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How do I find ambitious people that sculpt or model? Preferably even a friend group
The best would be one with connections
Just use AI.
i kind of wish i had a nice group for this as well.
sadly my regular friends are only moderately into 3d and arent serious about improving rn.
there are discord servers ive joined previously, but ive never really found one that i can click with
I have no friends, I wish I could have friends that shared this because I feel like I would avoid all the things that make me have no friends
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We should make a chud friendly discord server for 3d
This, the current /3/ server is trash
Send invite to the current one
No, chuddy.
Guess we are bumping the thread till someone does. Sj4wx
I will not let you bump the thread, chud.
If you bump the thread again I will have to undress and spank you with a 300.000 polygon spanker.
screw a group of peers, I'm not interested in people who make 3D models, I need to find people who can use the 3D models that I make instead
I'll use them. What's your handle
Post work. I'm not going to use your work if you're another anime /3/tard who crash courses through lowpoly tutorials.
Ask politely or piss off mate.
>trying to meet people on 4chan
>he doesn't create and animate his own models
im unironically making a coom game set in an unironic adventure rpg. i need as many coom models as i need monsters and swords and decorations.
I believe that we should have a discord server where all the /3/bros can hangout.
Bumpitty bump
What does your portfolio look like? Do you have devblogs? An art direction for your game?
Why do you want to be in that discord? It's only for mtf
>t. anime /3/tard who crash courses through lowpoly tutorials in his first week
I need 3D friends.
Bumpitty bumpa bomp
Sneaky bump
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what do you want to do? or what are your expectations?
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I want to learn about topology and animation

I also want to create shit in godot, the game engine.

we just need a small team to practice with small projects.
>tfw no one wants to create funny shit in unreal engine 5
what kind of funny shit?
do you know how to use unreal?
i use it since 3 years
i'm a 3d artist so i only work in it's visual and design department as well as putting my assets in.
>what kind of funny shit?
dunno, some meme 4chan tier game
I want to join a place where there aren't 1000:1 idiots:skilled people. In the big discord servers, they are overrun with idiots who are too lazy to search a new word.
"You need to go into edit mode and mark some UV seams, this will help the UV unwrap"
"I don't know what a UV seam is"
These people are ngmi.
Ironically most skilled people are useless cause they either don't want to help or don't know how. They're usually skilled cause they just do it and have done it consistently for a long time.
And yes the Pareto principle applies here as well. 80% of people in the field are dead weight/ngmi
it's nice to have a place where you can chat, but if you aren't even able to google the basic questions to troubleshoot your issues... are you even trying?
Well the artwork is in flux. I've been working on backend stuff and level design. Pic related I consider a very close approximation of my end goal. The characters are these gynoidal fairy boys and various extreme female body types.
I am frozen ATM on making animation and new assets because I havent gotten to where I want to be on the rigs. I need a final solution to the "big boob question". Other than that a bunch of place holders.
And some combat
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Well, what do you think we can do? Because usually, the people here are detestable.

But I think we could do something productive.

I’m a generalist, I know how to do many things in Blender, but I’m not an expert in anything. And since I have ADHD, when I have a goal, I can achieve it, but if I have total freedom, I just stay in tutorial hell.

I’m a beginner in many things, but I learn very quickly, and I take notes and document them, like in my topology thread.

What would you like to have on a server? What level do you expect from others? Or rather, what are you looking for in others?
I know I was brash lately baby you been all on my brain
And if somebody woulda told me a year ago it'll go get this difficult
Money. That's really they only true way to pull people together. It has nothing to do with ambition or whatever bullshit that means. Money... It motivates people to give a single fuck.
I will help for money
>Because usually, the people here are detestable.
Speak for yourself desu
Will it have a frank frazetta aesthetic? If so, I want to help.
Fuck off Cris.
Who's Chris
well the women yes. the men not so much.
if someone actually helped me to the point of actually bearing a portion of the rrsponsibility id cut them in on future crowdfunding profits. otherwise yeah im going to commission individual assets, but they jave to be really good and have the style im going for. i have 2k saved right now from doing my own art commission earmarked specifically for that.
do you have anything more to show for the project
Show wip
yeah ill make an imgur gallery of my wips, unless theres a better site. i get to be at work in the 4th of july for 12 hours and i dont really have any of them saved on my phone.
Disgusting. I hope your hard-drive crashes.
nothing nsfw. Especially since there's nothing nsfw that's worth showing
fuckin shit fuck

holy shit lmao
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>This, the current /3/ server is trash
the /wip/ was the only one i was in and they moved on to new server i think. that one was pretty alright from what i remember. didn't know there was one for all of /3/
same, i thought the the current /wip/ one was the only one
>current /wip/ one was the only one
Send invite now
I'm talking about the /3/kings one
did you get banned lmao
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ah, i think that might be the one the old /wip/ server moved to. i was never in that one, just the old /wip/ server. how bad is /3/kings?

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