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File: uvs.png (475 KB, 1139x599)
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It may still be used in mobile games or modern games, I'm not sure. But I'd be really curious to hear if there's a particular process to get this done in a fast enough way or if it's a matter of spending time on it.
Tips to make the actual texture fitting this would be appreciated too.
Was done manually, now there's a few add-ons to do this.
It's still used on low poly models with small resolution textures so the pixels don't appear rotated 45 degrees and to make seamless textures.
I'd like to know this too.
I cracked open some PSP models and many of their textures are laid out so neatly. How the hell do they do this?
Just, like, fucking do it.Turn on snapping or do stuff like scaling selection to 0 on one axis (select, s, x 0 on blender to align all selected UVs vertically) and there you go.

There's few enough vertices that it's totally manageable.
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Also, plenty of games just didn't do it and looked great all the same.
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>rectangular UVs
You're looking for the "Follow Active Quads" function when doing the whole UV layout thing. Watch this tutorial son
Do you have links to said addons? I'm curious

Thank you anons, I'll experiment with this!

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