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New AI 3D character generation paper.

I don't get it.
New Cris thread, Cris Cris Cris Cris Cris Cris AHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH.
New kino just dropped?
so why don´t they throw in a retopo step in the pipeline?
Don;t expect much in the next 2-3+ years,but at least it's progress
That's what humans are for
I lift weights for fun. could a machine lift weights for me? absolutely. but it takes the fun out of it. I'm sure this analogy could be applied to many things. glad it's not my job though because I'd definitely get laid off and replaced with a machine :^)
I doubt the machine can understand bug, cars and monsters weight. The AI is nothing more than a scam.
Dw we will be replaced very soon. Enjoy it while it lasts.
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It can't produce real 3D models. Print 3D and Blender can't grab the data. Whole thing is a scam.
its over
AAA studios finished and bankrupt
When you think about it, what exactly has Cris
done wrong?
>the exact same overly hostile and negative reaction to ai advancement that /ic/ had.
let me guess,it will never make good hands right? lol.
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skill issue.
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It's over for /3/cels.
That’s not even close to what you claim or made anything original. Zero credibility whatsoever in higher depth analysis. Get lost loser.
Post a high res athena ref so I can try making this by hand
It still is very usefull as refrence, since I only need to retopo it.

I used an AI picture of athena 2002.
>Ai can’t understand the difference between cups and horns
Program fail, it’s junk. Useless for anything animal related.
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skill issue.

How did you do the retopo? Manually?

On blender.

I just use the 3D mesh as reference.
It doesn’t matter because you can’t do anything with the hands, legs or smaller items. The whole concept defeats the purpose.
there's another websites that can do that.
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It's fucking over. How can we compete?
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The whole thing is a scam, time to stop.
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pretty sure this looks good for horror stuff.
That’s a lot of more work than just creating it. Stop it already, you proven it’s a scam.
cris, with all the effort you are putting into not learning how to 3d model, you could just get a job at McDonald's and pay a guy to it for you on fiverr instead.
Who's Chris?
Is the soul of /3/
If Cris need help with anything I would work for free, Cris is my hideo kojima
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chuds, BTFO.
The knee area looks really messed up
also, for models like this, the difficult part is in texturing, so I hope you don't consider this finished
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And, now.

/3/cels, BTFO.
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why don't you learn to texture and copy some fes256 models, those are so much more appealing than this aislop grainy filtered stuff
because that's not pixel art.
Cris only churn crap to shitpost.
this >>989921 is not pixelart neither, Cris.
because cris refuses to put any actual effort into his work and has been searching for a 3d equivalent of a get rich quick scheme for a decade now
Go suck a bag of dicks you fag.
Cris won and you know it
Peak aesthetics
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>You can't have an original style
>You must only use my goyslop aproved industry standart style
>Wants to have an original style
>Decide to churn anime shit with IA
haahahhahaAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HA, you can't be serious.
>Nooo, stop enjoying things I don't like
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pls don't tell me this is AI
Cris won.
quality, ngl

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