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Previous : >>986003
Discuss and post anime styles in 3d. From figurines to celshaded models, etc.

Recommend Youtube Channel :

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you forgot the topic
yea, i'll live in shame until this thread dead
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Finished this today. It's Et or Etward Dysler from Mana Khemia 2. Pose based on her concept art, there's literally only like 3 pictures so it's easy to find. I think I wanna try to get it printed someday but I've no idea what I need for that. Is just plugging obvious holes and remeshing to a reasonable resolution, then checking for loose geometry and inner "shells" from sloppy hole plugging enough? Or is there something else I'd need to do? Also generally how much would something like a ~15cm tall fig of this generally cost to get printed? I'm in eastern europe and there's a few local businesses that can, but none of them have a comprehensive price list. All of them offer to give a quote based on an stl file, but I'm too shy to waste their time if it really costs more than like 50eu or whatever, which is past what it'd be worth it to me. I don't care about the material, just so it's cheap enough and turns out reasonably ok looking.
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Got a lot done today
Not that happy with the face structure (something fishy with the cheeks or something, cant quite tell) but I'm not going to be too hard on myself since its my first time having a go at it. We out here learning, boys
And that will be quite a long time.
Or only 3 months when it slid off the board because no one could find it kek
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tried to change my approach for the blocking and yes, while looking at anime figure pic and other people sculpt
good proportions over all
butt flat tho
i'm trying my best, i will try see more pic and watch more sculpting video
nah. just either plump the rump or polish down the corners.
look at the baokutely enourmous cranium in the op. anime babes need huge heads for their giant hair to sit on. and proportionally large forheads for their giant bug like eyes.
other than butt, what about overall shape? like tummy, ribcage, and hips etc?
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Yeah you're right, but I'm trying to follow the tutorial as closely as I can, and he doesn't scale the cranium as big as the one in the OP (still larger than mine, so I need to adjust regardless)
i would either puff the ribcage out a tiny amount or bring the waist in. your abdomen is all soft tissue, and your internals are under a vacuum compared to the outside. so imagine 2 big masses ribcage and pelvis, and theyre inside a baloon that's had all the all pumped out of it. grab both masses and pull them apart. the rubber will stretch but also sinch in-between the masses due to the air pressure.
phbyeah. op is EXTREME. for my own anime faces, and from what i see most of the time from others. its the small cranium that is the stumbling block. normal humans have their faces cut in thirds. top of eye brows to top of head is 1 third, eye brows to bottom of nose second. and nose to chin is last. anime character have more forehead and less chin.
ah i get it
What you’re asking is impossible in 3D Printing. The bladeloop can’t be created and the hairs are going to cause problems. Smaller details can’t be performed so the model itself will be rejected even when you have a legal STL file ready.

It’s more likely to clay sculpture than 3D print. Clay cost less and people are willing to build them. Your 3D model can be used as reference to help clay model to a 1:1 replica.
Well damn. Thanks! I guess I really overestimated what 3d printing can do. How do people make 3d printable figs then? Do they make separate parts and glue them together like a garage kit? I mean I could try to disassemble it into pieces, like say individual hair clumps and such. I think I saw a picture in one of these threads of I think Rem from RE:Zero broken into many parts. Is that how they're supposed to be to work for printing?
Also thanks for the advice on the clay, but I don't think my tiny city has any real sculptors and comissioning someone remotely sounds hyper expensive so I guess if breaking into parts won't work, the file's just gonna rot on my hard drive forever. I'd try clay sculpting myself but I don't think it's similar enough to 3d sculpting for me to get anywhere with it.
>Do they make separate parts and glue them together like a garage kit?
yes, you don't have to slice it to oblivion though, but separating parts also makes it easier to paint too
Hmm, maybe there's still hope then. Thank you again for the advice. I'll try to make some logical decisions on how to slice it up and I guess I'll ask one of the local 3d print companies if it'll work in that state.
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even after copy and pasting meshs onto my own. it still looks like shit.
any help with anime-type eyes or faces?
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looking at wandah project file, what muscle is that? the other sculptor i see on twitter doesn't have that lump part
if you know what anime face shape look like, watch this time-lapse https://youtu.be/pieWyTWrkJs
isnt that the pelvic bone?
that's too big for pelvic bone
My anatomy research is pretty shoddy but I assume it's either called love handles(or maybe that term only applies to fat?), or the oblique muscles
>oblique muscles
ah yeah
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i'm losing my mind slowly
You could also not overlap clothing with the body and just have the body become the clothing sections. If this is too hard than you’ll not going to make it past rigging standards.
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I give up, this shit is too hard for me at the moment
the last time i tried to rigging my character i give up and now my character forever stuck at T pose, that's why i learn how to sculpt for pose only
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I would lower the cheekbones a tad bit and increase the width of the chin. Especially for female characters; a few male characters can get away with the kaiji jaw but most of the time artists will add more width.

Then increase the cranium/top of the head upwards, and also make the top of head's contour rounder.
Also move the iris of the eyes closer so that she doesn't look cross eyed, but that can easily be changed during rigging and posing.

Your eyes look great actually, I love the shape of the eyelashes and the way you colored them looks good too.
You are better than most beginners; so keep training your eyes to see what makes a 3d model good and I'd say you'll make it.

Good luck on your gorilla woman.
I cant make a couple tweaks like bring theyes closr and narrowing the mouth on a totally fucked up anime face.
Also, dont look at these bald aalien heads and think "oh this doesnt look right" anime faces are a system and the system doesnt work with every part in place for awhile youre working blind. on my face i actually sculpted some quick hair so i could see how all the face parts worked together.
what part of rigging did you struggle with? skin weights? or making controllers and stuff?
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skin weights, i stop rigging when i tried to weight paint the belt
yeah just like >>989500 you are doing good, just need to get the right shape
weight painting is tough. if i knew a trickety trick id share it.
yea, i have to switch between bone to check it, that's why sculpt is the only way to pose character i want to make
How do artists usually texture paint straight lines that perfectly curve around a character like this?
thanks dude, ill get back to you with it
I usually hit automatic weights for the body and then transfer weights from the body, and that usually works fine for me if my topology is good
I did download a voxel skinner addon that one time I had too many overlapping clothing layers, maybe you could try that
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Finished another vrchat character im real proud of and wanted to show it off. What do you guys think of her? Weight painting is still most certainly the most annoying part of creating these but its worth the hassle.

>>989479 The other guys are right, the grey alien stage always feels super wierd and awkward. dont give up youll do great.
Very cute, I like the scary eyes a lot
Damn that's really good anon, really big improvement in your modelling already from your kitsune miko girl

The only thing that I think looks a bit off is your anatomy of the waist as I get what you're going for but it looks a little too thin (or maybe it's just the camera angle)
I have a personal nitpick with feeling that the tufts of hair you put at the base of the cat ears are a little too long/big but that's just a personal thing and maybe you actually wanted that anyway

Overall really good work, especially for your head and hair, you got the head shape/size and eye sizes in a perfect balance. Cute expressions too
Very easy, just change some texture painting settings and use front view if you really want to be absolutely perfect
In Stroke options, just set brush type to line and hold Alt when painting so the brush is locked to cardinal and intercardinal angles only when painting
In Options just disable Occlude and Backface Culling so you can texture the back faces at the same time as the front
You can paint directly, or set up the UVs so the stripe borders are vertical in texture space, which is pretty easy
so far transferring weights from my naked models to clothing works with minimal habd painting, but only if ive meticulously painted weights on that initial model.
look cool, maybe i will try it later
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Cringe and fake. Nobody types like that.
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apparently english is too hard for japanese
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alright fuck, i'm really stuck here, i don't know how much ribcage i should show, is it depend on the pose? should i watch wandah course instead?
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someone else translation
Is this something you made or is this a model/course I can download somewhere to study?
i steal it from twitter
Gotcha. I'll see if I can find it

Anyone you follow you recommend? I dont really use twitter but I do find cool stuff on there occasionally
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pic related, but they never post tutorial like that, it's just one person and only that 3 pic i post

Appreciate it! I don't really need tutorials, I just like looking at good models at the end of the day and if I can study them at all, its good
Thanks bros
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>getting worse
maybe i should take a break for a month of two
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These are all great accounts to follow, I would include Shanyuya who for me is one of the best

I was stuck on this project for months due to lack of time, but I'm finally close to finishing it. Cutting time
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just take a 2 day break, dude. find someone else's body sculpt and work off that
ah good another gentleman of refined tastes
i can't find a good anime body to learn

and i would probs recommend

i think you might need an account tho

At least for the second link, looks like the guy has a gumroad with a few free blend files as well as some paid. Still a good recc

wow what a neat site, thanks, guess i'll take my time looking at the model and learn how to shape it
Cant you make support bones that follow the belt then hit automatic weights then transfer the support bone weights to the primary pelvis bone and delete the now unused belt bones.
i don't know about that, it's my first time rigging and weight paint filter me a lot
I think the belt would often be modeled as part of the pants instead of there being any separation, because of the problem you encountered. There can be weird poses where the belt clips through the belt loops or behind the pants
I'm not sure how common it is, but SpeedChar recommended that technique when making a model with a chain across the chest
Any good maya focused tutorials, courses or the like? Trying to get back into 3D modelling and that's what I had the most previous experience with. Didn't notice the new thread so i'm just reposting my question from end of last.
Mind sharing the wireframe of that?
Anyone has his course?
It really reminds me of the old has honkai impact 3 style, it's pretty cool.
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I know anime girls have big heads under that hair but that is one megamind looking bitch right there
indeed. its the first kistake a wannabe anime modeller makes too. if anything, you can get away with a too big head, but not a too small head
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i like the body type. how detailed are you planning to make it?
im not going to add any more detail to it and if I am, it'll be in the arse area as the normals there are a bit stretched thin
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i can see it
good playlist if you don't want to watch wandah sculpt, no commentary, just timelapse
>sculpt base pose
>then move the joints
>and sculpt it again
isn't it better to sculpt for the pose you want from the start?
It'd generally require more work and skill because you don't get the benefits of doing only half the work on the initial body (because the other is mirrored) and exact symmetry for proportions. Also it's not like sculpting in a rest pose, posing then sculpting again is anywhere "double the work" like the sentence may imply, the post-pose sculpting is mostly cleanup and detailing which is generally less work than the rest pose sculpt, and posing itself doesn't take long either. Sculpting in-pose does get the advantage of letting you nail whatever reference you're following almost exactly, as drawn art is generally less exact than a 3d model is.
>isn't it better to sculpt for the pose you want from the start?
I think it's a good exercise, but it's so much easier to sculpt a body with symmetry on and then move in, getting the proportions right is a walk in the park
if I want the end result to look good, I'll sculpt the body in a neutral pose first and then move the joints around
BEG here
I keep seeing people talking about different methods to how they make their models and its all very confusing
Some draw and extrude verts to build the model but that looks hard to learn
Some take a basic shape like a box/ball/cylinder and build off that
And some sculpt and retop over that
What would be the best method to either focus on, or learn first that can teach me more tricks for down the line?
Whichever feels best for you, give em a go and go from there.
The only way you'll find out which is best for you is to try them. Whichever you manage to last through to a complete model is a good one for you.
i mean like sharper divisions between anatomical forms. dips and creases where muscle groups and fat pads change
i find box modelling is way more forgiving of fuckups. i can always go back and precisely change something im modelling. if i fuck up a sculpt i have to undo, potentially a lot of undos, to fix it.
Catching this stream is so hard for me.
Any reason the streamer doesn't archive the videos on twitch?
Well, if you don't have any goals like "make a vrchat/mmd/game mod/etc model" or "make an anime sculpture" or something... If you have any drawing experience or a short attention span, I recommend trying out sculpting and aiming to make sculptures. With sculpting you have a small amount of tools that are easy to get into but hard to master, and it's sorta taxing on your artistic knowledge of shapes. If not, aim to make a working rigged model using poly modeling for subdivision. Poly modeling is still pretty good for anime because you deal with large perfect curves so you don't usually need to bake normals from a high poly sculpt. It'll teach you how modeling for realtime 3d works which is a large part of 3d in general, but it's a fairly long learning process. I think it's best to go with subd if you don't draw because it's easier to figure out/change shapes with subsurf modeling as the real geometry you work with should be fairly sparse when you get the knack of it. It's easier to work with a set of points and not directly with complex shapes if you're unsure of what you should be seeing. Another important point after you figure out what you want to get into first is to get learning material. It's technically possible to learn without it of course, but then so are most things. You don't have to grind tutorials all day, do something on your own roughly half the time. But a lot of people get stuck in effectively permabeg purgatory because they feel they're too proud for guidance or something. After a point you should just do your own thing, but please find a video course or something if you're just starting out. It will save you an immense amount of time.
>Some draw and extrude verts to build the model but look hard to learn
surprisingly that's the easiest for me, reason why i move from maya to blender
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We need more people like MasahiroUshiyama who actually go through the process of showing how a mesh is created instead of just posting wires since there's a lot of theory that goes into poly modeling that you can't get from just trying to copy finished model's topology.

like this guy?
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I copied this topology at first >>989659
But then I figured it didn't exactly suit my needs. So I edited it a fair bit, in order to get it to show better for Link's face.

I'm struggling to get Eevee to make good shadows. I still don't quite get how to make normals look good. Even when I attempt editing them, it still looks wonky to me. I'm going to try to tackle the normal problem in an unconventional way. I have an idea involving nodes.

(ignore the tiny T-pose arms. I started making WW Link first, but then pivoted to OoT Link, because his design is more interesting)
Try different methods and see which one you like. The thing is that different artists will have different methods. It's more important to focus making good models than getting caught up with "doing it right".

But the most important step is to make mistakes/just do something. Just finish something and analyze features that suck, look up tutorials, then make a new project carrying what you've learned.
>burnt out
see you next year
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Today's work. The hair is just a facade. I only blocked in the bangs and side burns.

I worked only the normals issue. I'm fairly close to something. But I'm struggling to build the index required to make it all work. I'm trying to get Link's mesh to read another mesh in a specific way. But geometry nodes makes it difficult to gather all the data I need. Building an index is convoluted as hell. You can't expand an index beyond the given geometry. So you have to create new geometry, and then attempt to transfer the data onto that. Then do your calculations. Then attempt to transfer the newly calculated data back to the original geometry.
you cant just sample normals from an input mesh based on uv space?
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How to make something like this? Are there any tutorials for this impressive rigging?
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Honestly, where can i learn to do such impressive things and rigs?
Search archive for same, other post will have detailed bone display
What archives support this feature? Couldn't find such
By filename I mean
If you mean archived moe, the site returns the board doesn't have search enabled.
How to search sensei?
Honestly, I don't know if I did it right. I went to these places below and used the search bars, copying the filename in >>990095 on the field for filenames.

archived.moe/3/ (search disabled)
4archive.org/board/3/ (doesn't seem to have an actual search function)
warosu.org/3/ (no results found)

Where did you even find that webm anyway?
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Man, I thought I was onto something. I made a node set up that allows you to paint normals via weight painting. But it's acting all glitchy, and I don't know why. For some blend modes, like Overlay, it's fine, but for other blend modes, the normals disappear when the slight is set to certain angles. And then to make things more complicated, sometimes the Y axis needs to be flipped, and sometimes not, depending on the blend mode.

Any way, it still kind of works. If you copy the node set up on display in the webm, then you can test it out yourself.(The normal is plugged into a diffuse node) The advantages of this, are that you can weight paint to edit your normals, and the normals are preserved as vertex groups.

I arguably made Link's face look worse. But regardless, you can see how I was able to make his face appear more flat. With the ability to manipulate normals like this, you can work out the kinks of your model. And then toggle them on or off, depending on the situation.

I'm not sure what you mean. I'm not very familiar with uv space, or what is doable there. Can you explain it more simply? To be clear, I'm not trying to transfer normals from one object to another. I'm trying to do what the "NormalEdit" modifier is capable of doing. https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/modeling/modifiers/modify/normal_edit.html
In radial mode, It uses another object's origin point to recalculate the normals of the mesh. The modifier is limited, because it can only read a single object at a time. Which makes it a pain to set up for multiple points.

In geometry nodes, I can do the radial normals thing. I can even do it for multiple points. However, it looks messy, because the normals of the mesh can only detect the nearest point. If there was somehow a way to make the normals detect multiple points, and then interpolate between then, it would probably get good results.
4chan started molesting files a couple months ago so view-same searches are broken.
I don't know why some anime artists feel the need to make the head so large under the hair when anime characters would need rather thick hair for most of their hairstyles anyway
the hair thickness could bulk it up just fine and still achieve the same look without the skull underneath having to be fucking massive
>clear, I'm not trying to transfer normals from one object to another
this is exactly what i thought you were trying to do
its because they need it. too small craniums is a vhief mistake anime newbs do. you have to go much bigger than youd think looking at anime references with full heads of hair
I found it on /v/ in the thread about western erotic games
Better to just search the name in the webm, ヌ氏 光.
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thanks for sharing, I'm not interested in making coom models but the technology is fascinating
it doesn't seem like he's using corrective shapekeys, I thought that's how people usually do it, just bones, apparently he's selftaught,
corrective blendshapes
Big fan of this guy's work. I love the attention to detail he puts into cutting up the mesh giving detail to lit forms without relying on things like normal maps or shaders. It almost reminds me of late gen PS2 early gen 360 games before PBR rendering became common and his aesthetic also gives me late 2000's anime vibes.
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How is my topology looking on this project, guys? I don't think I'm too worried about anatomy right now (maybe?) I mostly just want to make sure that the joints can bend properly in a convincing way. I want some harsh criticism on the hand specifically cause i think thats a real important part but any tips are greatly appreciated.
there's a lot of 5 poles, but maybe you tucked them away where they wont matter. Non topographically there's not any division in the groin. She sporting a gumby crotch. Pubic triangle pushes out, thighs push out, and it makes the indentations of the groin.
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Someone can correct me or point out stuff I missed but this is what I saw from doing a quick look
Red circles are errors needing to be fixed
Yellow line is where I would personally put an edge loop for the hips for better bending
Blue line is where you need an edge going through the middle for the hands

The red circles I put on the palm of the hand, thighs, and back are just because I felt like the topology flow was off but maybe that's just the subdiv making it look weird
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For the bendy joints on elbows, knees and fingers I can't tell too well from the images but it looks like you're missing the 3rd edge loop so you can make a better bend with doing the triple stitch that wraps around the elbow, knees, and finger joints with a quad mesh. Right now you only have a double stitch which is only affecting a small area instead of the entire area properly

See pic rel for elbow example. That extra edge loop is what I mean for the elbow and knees
For the fingers, you need a horizontal edge loop that wraps around the entire side of the finger. It should be in the middle, then you make the 3rd stitch
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Thanks for the advice you guys. I went around on the joints and added a bit more geometry there. Do the fingers need more geometry on the bottom side or are they ok collapsing like that?
For the elbows, I did the same pattern for the inner and outer side, I'm not sure if thats proper. The lines are just along the edge loop nearby, theres so many different variations ive found so that part of the puzzle confuses me quite a bit rn and it seems whenever i adjust one part i mess up another.
The knees are similar to the elbows as well, i wanted to ask how the front and back portions should be connecting to eachother, between the blue/yellow vertices should they meet closer, merged or maybe bevel that line? The red line is just an extra loop cut on the inner side i noticed.
And for the hips/groin area, i havent actually changed the topo "pattern" yet, just added a bit more dimension. This portion i already struggled with a lot and i can see that the topo seems to add some "spiky" bits i cant smooth out from certain angles.

again, thanks for the advice. I think alot of the patterns i should maintain from the very beginning so im not gonna be making this model "perfect", but I'll make sure to apply everything to the next one i try making after i complete this one.
*throws up*
AH, so that was a signature? I can't type kanji, so it flew over my head. Thanks anon.
Who is that?
Joints are fine no need to change that
You only want that pattern on the outer/top part of the finger like in your img as you want that area specifically to look more bumpy when bent just like a real finger
You're supposed to only do that for the outer part of the elbow not the inner part as you want the outer part of the elbow to show a greater bend deformation just like with fingers
The inner part of the elbow should follow the rest of your arm's topology naturally
Same logic as the elbow + fingers except the positions are swapped for the knees
The front of the knees should have the quad pattern because that's the area which has the most deformation as the kneecaps stick out. The back of the knees you want to follow your leg's topology naturally

Look at this vid for the elbow (12:55 if timestamp doesn't work) and see how he sets up the topology. Apply that for your elbow and similarly to the knees. Enable eng subs

I'm not sure how you transitioned from the groin/belly to the thighs but the reason you're having problems with smoothing that area is because you broke your uniform flow pattern from the belly with that intersecting criss-cross pattern you made on the thighs which is giving you a slanted curve instead of a uniform curve.

You're getting weird smoothing on the thighs because you've essentially made an independent pattern that's working on it's own instead of being supported by the uniform pattern on the belly/groin and legs

Your topology goes back to a normal uniform pattern at the legs, just restitch your thigh pattern so it naturally flows into your leg pattern
is there any good resource about body topology, rigging and weightpainting?
al those "aaa game ready" shit courses are usually just DAZ exports
stuff like this >>990095 is impressive and i just can't piece something like this together from tuts i can find online
i'm just stuck with all this bendy lowpoly shit with poor topology
i downloaded a course called "the art of rigging" a long time ago. it was very informative. It's gotta be a bit outdated but thats probably a good thing with the current state of 3d tutorials.
It's maya based but the fundamentals are universal. I'm compressing it rn. uncompressed it's 11gb, if I can I'll put it up on mega
Is it one of these?
The topology on that ass is ass.
Wtf, no pelvis? Do you guys have no idea about anatomy?
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Got some more work done today. The low poly threads on /v/ are good motivation. Because I'm I hate that low poly is trending now, and I'm motivated by spite.

Anyway. I realized what was wrong with the way I set up the normal painting node. Without getting into a long winded explanation, overlay is not good, because multiplying negatives doesn't get good results. Using add to blend gets more accurate results, but it's not a perfect solution. The nodes in the screenshot show the fixes.
Fill vertex group with 0.5 as a neutral. Less than 0.5 points normals one way. More than 0.5 points normals the other way.

Other than that, I added more detail to the model. Blocked out more of the hair. Got mired in hand topology.(Trying to get the wrist down to 12 edges is proving impossible, without some major compromises.) I figured out how to get that jeweled look to the eye. But for some reason it doesn't render the same as it looks in the viewport. The shader in viewport is accurate, the shader when rendered is broken.

And lastly, I fixed my broken ray marching node, in order to create something of an ambient occlusion effect. The raymarch is fairly accurate, so I'm proud of that. However, it's so accurate, that some of the rays escape their crevices(as expected), thus some points that should clearly be in the dark, read as if they're in the light. I have to find a way to get those points to read dark. Maybe they can share the data of their darker neighbors.
Realistically, how long would it make to learn to make a proper anime model?
Gonna be stuck at home for the next few months so though I'd finally give it a try.
Anywhere from a couple days to months deoending on your motivation. Just, like, do it instead of delaying by asking
I was looking at how arcsys uses square UV's and flat colors to the modeling and started to ponder. Why do they bother with UV textures instead of just then using vertex color for everything?
Bruh wtf is Goo Engine
For starters UE3/4 only support a single vertex color set out of the box, so 4 channels, and they're all used (r is the light threshold, GBA controls various aspects of outlines). Beyond that, textures contain some stuff that isn't axis-aligned (Milia's hair highlights come to mind) and the inner line trick is much easier with textures than with only vertices.
This, but also add talent to the mix. If you're retarded enough like certain schizo here it might take decades.
Need to learn how to make this
Ah thanks for the explanation.
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i can tell something is wrong with it, but i cant tell what
wrong thread, also post face uv layout
needs more out in thenforehead and muzzle. more in around the eyes.
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any better? if you need a shot without the faces selected, just say
add more geometry to that face if you dont want it to look that flat. and dont give me 'muh game purist' shit, ive seen the full body in other threads, those tits are too round for MML standards
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sir, yes, sir
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Not that anon, but her face is definitely flatter compared to the others. I don't believe you need to add geometry where you did in order to fix it. I would suggest reverting back to your previous geometry. And then grab the vertices I've circled here, and pull them forward. The nose would have to come forward too, in order to avoid getting swallowed up by the face.

Her face is of course too narrow. I saw someone mention that in the /v/ thread. They were right. For 1, you have to move her hair out of her face slightly, so you can see a little more of her cheeks. 2, The actual texture of her eyes are too close to the center. Move it away from the center by like 1 pixel. When mirrored, it will create a 2 pixel larger gap, which should be all you need. There's other nuanced stuff I would do with the face texture too that I don't want too bother explaining. But in short, some shaping up on the brows, and getting the shadows on the eyes right. And reducing the amount of colors you're using. In fact, if you gave me a png file for the texture, I'd gladly touch up the texture for you. I enjoy doing pixel art.
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Also, you should consider changing the nose from that to this. It'll probably match the AI image better.
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Here are the two next to each other, I like the face with more topo better.
Does anybody know any good webm making software or plugins?
Blender can render in webm. But I find it easier to use window's snipping tool to capture the desktop. Saving it as mp4, then going to freeconvert.com to convert it to webm.

I can't even tell if you took my advice about the face. It looks just as flat as before. You changed the nose shape, but it's too wide, make it more narrow. The version in the AI image is narrow.
You reeeeeeeeeally need to make the gap between her eyes wider. Or no matter how you change the geometry, it will never look right. That's your number 1 priority right now. I don't want to see another update until you've widened the eye gap. Or just give me the texture file. I'm eager to fix it.
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i move the face a bit forward before, but I've added about 1.5* more forward. also nose fix. + nose bridge made wider.

here's the .psb, 99% of it is in the right layering

i normally do my webm's in blender, but i have to crop and down-rez it down by half to get it even close to the 4 MB limit. does free convert have that issue?
Is there any technical reason why there are a dozen layers? or can I just flatten it? I want to flatten it.
nope, do whatever you want. I just like to keep my stuff organized
Alright, here's the psd back. I preserved your layers. My edit is just the 1 layer on top. https://files.catbox.moe/55q9ol.psd
I hope it looks good. I can't really tell until it's mapped to the face and see how the UVs warp it.
I'm curious about the topology of your references. Did you copy theirs exactly? Or did you do it differently?
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dammm, looks fucking good
ima go to bed, but ill can reply tomorrow
> topology of your references
I have a few low poly heads (ico shapers of relative resolution), so i kinda just picked the most similar and proportion edited it to size. I've only really copied the nose because the style would look too "not mega man legends". without it.
im fairly good at modeling but as you've seen lacking at texturing. was there anything you would recommend?
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>was there anything you would recommend?
Yeah, don't pursue low poly lol.
But seriously, I'm not entirely sure about how to handle head's topology. I have some ideas, but I don't want to say them without testing if they work. My main issue with your face however, is the lack of cheek and general lack of depth. Here, i drew in some cheeks over your image to give you an idea of what I mean. I think that instead of adding extra geometry to the eyes, you should have added extra geometry to cheek area. Creating something of a "shelf". And then you can fine tune the shelf to make it look good.
something like this would be a simple enough fix to make things rounder. also, try moving this conversation to one of the 5 low poly threads

moving on over to >>990642
can anybody confirm if it´s just a me problem? because i´ve been downloading the animation course and that one doesn´t throw out errors
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>download game model to study how to make asses
>take off skirt
not quite fully modeled tier but that´s unexpected
How's my Spike Sculpt looking bros. Anyone got any tutorials or ideas for how to make the hair look not like shit? Thanks!
Well, for starters, his would use more tricks because it doesn't translate well to 3D. His hair is drawn in the same shape despite his head being in different angles.
He has that Goku hair going on.

Heres a good ref of Spike

What you could do is make one clump of hair, then start duplicating while making small adjustments to each duplicated clup. Then merge them together. I'm not familiar with blenders sculpting, but zbrush has a way to merge a bunch of shapes together as one.
ha! I can see him.
upper inner corner of his eyes is higher than the outer upper corner. giving him sad eyes. you can see it in your ref

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