpost shifting
After all, isn't that really what it's all about? Anon lost the argument and has to resort to personal attacks and nitpick your work to feel like he's won.
The real question is, what angle will he take?
dazlets think this is pro huh
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Anyone who's old enough to grow a beard is a boomer right?
>Porn addicts just cope thinking they are making quality content
What you call cope is just using the right tools for the job. Nobody outside """creative""" boards autisimo cares.
>person with dumb opinion has garbage fetishes and does garbage art
shocked, truly
>still no screenshots
I accept your concession.
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Cope and sneed :^)
pyw while you're at it

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