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How would you go about making a wheat field that
>will be seen up close
>is in-engine
>needs to be optimized
>has destructibility
>is dense
So that the 3 main concerns are that it can't consist of a ton of individual strands that are laggy and easily seen through, it can't look dogshit if approached in first person, and will look right if a chunk is removed via programming. Stylized is fine and encouraged as the intent, but shouldn't explicitly come off as fake (e.g. a big rectangle with a solid texture). It doesn't need to be fancily animated, or sway, though the capability to have subtle animation would improve its value. It would benefit if there was some transparency between strands, or the illusion of transparency to a degree that is aesthetically desirable. Bonus if this technique can apply to other such thick, continuous foliage like a field of grass
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you need to use level of detail meshes for sure of you want it to look good uo close in first person. at its highest level yes youll need individual meshes for individual strands of wheat. compromise on that it youll increase performance at the codt of it looking worse. billboards with alhpa channels.
from far away what i think would work is a methid where you stack many planes vertically, and each plane has an alpha map of little dots that when viewd at an angle look like strands of fur or grass.
it already has a name but w/e
yeah but i guess with...wheat
I'm sure there's an asset you can just use, there's no need to reinvent the wheel, also there's no 3D modelling with what you're looking for
you're asking for a lot and it doesn't sound like you know what you're doing, scale down your project
if you still want to make it, watch this and it should give you an idea of what you have to do
>How would you go about making a wheat field that
>>will be seen up close
>>is in-engine
>>needs to be optimized
>>has destructibility
>>is dense
>It is made by fucking Cris
If you are not gonna help just shut up.
use the engine's hair solution from far, and switch to individual strands up close

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