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who cares about eevee
That’s not how light works, eevee next looks like flaw lighting and will ruin lighting on many projects.
>jUsT uSe tHe cOmPosiToR bRo, iT's tHe sAmE tHiNg
Next has great potential to make your scenes look a ton better but many people don't get that it does not translate 1:1 between those two versions.
You must completely rework your materials and also use the compositor now in addition like >>989293 already pointed out correctly.

Many got used to the old Eevee and prefer the old workflow so I wonder if they'll keep the old thing around or will just drop it.
just went and checked a vid of them, doesn't look bad if what I saw is real then the OP pic doesn't make it justice
ive noticed the only people complaining about eevee next are weebs upset they will need a slightly different workflow for making their porn.
I just like the bloom as a viewport toggle without bullshit. Everything else for Next is a win.
The viewport compositor is similar, but not the same, and on top of that you have to factor in all the other bullshit you may have in your compositing setup. All just to have a preview of what your bloom will look like.
It's a change for the sake of change without offering up anything better. I often times preferred the Eevee bloom even over most compositor versions.
>removed Shader RGB node
>completely broke stylized, NPR, and basically every rendering style that isn't Indian-tier PBR in a vain attempt to be Cycles' retarded cousin
Nothing about Eevee Next is a win.
You should do something about your porn addiction. go for a walk and clear your head at the very least.
>removed Shader RGB node
e....excuse me?
Fucking WHAT.
Yeah, never fuckin mind. Holy shit these devs are retarded.
All I've seen gone over was all the new PBR shit, so I had just figured old stuff like Shader 2 RGB was intact.
I rescind my statement.
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It's one guy.
One guy maintains Eevee and makes all the decisions regarding it. The open source meme doesn't work when an entire engine is one guy's pet project and no one else knows how it works.

If it makes you feel any better the Shader RGB node has been broken as far back as Blender 3.2 when he patched out screen space reflections.
Render is the 2th most important thing in 3D. Why in gods name is there only one person who works on it. I’m now believing the dev who got fired over at blender, the devs are officially crazy.

They removed the entire blender thread but they can’t erase anything from the internet: https://web.archive.org/web/20230721190256/https://blenderartists.org/t/ive-been-fired/1473998
it's actually the 3th, but if you didn't know that then you're ngmi
Texturing is optional, you don’t need it every time because game engines run in different environments and sometimes software like substance make it better than current 3D software.
what's with the reflections?
I for one like that they removed bloom and make everyone use it via the compositor.
People were absolutely abusing bloom when using Eevee to the point where it became a fucking meme.
It's interesting seeing a roughness override on the render settings. T bh they should have overrides for every shader parameter and stop pretending like shaders translate well between cycles and Eevee.
who said anything about texturing? It's actually the 7nd most important thing in 3D. didn't know that either? never. gonna. make. it.
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...I don't see a difference in that demo?
I just don't get why the fuck they couldn't just wait to release it in an actual finished state without compromising so many people's shit.
The way it's going, a lot of people are just gonna see it as a toy, but not ready for any real projects because it's unfinished. Likewise a lot of people who used to use Eevee for projects are going to wait until it actually has feature parity and doesn't gimp their shit.
So yeah, literally no reason to release it in this state. The people who actually use Eevee aren't going to fuckin use it.

That's not even mentioning that it'll probably NEVER be finished, because like a lot of Blender bullshit, they get one dude to work on it, then the dude fucks off and then no one knows how to update/upgrade the shit so they hire ANOTHER faggot to make an entire rewrite, he fucks off, and the cycle(s) (heh) continues.
The absolute fuckin state of Blender "development".
>I just don't get why the fuck they couldn't just wait to release it in an actual finished state without compromising so many people's shit.
boo hoo, your files are ruined, so many days work gone.
Or just don't update, or install two instances so you can have both. It's not a problem, I don't see why you're sperging out about it.
this >>989711
blenderfags are mostly amateurs or freelances but there's a good reason why studio pipes will stick to old versions until projects are done or their pipeline guys port everything over to the newer version.

that said, blender needs to adopt usd standards, implement hydra delegation, then port their renders to be hydra delegates. then you can decouple render engines entirely from the rest of blender dev.
they're never going to do it though because god forbid they actually participate in an industry-wide open source initiative.
I don't give a fuck about Eevee, it's never gonna get feature or quality parity with actualgame engines.
But don't forget they basically halted geonodes to work on their shitty grease pencil once more.
>spend months working on a project in the current build
>LMAO they removed a node you need, the whole thing is fucked
>try to revert to an older version
>LMAO they changed everything around, now all your shaders are broken
This is why no one is stupid enough to use Blender on an actual production except for me and the guys who make Blender.
That's literally what Blender LTS is for
I think I see your frustration. But this can be prevented by simply not upgrading in the first place. You should scale your project to the tools you currently have on hand. Not the tools you may have in the future. Therefore, you shouldn't go jumping onto the next Blender upgrade, just because they dangled a few new fancy looking features to entice you. Your project was planned without those new features, and so should be doable without them.
Good advice, thanks.
The compositor can't even factor in viewport resolution the last time I checked, it fucks up the intensity of the effects.
eh Eevee next is really not that gamechanging, still no contact shadows for me and it lags more than before now, even on a Ryzen 7
>removed Shader RGB node
I fell out of the loop with Blender news and haven't done 3DCG for some months and now I come back to this. Damn.
I've used the Shader to RGB node in about half of my latest dozen or so Blender projects.
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>just say you can't afford a pc for raytracing bro
I've got a 4070ti, but you do you. Doesn't make Eevee next any less shit. I don't really give a fuck about viewport performance, as long as it's quicker than cycles. Bloom being fucked and Shader2RGB being fucked is all I care about.
I hope it's going to create new interest and resources for actual nPBR engines like https://malt3d.com/ instead of using Eevee as a workaround
Compositor bloom is 1 (one) extra step and shader to rgb didnt even get removed retard, yall don't use the program or make anything ever just scroll and complain
1 extra step for a worse bloom, several additional steps to try and compensate for still a worse bloom, and Shader 2 RGB is no longer working as it once did. Didn't say anything about it being removed.
kys zoomer.
wtf do fucked compositor effects in the viewport have to with raytracing
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Who is going to apologize for spreading misinformation?
Set shadow steps to 1 for sharp shadows.
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Yeah, it's a false alarm. The node is still there and materials that use it work the same as far as I can tell.
Light and shadows work differently, so if you transfer a project from an older version to 4.2 you will need to adjust your lighting setup.
Damn, how did you get shading like that? Teach me your ways.
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Volumes will need more attention.

I'll post about it in a bit.
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This is the basic idea.
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bait or retard, call it
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That's it.
Can you take a screenshot of all the nodes in one image so I can see how they connect? Its okay if the names of the nodes are illegible since we have the close ups here.
The whole thing is >>990328 (the last Mix node goes into Group Output)
The Scaling Gradient node group in >>990328 is >>990329
The Aspect Ratio node group in >>990329 is >>990330
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I'm mentally challenged and couldn't tell, sorry. Thanks for the nodes!
I tried recreating your shader, and its fucked for me in 4.2 unless I disable shadows.
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Have you tried putting some lights in your scene and tweaking the ramps?
nice how did you get the noise effect? I see you didn't reduce render samples
Turn up the distortion value of the noise texture node in >>990329 to like 50.
Cool stuff. Does it react to the light color? That's been my biggest issue with almost every NPR nodegroup I've found.

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