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Ok here's the score. i keep seeing users wish there was some board wide project to contribute to and ive figured it out. Pic related is Gauntlet legends(the expanded version ark legscy to be precise). if youre a zoomzoom and never saw it in an arcade ill explain:
it is a mechanically very simple game with characters that run around and beat up big hoards of spawning mobs. use special abilities collect treasure, use special items, fight bosses. its also a major collectathon. the mobs are mostly reskins of each other. the levels are very simple walk throughs with minor switch based back track puzzles.
the point is its a very acheivable game to remake mechanically.
my proposal to /3/ is that i will work on making the game work. /3/ can brainstorm new themes, characters, items, everything. anyone can drop in contribute what they want and drop out at their leisure. ill go into more detail on the structure and figure out a reliable file sharing method too.
its not 2004 anymore so were going to go bigger than midway did but also we can keep poly counts and intricate details very low. animations are also going to be super simple and very easy for a beginner to pull off. im in the midst of making charts to keep track of ideas and assets.
if no one else participates then im alreadybplanning to do it all myself. full disclosure: im a degenerate weirdo so if im left alone thats the direction im likely to go, but if people contribute and we want to make it more wholesome thats great. if theres a conflict we can fork the project and ill share my code and stuff with anyone who can prove they know what theyre doing woth it. eventually id like to make it so you can just drop in models into the right place and it will just work.
here's the forst page of the theme chart. in gauntlet there were worlds with a theme like "spooky graveyard". the world had 5 levels and a final boss. there were 3 tiers of mobs. a low tier, a high tier, and an ankle biter. there was also a player class associated with the world.
the bosses all fit into 2 styles. free range moving character and a stationary character at the front or center of the stage. these would be the most complex and varied assets.
all of the mobs had an idle walking, attack1 attack2, pain, and death animation.
my thought is even if you jave 0 ability to model, draw, or animate you can still fill out a chart with ideas.
i would like to ask that if anyone just wants to spit ball an idea create some media for it. even a shitty mspaint sketch is better than nothing.

this chart is for player classes. as you leveled up your character would get a better costume so i have room for 4 on this chart plus the projectile. the game play style your character ran around and all classes could shoot. when close to enemies theyd do melee attacks. so theres a spot for the projectile too.
this chart is kind of bare because all the animations and props will be different based on the boss. bosses will probably be collaborative or left up to the most skilled users to complete. all bosses also had a special item you could find which made them easier to beat.
ill make more charts and fill some out myself. originally i was planning to solo dev this game so i actually jave a basic concept for a whole roster of classes, worlds, levels and bosses already.
Nice another schizo thread.
You're gonna have to do 80% of the work yourself and other people may add 20% if you're lucky.
Even if people did magically contribute, it'd be a jarring mishmash of quality, polycount and styles unless you can somehow enforce an art direction and some technical limits. Do you have an art direction in mind? Even something loose like "WoW-like" or some other game. And what would be the technical limitations? Things like if you can use custom shaders or if there'd be a unified shader with set limits like whether and how you use vertex colors, and the amount of texture slots and texture types like normal/roughness/etc. You can't really start making assets without this information.
plan A is to do 100% of the work myself. its not "luck" if anyone contributes. do you want to? do you want to make models that do things? do you have fun doing that? im inviting you to join me.
yeah ive got a hamster running on the wheel regards to that. and as i go ill add technical guides like polycounts and materials. best practices for level design etc.
and heres a chart for tier one and 2 monsters.
the way gauntlet worked is there were generators that spawned minsters up to some max. you had to fight your way through a crowd to get to it and destroy it. monsters had a big medium and small version and as the generator took damage it would shrink spawning smaller monster. as well as starting out small in the early stages
and the ankle biters only had 2 sizes.
poly limits will need to be experimental. off the top of my head i think 1,000 for a player character is overkill. maybe 250 for mobs. major set pieces 20 x the surface area of the bounding box. players being 1 unit tall. boss creatures are meant to be elaborate and have specially designed arenas to keep total polies down. lets call it 2,000 for the boss character and 500 for the arena itself.
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I think 250 is terribly low for anything, especially today. Even if you were targetting mobile. Here's a goblin and a skeleton I made for a project I put on hold. The goblin is 3k triangles not counting the dynamic outline generated in-shader (so 6k with it). The skeleton is 5k triangles. And this is no armor, no weapons. Granted the models were to be medium sized on-screen, but still. Maybe I'm not getting the scale of the amount of onscreen mobs, but with a poly limit like 250 they'd have to be tiny to look any good and the modeling would take a backseat to manual texturing, which tends to be most modelers' weak point.
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I gotchu senpai.
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yeah lets lush and pull on poly limits. i just googled some gamepmay screen shots. the characters are fairly small on screen and theres an emphasis on lots of mobs at once. even back then with their hardware restrictions.
i got interrupted and all my notes are in a book i dont currently posess. hut i remember one of my themes pretty well.
in the middle of sketching the monsters still i have to "work" at my "job"
you could just come up with names for things. you could doodle monsters or items.
obviously no ones going to want to invest in making a .odel with textures and a rig till you see that ive done so and put it into a game enviroment that works. so consider this a solo devlog till then.
What actual qualifications do you even have when it comes to programming?
If it's fucking nothing, you're just a shitty idea guy. People aren't going to rally behind some faggot with no competency. At that point it'd be just some anon making his lame ass "dream game" with free labor while he sits back and lets everyone else do the work.
Same goes with if you're just a shitty dabbler and never actually completed any game projects.
>"I'm still learning, but I imagine I'll get more skilled as time goes on!"
Cris here. I'll gladly join the team. The artstyle perfectly fits mine :)
my qualifications are that ive been learning to code for about 10 years and have already made several functional games. and of you paid 1% attention then youd see im putting myself as the opposite of the idea guy here. im willing and able to do that part no one wants to do which is the programming. i am inviting, not asking, anyone whod like to to contribute ideas or models to do so. strictly for fun. im also offering to share the code so if you wanted to take it and make your own thing you could.

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