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I've reached PS2 levels of SOVL.
My knees... they're kneeling on their own!
Looks promising, but chest isn't even dfc, it's fucking concave. Lower body is kinda satisfying to me at least.
why does she have multi nipples
that's the best part
Cris can't stop winning
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Today I got my injection of paliperidone and I was able to solve my panic attacks and burnout.

I started now to make the juice aspect of my game.


forgot link.
so you have severe schizophrenia and yet you are an attentionwhore? recipe for disaster, but yes the meds will help
Better than you chud :)
wrong website, try plebbit, at least I'm not an attentionwhore, I don't shit where I eat
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Looks like the c-word is firing up a nerve in your veiny forehead :). Cope more, I'm a successfull developer.
>I'm a successfull developer
*unemployed schizo living in his mom's basement
let's talk a bit more about you, since that's what you like, you chose the website full of people you hate, you chose to be there, while also being severely mentally ill
Good projection, chud. Repeat the words mentally ill over and over again until you become mentally ill from my godly presence which sends out an aura higher than your pleb existence.

/3/ chose me. I'm the front page of the board with my unique retro artstyle I worked towards.

You? You are nothing.

that's nice cris but i prefer the no talent schizo /3/ poster, apologies
ur a schizo attentionwhore, and ur 3d is extremely trash, to top it off
If it would be trash it wouldn't be praised everywhere on here. You are projecting, chud. And suffer from envy and jealousy

>If it would be trash it wouldn't be praised everywhere on here
kekmao, thanks for the laugh, it's praised due to it being mega trash
last (You), sorry, not sorry
Cris can't stop winning.

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